FEPA Medal winners announced
The winners of the FEPA Medal for Exceptional Philatelic Study and Research 2020, and of the Francis Kiddle Medal for the Best Philatelic Website 2021 have been announced.
The announcement is as follows:
At its videoconference call on 16 July 2021 the FEPA Board carefully considered the proposals received from the member Federations for the FEPA MEDAL FOR EXCEPTIONAL PHILATELIC STUDY AND RESEARCH 2020. The Board was delighted to record that no fewer than 13 nominations had been made for the award and that all the nominations were works of high quality based on thorough and systematic research in a wide variety of different fields. Collectively, the nominations submitted were a clear demonstration of the desire among philatelists and postal historians to share their accumulated knowledge in a professional manner with an international audience.
After discussion the Board agreed to award the FEPA MEDAL FOR EXCEPTIONAL PHILATELIC STUDY AND RESEARCH 2020 to:
for “Slovensko (Slovakia) Postal History 1938-1945 (2 vols).
The runners-up, who were awarded a Certificate, are:
- Julian Auleytner, and Stefan Petriuk (Poland)
- Dan-Simeon Grecu (Romania)
- Diego Carraro, Gianni Carraro, Antonio Ferrario, Giuseppe A. Natoli, Marco Panza, and Angelo Teruzzi (Italy)
- James Grimwood-Taylor (United Kingdom)
- Kurt Kimmel (Switzerland) and Patrick Pearson (United Kingdom)
- Mehmet Akan and Timur Kuran (Turkey)
The Board also awarded a Certificate of Appreciation to the authors of other works taken into consideration for the award:
- Wolf Hess (Germany)
- Hans-Werner Salzmann (Germany)
- Franco Filanci and Luigi R. Cataldi (Italy)
- Mircea Dragoteanu (Romania)
At the same meeting the FEPA Board also agreed to award the FRANCIS KIDDLE MEDAL 2021 FOR THE BEST WEBSITE to:
EXPONET (Czech Republic)
A Certificate was awarded to the runners-up:
- Olivier Gervais (France). http://www.timbres-barres-phosphorescentes.fr
- Istituto di studi storici postali “Aldo Cecchi” onlus (Italy) http://www.issp.po.it/
- Cristoph Ozdoba (Switzerland) https://www.klassische-philatelie.ch/
- Nigel Gooding (United Kingdom) http://www.nigelgooding.co.uk
- Stamp Active (United Kingdom) http://www.stampactive.co.uk
- The Great Britain Philatelic Society (United Kingdom) https://www.gbps.org.uk
Warmest congratulations to the winners of these Medals, and thanks to all participants for their contributions.