AMSIPEX-25 Webinar on 18 February
Six speakers will participate in a five-hour, nonstop webinar organised by AMSIPEX-25 in celebration of 18th February, World Air Mail Day.
12:00-12:30 CET: Inauguration
12:30-13:10 CET: Terry Hare Walker, "Imperial Airways Route to India 1927-29"

A ‘Navigation’ collection from Crete visits the Ljubljana Post Office
The Slovenian Philatelic Association has notified us that, from 5 to 28 February, an exhibition titled Navigation will take place in the lobby of Post Office 1101, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The exhibit is part of the Maritime Museum of Crete's permanent…

Considering Auxiliary Markings
We've picked this up from Dr Gregg Redner's FB account:
The Auxiliary Markings Club and the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada announce the publication of a major, joint, open source publishing project - ‘Considering Auxiliary Markings’,…

BERNABA and MUTILATERALE 2025 organisers have sent us the following newsletter:
Experience BERNABA 2025, a major national and multilateral Rank I exhibition that brings together collectors and enthusiasts. The multilateral association consists…

Virtual STAMPEX Talks and Roundtables Announced
The latest press release from the PTS highlights the provisional talks and roundtable schedule:
In just 5 weeks, we will open the doors to Virtual Stampex 2025! We are jam packing this show with incredible dealer booths for you to interact…

BOSTON 2026: U.S. Commissioners Named
Received from BOSTON 2026 on 29 January:
Three regional U.S. commissioners have been announced by Boston 2026 World Expo to handle the transport and care of exhibits before, during and after the show.
Representing the East is Chris Lazaroff,…

The latest book list from the International Postal History Library
We have recently received the following information from the International Postal History Library:
Please find attached the new list of fascinating postal history studies and books currently available from IPHL vzw. Prices listed include shipping…

Academus 28
Number 28 of Academus, the annual publication of the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History (RAHFeHP), is now available.
The volume features articles contributed by the following members of the Academy: Messrs Rafael Acuña…

ABRIA 2025: Newsletter #4
We have received the latest ABRIA 2025 newsletter recently distributed by Norbert Sehler.
The registration deadline for ABRIA 2025 is approaching. Prospective exhibitors can register until 31 January 2025.
The Palmares will take place on 14…

BOSTON 2026: New Website Online
This is the latest Press Release from Thomas M. Fortunato, BOSTON 2026 Public Relations Chair, received on 22 January:
The Boston 2026 World Expo web site has been redesigned as the show nears the sixteenth month before it opens its doors.

Volume IV of Airmail and Aerophilately in Spain (1870–1970)
The latest publication by the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History (RAHFeHP) is Volume IV of the Enciclopedia Histórico Descriptiva 'Correo Aéreo Y Aerofilatelia’ – España (1870-1970), written by members Fernando Aranaz…

Carnets de timbres dans l’air du temps
Through a collection of nearly 200 stamp booklets, posters, and original drawings, visitors are invited to wander among the different formats and messages of this object, reflecting the transformations of French society. The exhibition Stamp…

Major changes to the Philatelic Literature Review coming up
Susanna Mills, Editor-in-Chief of the American Philatelic Society, is guiding us through the major changes to the Philatelic Literature Review in 2025:
The PLR has been struggling to remain self-sustaining for years at its current publication…

EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025 Press Release No. 3
Here are the highlights of EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025 Press Release No. 3:
Standholders to meet all needs
Visitors to the international stamp exhibition, EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025, being held at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham…

Simon Richards takes over as RPSL President
Following the passing of President Mike Roberts in December, the Royal Philatelic Society London has appointed Senior Vice President Simon Richards FRPSL as the new President.
The announcement was made on 9 January at the Royal by the immediate…

URUGUAY 2025 World Exhibition in February
Federación Uruguaya de Filatelia is offering the opportunity to visit Uruguay and its World Stamp Exhibition next month:
Explore an unforgettable journey into the world of philately! Collectors and enthusiasts from across the globe will gather…

New Contributions on Postal Rates in Valencia and Alicante During the 18th and 19th c.
New publication by the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History (RAHFeHP): A monograph by Juan Antonio Llácer Gracia titled Nuevas Aportaciones sobre el Franqueo en las Demarcaciones Postales de Valencia y Alicante Durante los…

The 2025 recipient of the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award
Latest announcement from The Collectors Club, New York:
The Collectors Club is pleased to announce that Dr. Yamil H. Kouri, Jr. of Sarasota, Fla. is this year’s winner of the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award for Distinguished Service…

BOSTON 2026 Bulletin 2
BOSTON 2026 World Stamp Show will be held on 23-30 May 2026 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) under FIP recognition, FIAF patronage, and FEPA recognition. Several important parallel exhibitions will run simultaneously, including…

NORDIA 2025 Bulletin 1
NORDIA 2025 will take place from 12 to 14 September at the MalmöMässan Convention Centre in Malmö, Sweden, located just 300 meters from Hyllie railway station in Malmö. The exhibition is organised by the SFF (Swedish Philatelic Federation)…

Stamp Fun – Showing Your Stamps
Stamp Active have produced their latest publication to assist young collectors who may be interested in producing a stamp exhibit. There is now a new guide to stamp competitions, called “STAMP FUN – Showing Your Stamps”, which can be downloaded…

BOSTON 2026: Three Million Stamps Needed
We have received the latest press release from BOSTON 2026 Public Relations Chairman Thomas Fortunato.
Boston 2026 World Expo calls on all collectors to donate off-paper stamps to build its inventory for use in welcome packets and the youth…

In memoriam: Mike Roberts
The Royal Philatelic Society London announced the loss of their President in a short message from Honorary Secretary Steven Harrison FRPSL on the society's home page:
It is with great sadness that I have to announce the death of our President,…

‘A shelf for the Institute’ Initiative
The Istituto di studi storici postali ‘Aldo Cecchi’ odv is moving to a larger and more convenient facility, also in Prato. Work is now in progress to adapt the rooms and equip them with the security measures required by the law. Meanwhile,…

PTS People’s Choice Awards 2024
Latest from the PTS:
With over 3,500 votes cast, there was fierce competition in this year's PTS People's Choice Awards!
49 Nominees had been shortlisted across five categories - Best Website, Best Publication, Best Social Media, Best Physical…

‘Investing for the Future’ – A Round Table Discussion in Thessaloniki
On 15 November, during Balkanfila XX in Thessaloniki, an open discussion titled ‘Investing for the Future’ took place with the participation of eight prominent philatelists.
A list of topics was suggested in advance, from which the speakers…

Ottoman Empire Postal History of Greece (1840–1912)
Alan C. Mellaart FRPSL has recently published his first book on Ottoman Postal History and has promised that more are to come. We quote from the book's Preface:
The Ottoman Empire Postal History of Greece attempts to visually explore the rich…

Balkanfila Newsletter No. 6
Balkanfila Newsletter No. 6 celebrates its first birthday!
The current 63-page newsletter is packed with reports featuring a wide range of philatelic news from the member countries of the Balkanfila Working Group. It includes updates on international…

National exhibitions in Italy planned for 2025
The Italian Philatelic Federation (FSFI) has announced the national exhibitions in 2025.
Italia colleziona 2025 (Virtual), in March-April, not competitive and qualification, all classes except for Philatelic Literature, organised by Unione…

Sarawak: The First Forty Years 1858-1898
On 17 December, we received the following news from the Museum of Philately:
In honor of our Museum President, we are delighted to announce the publication of a book presenting the Simon Martin-Redman's acclaimed Grand Prix Collection of Sarawak.…

Collaboration agreement between AISP and RAHFHP
Latest Press Release by the Italian Association of Postal History (AISP).
On Saturday, 14 December 2024, the scheduled joint event organised by the Italian Association of Postal History (AISP) and the Lombard Philatelic Union took place, with…

Social Philately – Menschen in Deutsch-Ostafrika
The following presentation of Dr Hans-Joachim Soll's book was copied from the BDPh website.
This book was originally based on a purely postal-history collection of German East Africa. Later, the author of the book became inspired by social…

Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!
The depicted letter from Edinburgh to neighbouring Leith was handstamped 'TOO LATE' indicating that it had been posted late and held back until the next collection. As a result, the sender's wishes on that Christmas evening did not reach the…

Philately from a different perspective
In celebration of its centenary, the Hellenic Philatelic Society (HPS) has released a publication showcasing its longstanding contributions to philately and culture. The publication highlights the richness of philately and its profound connections…

Phila-France 2025 – Colmar
The following news has been recently uploaded on the French Philatelic Federation (FFAP) website:
Our Federation is pleased to announce that the next French Philatelic Championship (Championnat de France) will take place from 6 to 9 June 2025…

Italia e Iberia: La posta fra gli Stati delle due penisole 1814–1876
Italia e Iberia: La posta fra gli Stati delle due penisole 1814–1876, translated into English as Italy and Iberia: Postal Relations Between the States of the Two Peninsulas 1814–1876, published by UNIFICATO in collaboration with AIFSP,…

A Christmas Stamp was validated in Bulgaria
We have received the following news from Bulgaria.
At 'Christmas Plovdiv 2024' the Christmas stamp was officially validated. In fact, it was validated by Santa Claus himself, accompanied by Snow White, the Christmas Elf, the artist Kapka Kaneva…

‘MDR Sachsen-Anhalt heute’ visits the ‘Christmas bakery‘ in Pretzier
Dittmar Wöhlert from the Deutsche Philatelisten-Jugend e.V. sent us yesterday the following report:
On Saturday, 7 December, a television crew from the MDR programme ‘Sachsen-Anhalt heute’ visited the group lesson of the Pretzier Young…

Retreat: from Niš to Corfu (1915‐1916) – Silent Witnesses
Milan Radovanović's latest book was published in 2023 in Belgrade. It is written in Serbian with the original title Повлачење: Од Ниша До Крфа (1915-1916) – Неми Сведоци translated into English as Retreat:…

Cape of Good Hope — The Triangular Stamps
The book features Joseph Hackmey's collection of the Triangular Stamps of the Cape of Good Hope, and is published by the Museum of Philately.
On the reverse side of its dust cover, we read: This book marks the inaugural publication of the Museum…

Latest announcement by the PTS:
Virtual Stampex 2025 is open for registration!
Since 2020, Virtual Stampex has pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the online philatelic events space. We seek to encourage community, learning, and friendship;…

BEPHILA 2026 Newsletter #3
The latest BEPHILA 2026 newsletter announced that FEPA had agreed to grant Recognition to BEPHILA and will help promote the exhibition.
It also announced that an individual postage stamp priced at 0,85 € (standard letter up to 20g) with the…

EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025 Press Release No. 2
Court of Honour not to be missed
Highlight of the international stamp exhibition, EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025, being held at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham from Wednesday, 7 May, until Sunday, 11 May 2025, will be the Court of…

Νew volumes from the Global Philatelic Network
The Global Philatelic Network has recently released five more volumes in the renowned Edition d’Or and Edition Spéciale series:
Edition d’Or, Vol. 76: Postal History of the Southern Coast of Norway from 1719 to GPU – The Terje…

We Celebrate our 100th Newsletter!
The FEPA Newsletter journey began on 4 May 2020 with the release of our very first issue. Since 21 February 2022, it has been consistently distributed on a fortnightly basis, arriving in your inbox every other Monday at 11:00 am CET.
Each newsletter…

A World of Philatelic Fakes and Forgeries
At its 2024 Congress in Copenhagen last October, the International Association of Philatelic Experts (AIEP) celebrated its 70th anniversary by presenting Thomas Mathà's 2024 Platinum Jubilee Book, titled A World of Philatelic Fakes and Forgeries.

The Future of Stamp Shows (Video)
Three experts in stamp show organising—Scott English (Great American Stamp Show), Behruz Nassre (Westpex), and Liz Hisey (Sarasota)—are discussing the present and future of stamp shows. They were invited to speak on 27 November by The Collectors…

LIBEREC 2025 National Exhibition with international participation
LIBEREC 2025 is a competitive exhibition of the 1st and 2nd levels, which includes Traditional Philately, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Thematic Philately, Philatelic Literature, Open Philately, Youth Classes, Picture Postcards, and Single-Frame…

EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025 Press Release
Τhe international stamp exhibition, EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025, will be hosted by the United Kingdom, and will be held at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham from Wednesday, 7 May until Sunday, 11 May 2025.
The National Exhibition…

A Different Classification of the Large Hermes Heads Stamps of Greece
A few weeks ago, a new book on the first Greek issue was released. It is titled A Different Classification of the Large Hermes Heads Stamps of Greece.
The author, Athanasios D. Spanos, is a collector with over 60 years of experience and expertise…

BEPHILA 2026 Newsletter #2
We have recently received BEPHILA 2026 Newsletter #2 from Norbert Sehler.
The Berin auction house 'Schlegel' is strengthening its commitment to competitive philately as the main sponsor of BEPHILA 2026. 'BEPHILA 2026 is an extremely important…

Two New Polish Books on POW Camps
The Polish Philatelists Union (PZF) website reports that two very valuable monographs have been published regarding POWs' correspondence from the Murnau and Hadamar officers' camps.
Jacek Kubczyk, Oflag VII A Murnau. Korespondencja polskich…

ABRIA 2025: Newsletter #3
Norbert Sehler has recently distributed ABRIA 2025 Newsletter #3.
The newsletter's main features are the call for limited space availability for dealers and Study Groups, and the latest information on the postage stamp marking the 500th anniversary…

Inauguration of the Spanish Post Library
We've received this from the Real Academia Hispánica de Filatelia e Historia Postal.
On 15 November, the inauguration ceremony of the new Library of the Spanish Post (Correos) took place at Correos Headquarters, located at Calle Conde de Peñalver…

My One-Page Exhibit Programme in its 5th year!
We've picked it up from the American Philatelic Society (APS) webpage:
Literally, a single page, either 8.5” x 11” or 11” x 17” in size, or A4 and A3 in international sizes, the exhibit represents an accessible way for philatelic exhibiting…

FIP has released its latest Flash magazine No. 138
The International Philatelic Federation (FIP) has uploaded on its website the latest issue of Flash, its biannual official house organ.
Highlights of the FIP Board Meetings
The new FIP Grand Prix Club website

Sfizi.di.Posta at the University of Bari
On Friday, 15 November, Marco Occhipinti was invited to speak about mail and communication to the students of Claudia Villani's Cultural History and History Teaching course at the University of Bari. Villani is a researcher in Contemporary History…

MONACOPHIL 2024 Publications
Three new publications have been introduced by MONACOPHIL 2024.
MonacoPhil 2024 - Luxury Catalogue of 100 World Philatelic Rarities Exhibition
A deluxe catalogue of the 100 World Philatelic Rarities exhibition held for MonacoPhil 2024 at the…

Gold, Large Gold Medals and Grand Prizes for BALKANFILA XX (13-16 November) were announced during the Palmares Dinner at the Mediterranean Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, on Friday evening.
The big winners were:
Grand Prix International BALKANFILA:…

BDPh online seminars 2024-2025
Over the past few years, BDPh online seminars have become a well-established feature during the winter season. This winter, BDPh is once again offering a series of seminars on exciting topics. Participation is free of charge and open to all…

Videos from the FEPA-supported seminars at HAFNIA 24
On Friday 18 October, during HAFNIA 24 in Copenhagen, two enlightening seminars were presented to a packed audience by two prominent speakers:
"Open Philately" by Birthe King
A longtime expert and international juror in the Open Philately…

Le rattachement du Duché de Savoie et du Comté de Nice à la France
The 344-page book focuses on the postal and philatelic effects that followed France's 1860 annexation of the County of Nice and the Duchy of Savoy. It is based on an inventory of mail sent from post offices between the entrance of the French…

Great Britain Postal Stationery with Security / Advertising Collars
Dr Alan K. Huggins MBE RDP Hon FRPSL, Honorary and first President of FEPA, Past President of the RPSL and the GBPS, and a specialist in Postal Stationery has published the results of his latest research in a book titled Great Britain Postal…

BALKANFILA XX is set to welcome its exhibitors and visitors
BALKANFILA XX is set to welcome exhibitors and visitors to Thessaloniki. The FEPA recognised exhibition will take place from 13 to 16 November at Pavillion 6 (Pavillion of the Nations) on the Thessaloniki International Fairgrounds, featuring:

Postgeschichte Live 2024 Awards
The international competition Postgeschichte Live (24–26 October 2024) was organised by the Southwest Regional Association and the German Old Letter Collectors Association, at Ulm IBB (the Trade Fair), featuring 59 Postal History and Literature…

The Postal Rates of the Republic of Türkiye 1920-1950
The "Postal Rates of the Republic of Türkiye 1920-1950" is a project by the Postal Rates Research Group of the Turkish Philatelic Academy. This 350-page, full-colour, and fully bilingual book documents Turkey's postal rates from 1920 to 1950,…

Macedonian Stamps presented to Chinese Philatelists
We received the following report from Sinisha Pavleski, President of the Union of Philatelists of Macedonia.
On 25th October, an online presentation titled "Errors on Macedonian stamps" was held for Chinese philatelists in Northeast China.…

Yacov Tsachor (1946-2024)
Yoram Lubinaiker sent us the sorrowful news regarding the loss of Yacov Tsachor.
It is my sad duty to report that Yacov Tsachor passed away on Thursday, October 24th. He was 78 years old.
Yacov Tsachor was active in the philatelic world as…

HAFNIA 24 Newsletter #16
Newsletter #16
HAFNIA 24 has finished!
Copenhagen, 22 October 2024
Thank you
The HAFNIA 24 has been an exciting event.
From the organizing committee, we would like to thank visitors, exhibitors, commissioners, the jury, sponsors, dealers,…

EUROPHILEX 2025 in Birmingham: Seven months to go
On behalf of the organisers, on 19 October during HAFNIA 24, Simon Richards presented the upcoming FEPA-patronised philatelic exhibition, EUROPHILEX 2025.
EUROPHILEX 2025 is scheduled for next year, between 7 and 11 May, at the National Exhibition…

Postal History Symposium: Zoom Registration Now Available
We've received this from the American Philatelic Society:
Interested in the Postal History Symposium but can't make it to Bellefonte November 15-16?
We have good news — you can attend the talks by our presenters via Zoom. Click here to register…

HAFNIA 24 Awards
The Large Gold Medals and Grand Prizes for HAFNIA 24 were announced during the Palmares Dinner at the CPH Conference in Copenhagen on Saturday evening.
The big winners were:
Grand Prix HAFNIA 24: Nicholas Miles Kirke (Czech Republic),…

BEPHILA 2026 is a Bilateral Stamp Exhibition between Germany and Sweden, taking place from 17 to 19 July 2026 in the Sparkassen-Arena Bernau, located at Ladeburger Dreieck, 16321 Bernau near Berlin.
The Berlin Philatelic Exhibition (BEPHILA)…

Latest news from the Museum of Philately
President Simon Martin-Redman FRPSL has shared the latest from the Museum of Philately.
More and more great philatelists from around the world have uploaded their collections to the Museum's website. The latest additions include Gordon Eubanks…

ABRIA 2025: Innovative arrangement for dealer stands
In their latest newsletter, ABRIA 2025 organisers made an unusual announcement regarding dealer registration:
Anyone who downloads the registration form for dealers from the exhibition's homepage will notice a particularly interesting phrasing:…

BALKANFILA XX in November in Thessaloniki
BALKANFILA XX opening ceremony is just 35 days away. There is still time to gather your family, buy your tickets, and start packing. The organisers say there is a good chance you will experience one of the most memorable philatelic visits of…

Francisc Ambrus, Romania, circulated the following report:
DOBRICH FILEX 2024 was a national Maximaphily exhibition with international participation, celebrating 145 years since the independence of Bulgaria and the introduction of the first…

APATIN 2024: A competitive virtual exhibition
Information received from Zeljko Popovic, Serbia:
Over the past few years, three online philatelic exhibitions have been held in Apatin. The organisers' intention is to make a big step forward by presenting the APATIN 2024 online exhibition…

FEPA-supported Seminars and FEPA Congress at HAFNIA 24
FEPA Congress 2024 at HAFNIA 24
We are looking forward to welcoming delegates from more than 30 FEPA Members at our annual Congress in Copenhagen where we will review progress and discuss plans for the next two years.
FEPA-supported seminars…

The”Multiarea-palasettembre” exhibition centre in Chiuduno, near Bergamo, hosted “Bergamofil 2024” from September 27 to 29. This “66th Philatelic Convention and Exhibition” included the traditional trade event and one of the yearly…

Display Your Way at Stampex
Received from the PTS and Stampex International:
Your chance to display at Stampex this month
After the success of Display Your Way at Virtual Stampex, we are bringing our Display Your Way concept to our in person Stampex at the BDC event…

BOSTON 2026 presented by Yamil Kouri (Video)
On 25th September, Yamil Kouri, President and General Commissioner of BOSTON 2026 WORLD EXPO, was invited by The Collectors Club in New York and spoke on camera about the latest updates regarding the upcoming exhibition. In summary, the main…

HAFNIA 24 Newsletters #14 & 15
Newsletter #14
Souvenirs at HAFNIA 24
Copenhagen, 28 September 2024
HAFNIA 24 mini sheet
On 1 October, PostNord Denmark published a second exhibition block on the occasion of HAFNIA 24. The block is similar to the first block, which was published…

The ‘Augusto Massari’ Prize 2024
The 23nd edition of the ‘Augusto Massari’ Prize for music philately took place in Vasto on the occasion of the VASTOPHIL 2024 national exhibition (from 20 to 22 September 2024, at Palazzo d’Avalos, on the initiative of the ‘Nino Piccirilli’…

Smart@Ulm: Hybrid Exhibition for Youngsters
Dittmar Wöhlert of Landesring Süd-West e.V. has sent us the following Press Release:
On September 21 at 4 p.m., the first hybrid stamp exhibition for young people will enter the next phase: smart@Ulm will open and then go online. After the…

MIDPEX 2025 Going Ahead
MIDPEX is the biennial exhibition first held in 1995 and attended by stamp collectors from across the UK. It brings together Specialist Societies with local, national and international dealers covering all aspects of Philately. The spacious…

European Academy of Philately (AEP): A brand new website
The European Academy of Philately (AEP) has revitalised, improved, and modernised its bilingual (French, English) website. Data migration is still underway and is expected to be completed soon. Most entries in the Academy, Members, Publications,…

HAFNIA 24: Danish Philatelic Literature Display
Chris King RDP Hon FRPSL has circulated a 181-page Handbook on Danish Philatelic Literature, comprising:
Philatelic Literature:
- The First Danish Stamp Album
- Handbooks, Monographs, and Catalogues
- Philatelic Periodicals and Journals

Darin P. Cherniwhan will talk about Digital Philately
John Davies RDP has sent us the details about the forthcoming Great Britain Philatelic Society (GBPS) meetings. On Saturday, 14 December, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (London time), Darin P. Cherniwhan will give a presentation on Digital Philately…

Balkanfila Newsletter No. 5
With just a few weeks remaining until the opening of the 20th edition of the Balkanfila exhibition in Thessaloniki, the current newsletter presents a comprehensive narrative covering its history from the first edition in Varna in 1965 to last…

EXFILNA 2024, 2-6 October
The Spanish Philatelic Federation (FESOFI) website reports:
The 62nd National Philatelic Exhibition, EXFILNA 2024, organized by FESOFI, CORREOS, and the Vallisoletano Philatelic Group (EXFILNA 92, EXFILNA 04, and EXFILNA 2011), with the collaboration…

AMSIPEX-25 Virtual Aerophilatelic & Astrophilatelic Exhibition
AMSIPEX-25 is a virtual exhibition organised by the Air Mail Society of India Foundation (AMSI) to celebrate World Air Mail Day (18th February). It will run from 15 to 23 February 2025.
Exhibitors from all over the world are invited to participate…

Timbres-Passion 2022, Châlons-en-Champagne, France, in October
In a few weeks, Timbres Passion 2024 will open its doors!
Under the patronage of the French Federation of Philatelic Associations (FFAP) and with the support of ADPhile, the Champagne-Ardenne Philatelic Group, and the City of Châlons-en-Champagne,…

HAFNIA 24 Newsletter #13
Newsletter #13
One month to HAFNIA 24
Copenhagen, 17 September 2024
Today there is only one month until we open the doors for HAFNIA 24 in Øksnehallen, Copenhagen. We are so excited and looking forward to see you there.
There are lots of…

Søren Christian Jensen receives the Denmark Medal
At its 7th September meeting in Nyborg, the Danish Philatelic Association (DFF) awarded the Denmark Medal to Søren Christian Jensen. The reasons quoted were the recipient's work for Danish philately, his collections, articles, and books. The…

ALPEN-ADRIA 2024 Awards
ALPEN-ADRIA 2024 multinational exhibition was held in Amberg, Germany, between 13 and 15 September. The Grand Prix was awarded to Artur Banas for his exhibit "Alpine Skiing – One of the Most Popular Winter Sports".
The six-member jury was…

AIEP Platinum Jubilee Congress
The Association Internationale des Experts en Philatelie (AIEP) will celebrate its 70th anniversary in Copenhagen, during HAFNIA 24. The Platinum Jubilee Congress will take place on Saturday, 19 October 2024.
The programme includes:

First ChatBot for Philately on Philately.live!
Philately.Live has announced the first ChatBot for Philately. Droege Computing has announced the first AI-powered assistant!
"Phil", as he is known, has been trained on content derived from the 2,500 Philatelic websites that comprise the current…

Tribute to Guglielmo Marconi
A group of five organisations active in philately and postal history agreed to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Marconi’s birth with a special presentation. The Philatelic Society “Guglielmo Marconi” of Sasso Marconi, Prato’s Institute…

EnajstoOkno Kranj 2024 Catalogue and Palmares
In his greetings in the exhibition catalogue, Bojan Bračič, president of the Slovenian Philatelic Federation, reminds us that the regular biennial One-Frame exhibition in Slovenia was established in 2003. Twenty-one years later, the exhibition…

FIP releases Flash magazine No. 137
Here is the latest issue of Flash, the house organ of International Philatelic Federation (FIP), featuring:
Highlights of the FIP Board meetings.
The FIP Roundtable and the Jury Academy, both held in Bucharest.
Introduction of…

Letters are tangible works of art as unique as your fingerprints
The following excerpts are from a short story published on the Guardian website in 2017:
When Kiran Sidhu rediscovered letters her aunt had written 20 years ago, she could picture her and hear her voice. The discovery transported her to a precious…

HAFNIA 24 Newsletter #12
Newsletter #12
Literature at display
Copenhagen, 31 August 2024
There will be two literature exhibitions at HAFNIA 24
Literature has the most important role in bringing knowledge to philatelic collectors. At HAFNIA 24 no less than 60 literature…

The 7th Altmark Philatelic Exhibition (ABRIA 2025) in Stendal, Germany
The stamp collectors' society "Stendaler Roland e.V." will host the 7th Altmark Philatelic Exhibition (ABRIA) in the Hanseatic city of Stendal from 14 to 15 June 2025. The exhibition will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the installation of…

Linn’s Stamp News goes digital only
Linn's Editor, Jay Bigalke, wrote on the journal's website that the 26th August issue of Linn’s Stamp News marks the 5,000th issue of the publication, a milestone that took 97 years to achieve. A special article looking back at some of the…

Union Postale Summer 2024
Earlier this month, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) presented the newest number of their quarterly magazine:
The latest #UnionPostale Summer 2024 edition is here! This quarter, we delve into how UPU and its members are bolstering the global…

Swansea postcard dating back 121 years finally arrives
We picked this up from the Sky News website. It was written by Tomos Evans, Wales reporter, on 21 August.
When staff at a building society in Swansea received their mail on Friday, they were surprised by what they discovered. In among their…

Boston 2026 Receives FEPA Recognition
We have just received the following Press Release from Boston 2026:
The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) has granted Recognition status to the Boston 2026 World Expo.
FEPA is the continental European organization that…

“Les Belgolâtres” Magazine is Free to Download
Last week, the editors of the digital magazine Les Belgolâtres sent us an email mentioning the following:
"Here is a link for downloading our philatelic bulletin Les Belgolâtres, No. 19: https://www.philafrica.be/BELGOLATRES/bulletins/BELGOLATRES%2019%20-%20juillet%202024.pdf. It…

Narrow-Theme International Exhibition EnajstoOkno Kranj 2024
The Slovenian word 'EnajstoOkno' translates to 'Eleventh Window' in English. EnajstoOkno Kranj 2024 is, therefore, the 11th edition of a biennial philatelic exhibition with international participation. This year the event has evolved from a…

The 54th Asiago International Prize for Philatelic art
At its 54th edition of the Asiago International Prize for Philatelic Art, also known as the Oscar of Philately, the Jury has bestowed the Oscar on two postage stamps.
The first, was a miniature sheet from the Czech Republic, celebrating William…

Autumn Sberatel Fair, on 6-7 September
The largest gathering of collectors in Central and Eastern Europe will take place again this year, on 6-7 September, at the PVA Expo Letňany fairground. More than 230 dealers from all over the world will offer stamps, coins, medals, banknotes,…

Articles-Only Literature Exhibition
We have picked this up from Linn's Stamp News:
The Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition invites submissions to its seventh annual articles-only literature exhibition at the annual stamp show and exhibition scheduled for Jan. 17-19, 2025, at the…

„phila“-Toscana und ÖVEBRIA 2024
Regional and National Competition Exhibition with International Participation in Rank I and II at the Toscana Congress House 4810 Gmunden, between 23 and 25 August 2024.
Guest Country: Czech Republic. Special post offices, first days of issue,…

Ulm Messe: Postgeschichte-Live next October
Klaus Weis FRPSL, DASV President, has sent us his last call for the Posthorn competition in Postgeschichte-Live, 24-26 October, in Ulm: "Take your chance and register your exhibit by 15 August 2024 at the latest. You will find the relevant documents…

ABPS has a new Chairman
Latest press release by the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS):
John Davies RDP FRPSL was elected as the new Chairman of the Association of British Philatelic Societies at the recent AGM. The AGM took place during the Philatelic…

STAMPEX 2024 at the BDC, London, in October
This is the latest news from the PTS and Stampex International:
We're gearing up for our next in-person Stampex show, at the Business Design Centre (London) from the 23rd to the 26th October. The show is free to attend on all four days, and…

An interesting survey by the Swedish Federation
A very interesting survey was published on the website of the Swedish Federation (SFF).
New fees were decided at the latest SFF Congress that apply from 2025. Members were asked to choose between an annual subscription of SEK 595 (EUR 52) to…

HAFNIA 24 Newsletter #11
Newsletter #11
Exhibition event program
Copenhagen, 30 July 2024
A preliminary exhibition event program for HAFNIA 24 are ready
We are happy to announce a nearly 100% ready program for the four exhibition days at HAFNIA 24. There will be…

MARE BALTICUM 2024 Palmares
MARE BALTICUM 2024 was organised by the Estonian Philatelic Federation and held in the Estonian National Museum, Tartu, from 26 to 28 July. The exhibition has been granted FEPA recognition and FIP sponsorship. On the 27th, a jury comprising…

Americans and the Great War: A Postal History
We have picked this up from the American Philatelic Society (APS) website.
Kevin Lowther's Americans and the Great War: A Postal History is now available to purchase through the APS Publication Store. This 255-page study of American WWI postal…

EUROSCOUT 2024 Programme
The organisers of EUROSCOUT 2024 have sent us the Programme and the Activities' Registration Form.
The exhibition is scheduled for 19-22 September 2024. However, registration for the various activities must be submitted before 19 August.

FIP Literature Commission Newsletter
We have received the latest newsletter from the Secretary of the FIP Literature Commission.
The 24-page newsletter features Wolfgang Maassen's paper on his presentation at the AIJP congress in Bucharest, entitled "General problems with exhibitions…

Balkanfila Newsletter No. 4
The 4th edition of the Newsletter published by the Balkanfila Working Group is a rich 44-page booklet with the latest in philately of South-East Europe, featuring:
Exhibitions: EnajstoOkno Kranj 2024 (Slovenia), Balkanfila XX (Thessaloniki,…

FEPA News magazine July 2024 is now online
The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) released this morning the July 2024 issue of FEPA News magazine featuring:
News from FEPA
News from FEPA Members
Exhibition News
Forthcoming Exhibitions
FEPA Exhibiting

3rd International Congress of Postal History in Prato
The 3rd International Conference "Postal History: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Diachronic Perspectives," organised by the "Aldo Cecchi" Institute of Postal History Studies in Prato, was held between 20 and 22 June. Three intense days involved…

SAVPEX 2024 results
South Africa’s Ninth Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa, attracted 91 exhibits from around the…

The Devonshire Bowl and Plate 2024
On Thursday, 4 July, the Royal Philatelic Society London hosted its fourth single-frame competition at its premises. This open event allowed the society's members to compete in all subjects and classes recognised under existing ABPS categories.

OLYMPIEX 2024 is a virtual Philatelic Exhibition organised by the Postcrossing Welfare Society of India.
We read on the organisers' webpage:
a. Inviting Philately Items, Postcards,…

The FEPA Medal for Exceptional Study and Research for 2023
The FEPA Medal 2023 for Exceptional Study and Research has been awarded to:
Colin Tabeart (Great Britain) for British Long Distance Mail Packets, Volume 2.
A Certificate as Runner-up has been awarded to:
Stavros Andreadis (Greece) for Large…

Benny Winther winner of the Silver Postiljon!
Latest press release by Postiljonen:
This year’s NORDIA exhibition was held in Langesund, Norway, from May 31 to June 2, and we are very happy to announce that the winner of the Postiljonen Challenge Trophy “SilverPostiljonen”, awarded…

Barreiros brothers win the Crawford Medal
The Royal Philatelic Society London has announced that Dr Luis Barreiros and Dr Eduardo Barreiros won the Crawford Medal at the 3rd Annual Crawford Festival (25-26 June) with their book Portuguese India — Postal History and the First Issues…

Kids have fun at Stampex 2024
Latest press release by Stamp Active:
There will be a special STAMP ACTIVE KIDS ZONE with a range of attractions for youngsters, at Stampex 2024 (23rd to 26th October 2024), including:
Free Vouchers for £20 to spend at the event (limited…

The American Philatelic Society announced the 2024 Luff Awards
The American Philatelic Society (APS) announced today the recipients of the 2024 Luff Award, the most prestigious award bestowed by the APS upon living philatelists.
(a) For Distinguished Philatelic Research: Kenneth H. “Ken” Trettin

MONACOPHIL 2024 Programme
The programme for MonacoPhil 2024 has been confirmed. With the exhibition of the 100 Rarities remaining at their traditional home at the Fontvieille Museum of Stamps and Coins, MonacoPhil is celebrating its first show at the One Monte-Carlo…

Elections at the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies
On 15 June, the Assembly of the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies (FSFI) re-elected Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi (left in photo) as president for the next three-year term, with 156 votes; his opponent Umberto Cavallaro received 85 votes.

The FEPA Awards for 2023
The FEPA Board wishes to express its profound gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the recognition of exceptional achievements in the world of European philately by nominating individuals and societies for the FEPA Medals and Certificates…

Next year’s NORDIA 2025 in Malmö
We have received this Newsletter from the Swedish Federation:
Postiljonen is Main Sponsor of NORDIA 2025!
Postiljonen AB, the leading Nordic stamp auction house, is happy to announce its partnership with NORDIA 2025, the major Nordic stamp…

NORDIA 2024 Awards
The regional exhibition NORDIA 2024 took place in Langesund, Norway, from 31 May until 2 June.
The big winners were:
Grand Prix Nordia (Championship Class): Benny Winther (Denmark), "The Classic Stamps of Denmark 1851–1863"

DeBra2024 Newsletter #10
DeBra2024 is only three weeks away. In Newsletter #10 sent out yesterday, there are many good reasons to visit the exhibition.
Brazilian special postage stamp "200 years of German immigration in Brazil"
Opening ceremony with stamp…

The Large Hermes Heads of Greece—Deciphering These Magnificent Classical Stamps
This luxurious book is the result of several years of systematic study. In a concise yet understandable and structured way, it brings together much of the philatelic knowledge regarding the Large Hermes Heads—the first postage stamps of Greece,…

URUGUAY 2025 World Stamp Exhibition
URUGUAY 2025 is a Specialised World Stamp Exhibition under FIP patronage, organised by the Federación Uruguaya de Filatelia (FUF) on the occasion of the bicentenary of Uruguay's independence, sponsored by the Uruguayan Postal Service, and supported…

FFAP launches revamped website
The French Philatelic Federation (Fédération Française des Associations Philatéliques, FFAP) has unveiled its revamped website, featuring a modern design, easy navigation, and a wealth of useful information; a true gem for philately enthusiasts.

BOSTON 2026 Bulletin #1
Two years before its grand opening, BOSTON 2026 WORLD EXPO is preparing to celebrate the United States 250th anniversary with a big philatelic show at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC). According to the organisers, there will…

International philatelic exhibition in Belgrade in 2027
At the recent Philatelic Exhibition, EFIRO 2024, in Bucharest, the Union of Philatelists of Serbia and the Post of Serbia applied to the FIP to host a world philatelic exhibition in Belgrade. The FIP Board of Directors accepted the proposal. Ratification…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #9
The latest Newsletter from DeBra2024 features:
In addition to the Arge Brazil special show, another highlight will be on display at the exhibition. It is the exhibit “Prussia - The First Three Issues 1850-59”, which received the Grand…

PARIS-PHILEX 2024 à Paris Expo
Paris-Philex 2024 se déclinera en :
Une compétition philatélique ambitieuse (plus de 100 participants au Championnat de France).
Une exposition spéciale consacrée aux Jeux Olympiques et le Concours Open Sport Philatélique2024.

The GBPS Review of the 2023/2024 Season
We have received the latest Press Release from John Davies RDP FRPSL, Press Officer of the Great Britain Philatelic Society (GBPS).
Review of the 2023/2024 Season
The GBPS Annual Competitions were held in March with a wide variety of exhibits.…

EnajstoOkno 2024 in Cranj, Slovenia
The 11th edition of the specialised biannual exhibition in Slovenia has become an NTE (Narrow Theme Exhibits) exhibition, calling for participation one-, two-, and three-frame exhibits from all countries, members of FEPA.
The exhibits must…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #8
We have received the latest Newsletter from the DeBra2024 organisers with the following highlights:
Special exhibition envelopes are on sale.
The 15 jurors for the exhibition have been named and will be presented on the homepage. Furthermore,…

BALKANFILA Newsletter No. 3
A rich report from EFIRO 2024, the latest news about the upcoming exhibitions in the Balkan countries, new publications and new stamp issues, an acquaintance with the Romanian Museum of Records in Bucharest, and much more is what Newsletter…

22 articles from prominent scholars under the general theme "The Spanish speaking countries" was this year's contribution to Editor Guy Coutant's call for papers in Opus XXIV. It is the socond time that the annual publication of the European…

RPSL and Royal Patronages
In his President's Newsletter, dated 8 May, Mike J Y Roberts FRPSL, President of the Royal Philatelic Society London, wrote:
Some of you who follow the press briefings over in the UK will be aware that there has been a recent review of Royal…

HAFNIA 24 Newsletter #10
Exhibits and Jury ready
Newsletter #10
Copenhagen, 6 May 2024
The Exhibits for HAFNIA 24 are now on-line
The lists of exhibits at HAFNIA 24 are now available on-line. The lists are in both class and country order and a separate list for…

New Board and President for the Philatelic Society of Egypt
We received the following announcement from our member, the Philatelic Society of Egypt.
At the Philatelic Society of Egypt a new board of directors was elected for the next four years at its General Assembly held on 8 December 2023. Later,…

EUROPHILEX 2025 – One Year To Go by Jon Aitchison
Jon Aitchison will speak on Zoom about next year's biggest philatelic event in Europe. The Zoom session is scheduled for Tuesday 7 May, at 16:00 CEST.
EuroPhilEx Birmingham 2025 opens on 7 May 2025, so with one year to go, this is an outline…

Postgeschichte Live at IBB Ulm, Germany
Winning one of the Posthorns will once again be the ultimate dream of the Postgeschichte Live exhibitors. The most important European Postal History Show will be part of the Internationale Briefmarken-Börse 2024 in Ulm, Germany, from 24 to…

Exhibition: Il voto delle donne
The exhibition 'Il voto delle donne' (Women's Vote) will be open between 29 April and 10 June 2024 at the Esperienza Europa - David Sassoli exhibition space, Piazza Venezia 6c, Rome. It is about voting rights, narrated through postage stamp…

1,050 Reasons to Attend Virtual Stampex 2024
Summary of the latest Newsletter from PTS and Stampex International on Virtual Stampex, which is coming up on 2-4 May 2024:
39 Booths to explore. The Booth Hall and Society Hall include dealers, auction houses, magazines, online platforms,…

BRATISLAVAFILA 2023 Palmares booklet
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Slovak Republic, the Union of Slovak Philatelists (ZSF), in cooperation with the Slovak Post, has organised BRATISLAVAFILA 2023, a National philatelic exhibition with international participation,…

Crawford Festival 2024
We've picked this up from the website of the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS):
The Royal Philatelic Society London is pleased to announce the short list of six from which the Crawford Medal Committee will select the 2024…

The Mulready Caricature
Co-authors Robin Cassell FRPSL and Richard Hobbs FRPSL have provided us with the following brief introduction on the RPSL website:
When Rowland Hill introduced the Mulready Envelope and Lettersheet to the world on 6 May 1840 they were immediately…

An all-round view on mail: Prato, Italy, 20-22 June
Today, we received the following from the Istituto di studi storici postali “Aldo Cecchi” odv.
Prato (23 April 2024) – Two months on, it is safe to say that almost everything is ready for the International Conference “Postal History…

YEREVAN 2024 International Exhibition
Hovik Musayelyan, President of the Armenian Philatelists Association, has sent us the following invitation.
Last year, on December 4-14, a philatelic exhibition devoted to Christian Values took place in Yerevan. The official cancellation ceremony…

New volumes by the Global Philatelic Network
Three new books have been recently presented by Tobias Huylmans and Jonas Hällström, both Managing Directors at the Global Philatelic Network. The presentation took place in Bucharest during EFIRO 2024 World Stamp Exhibition.
Edition d’Or…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #7
Latest Newsletter from DeBra2024 organisers:
The registration deadline for DeBra2024 ended on February 29, 2024. The goal was to fill the 600 existing frames with exhibits. As the new frames with 16 sheets per frame will be used, all applicants…

EFIRO 2024 Results
The EFIRO 2024 World Philatelic Exhibition concluded yesterday evening with the Palmares dinner at the famous Le Château. The organisers announced that 63 countries with 563 exhibits in 2655 frames participated. The big winners are:

HAFNIA 24 Newsletter #9
HAFNIA 24 Palmarés Tickets
Newsletter #9
Copenhagen, 15 April 2024
The Palmarés will take place Saturday 19 October 2024 at 7.00 pm at CPH Conference 50 meters from the exhibition hall and next to CPH Hotel.
The price per ticket is 130€…

China accused of flooding Britain with fake Royal Mail stamps
Reported yesterday by Ellie Ng in the Independent.
China has been accused of flooding Britain with counterfeit Royal Mail stamps. The Daily Telegraph reported that sources close to Royal Mail said fakes from the Asian country were causing a…

Vote for the most popular music stamp of 2023
Stamp collectors from all over the world are invited to vote for the most popular music stamp 2023. The designer of the winning stamp will be awarded the Yehudi-Menuhin-Trophy 2024 by Motivgruppe Musik, the International Philatelic Music Study…

Bill Hedley awarded the Congress Medal 2024
ABPS website reports:
The ABPS has awarded the Congress Medal 2024 to Bill Hedley, FRPSL. He has made and continues to make contributions to organised philately at all levels. He was elected President of the Federation of European Philatelic…

All eyes are on EFIRO 2024 in Bucharest
In less than two weeks, EFIRO 2024 World Philatelic Exhibition will welcome its exhibitors and visitors to the biggest philatelic event of the year. The 2500-frame exhibition will take place at the National Library of Romania on 16-19 April…

14th International Scout and Guide Stamp Exhibition
Julian Rodriguez Fernandez, Secretary of the Club Filatelico de Scouts y Guias, Granada, Spain sent us the following information.
The 14th International Scout and Guide Stamp Exhibition, EuroScout 2024, will take place in the city of Granada,…

NORDIA 2024 – Programme, Jury, and much more are now online
NORDIA 2024 is less than two months away (31 May - 2 June). It will be held at the Skjærgårdshallen, in Langesund, Norway. The exhibition has been granted FEPA Recognition.
The deadline for entry forms is now over. There are approximately…

London Spring National 2024 is over
From the ABPS website:
The first GB national stamp competition to be hosted at the premises of the Royal Philatelic Society London has been judged a great success. With 43 entries taking part, there was an exceptionally high standard with Richard…

Bad Segeberg is July’s Capital of Youth Philately
Latest Press Release from Deutsche Philatelisten-Jugend e. V.:
Cool drinks with a “future”
On July 13th and 14th, a triple will take place at the youth academy in Bad Segeberg: In addition to the JuPhilA (a regional youth exhibition),…

2024 Postal History Symposium
We've picked it up from the APS website:
The thirteenth biennial Postal History Symposium will be held on 1-2 November 2024 at the American Philatelic Center in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. The theme for the 2024 symposium will be "The Universal…

Giancarlo Morolli honoured in Lavagna
We've picked it up from Vaccari News: Giancarlo Morolli was honoured today in Lavagna (Genoa) with the City of Lavagna Philatelic Award.
Giancarlo is currently Vice-President of the Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA), FSFI…

Real Academia Hispánica de Filatelia e Historia Postal
The Real Academia Hispánica de Filatelia e Historia Postal (Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History) is the most prestigious philatelic institution in Spanish-speaking countries. Its objectives are research, study and promotion…

BRABANTFIL 24 Belgian National in Brussels
From 7 to 9 June, The Trade Mart in Brussels will house the Belgian biannual national competitive exhibition. The French, Dutch and Luxemburg federations have accepted the invitation to participate in this philatelic event. Each foreign country…

MONACOPHIL 2024 provisional programme
MONACOPHIL 2024 (5-7 December) is celebrating its first show at the One Monte-Carlo Exhibition Centre, a prestigious new venue, a few minutes walk from Hôtel de Paris and Hermitage.
Visitors will enjoy the traditional exhibition of the '100…

The 2024 Signatories to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists
Received yesterday from Jon Aitchison, Keeper of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists.
At the meeting of the Board of Election of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists on 7th March 2024 it was unanimously agreed that the following philatelists…

Latest Junge Sammler on “the future”
On 10 March we received the latest Press Release from Axel Brockmann, the editorial office of Junge Sammler:
The future belongs to the “JUNGE SAMMLER”!
The new JUNGE SAMMLER has some great topics coming up: the future is the main topic…

BALKANFILA Newsletter No. 2
Following the first sent out in December 2023, the Balkanfila Working Group came back today with their second Newsletter, a 31-page accumulation of rich philatelic information from the Balkans.
The question posed by Christos Gikas in his Editorial…

HAFNIA 24 Newsletter #8
Visit HAFNIA 24 in Copenhagen
Newsletter #8
Copenhagen, 5 March 2024
Are you coming to HAFNIA 24 & Copenhagen?
The application deadline for HAFNIA 24 was 31st December, and we had a goal of filling 1300 frames, and a maximum of 1500…

Masterclass on Exhibiting Techniques (9 March)
Another Zoom session is coming up, organised by the Philatelic Congress of India under the title “Masterclass on Exhibiting Techniques by World Renowned Philatelists”.
9 March 2024
(01:30 PM CET) Ari Muhonen on Literature
(02:30 PM CET)…

VIRTUAL STAMPEX 2024 is coming up in May
Latest Press Release from PTS and Stampex International:
Virtual Stampex 2024 Registration is Open!
“The Philatelic Traders’ Society is proud to announce that Virtual Stampex is back for 2024, and promises to deliver yet another world…

Pacific Steam Navigation Company Mail 1840-1854
This is a new publication by the Real Academia Hispánica De Filatelia e Historia Postal (Royal Spanish Academy of Philately and Postal History), Vol. XIV, of the RAHFeHP Specialised Library.
The 324-page bilingual book (Spanish and English),…

SAVPEX 2024 Virtual One-Frame Exhibition
South Africa’s ninth virtual philatelic exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, proudly hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa will be held from 15 June 2024.

Italian National: LATINPHIL 2024
The Federazione fra le Società Filateliche Italiane (FSFI) and Circolo Filatelico Tres Tabernæ, di Cisterna di Latina, organise a national and qualification exhibition from 10 to 12 May 2024 in Latina. If the frames applied for in the entry…

A GB National Stamp Exhibition at the Royal
Reported yesterday by the RPSL Facebook account:
The New GB National Stamp Exhibition will be held at the Royal on 28-30 March 2024. Everyone is welcome with free admission and also FREE Souvenir Sheet! Please support this inaugural event.…

Best practices by the Swedish and Norwegian Federations
According to the Swedish Federation (Sveriges Filatelistförbund, SFF), on 16 January, a cooperation agreement was signed by the Swedish and Norwegian Federations which says the following:
The agreement means that both associations will use…

EXPO 2024 CINISELLO in October
We received the following Press Release from Circolo Filatelico Cinisellese.
During the manifestation of the 'Sagra di Balsamo', the Circolo Filatelico Cinisellese will organise a Philatelic Exhibition with Philatelic Literature with international…

BALKANFILA XX in November in Thessaloniki
BALKANFILA XX organisers sent out yesterday the invitation for participation and the appointment of National Commissioners to all Balkanfila Member Federations as well as to Italy, Israel and Cyprus. The exhibition is also open to all philatelists…

STAMPed: a stamp-collecting magazine for the digital generation
STAMPed is a brand-new, digital only, free magazine produced by the American Philatelic Society It was launched yesterday. Susanna Mills, Editor-in-Chief of APS Publications, explains in her Editorial on p. 3:
Who speaks to the newcomers to…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #5
On 16 February DeBra2024 sent out the following information:
The special cancellations of DeBra2024
The special cancellations for the exhibition, which have already been announced several times, are as follows:
The special cancellations…

FIP Maximaphily Commission Newsletter #8
On Saturday 17th, we received the latest Maximaphily Commission Newsletter by Pascal Bandry, Commission Chairman. The 60-page booklet includes the latest activities in Maximaphily, namely
Updated member list of the Commission's Board and…

Commemorating Sarajevo’s Olympic Glory
We received the following report from Bosnia and Herzegovina, written by Omer Merzić.
Commemorating Sarajevo's Olympic Glory: Philatelic Exhibition Marks 40th Anniversary
After a successful four-year period, the Society of Philatelists and…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #4
Yesterday, DeBra2024 exhibition organisers released their February Newsletter. The big news is that the AIJP has granted patronage to the exhibition and that Heinrich Köhler will be the exhibition's major sponsor. It was also announced that…

KARLSTAD 2024 is coming up in August
KARLSTAD 2024 is a national and regional exhibition that celebrates the 440th anniversary of the city of Karlstad, Sweden. It is organised by the local Karlstad Philatelic and Postcard Society together with the Kils Stamp Society. The Swedish…