Special offer for FEPA readers for Christmas
Stamp Collector magazine reaches global audience
FEPA News readers are being given the chance to subscribe to the digital edition of Stamp Collector magazine for just €2.99 and receive a free back issue! The UK-based magazine Stamp Collector,…

All FEPA News issues are now available in digital form
The whole run 1 - 37 of the FEPA News journal has now been digitized and are readily available on this website! The process took longer than expected as the digitization project was launched almost exactly one year ago, namely July 25, 2019.

Slovakia’s philatelic portal www.philanotes.com has been updated
Dr Vojtech Jankovich, who is a member of the Board of the Slovak Federation, has let us know that he has added fresh news and articles to the philatelic portal at www.philanotes.com.
The portal is full of interesting information and is well…

The Organising Committee of OSTROPA 2020, which was scheduled to be held at the Russian House for Science and Culture in Berlin from 25 - 28 June 2020, has decided with great regret to postpone the exhibition because of the coronavirus crisis.

Academicians elected to the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History
Congratulations to four newly-elected Academicians of the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History. They are:
Raimundo Almeda
Luis Frazao RDP
Manuel Alvarez Casado
Jaime Benavides-Villarreal
They were elected at a meeting…

The first issue of FEPA News from March, 2002 is now available in electronic form
So far the FEPA News Magazine has been in electronic form from issue No 17 onwards. The earlier ones are being scanned now and the first issue No 1 from March, 2002 is already available in electronic form.