FEPA News magazine February 2025 is now online
The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) released this morning the February 2025 issue of FEPA News magazine featuring:
News from FEPA
Exhibition News
Forthcoming Exhibitions
FEPA Exhibiting

FIP has released its latest Flash magazine No. 138
The International Philatelic Federation (FIP) has uploaded on its website the latest issue of Flash, its biannual official house organ.
Highlights of the FIP Board Meetings
The new FIP Grand Prix Club website

FIP releases Flash magazine No. 137
Here is the latest issue of Flash, the house organ of International Philatelic Federation (FIP), featuring:
Highlights of the FIP Board meetings.
The FIP Roundtable and the Jury Academy, both held in Bucharest.
Introduction of…

Linn’s Stamp News goes digital only
Linn's Editor, Jay Bigalke, wrote on the journal's website that the 26th August issue of Linn’s Stamp News marks the 5,000th issue of the publication, a milestone that took 97 years to achieve. A special article looking back at some of the…

Union Postale Summer 2024
Earlier this month, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) presented the newest number of their quarterly magazine:
The latest #UnionPostale Summer 2024 edition is here! This quarter, we delve into how UPU and its members are bolstering the global…

“Les Belgolâtres” Magazine is Free to Download
Last week, the editors of the digital magazine Les Belgolâtres sent us an email mentioning the following:
"Here is a link for downloading our philatelic bulletin Les Belgolâtres, No. 19: https://www.philafrica.be/BELGOLATRES/bulletins/BELGOLATRES%2019%20-%20juillet%202024.pdf. It…

FEPA News magazine July 2024 is now online
The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) released this morning the July 2024 issue of FEPA News magazine featuring:
News from FEPA
News from FEPA Members
Exhibition News
Forthcoming Exhibitions
FEPA Exhibiting

Latest Junge Sammler on “the future”
On 10 March we received the latest Press Release from Axel Brockmann, the editorial office of Junge Sammler:
The future belongs to the “JUNGE SAMMLER”!
The new JUNGE SAMMLER has some great topics coming up: the future is the main topic…

STAMPed: a stamp-collecting magazine for the digital generation
STAMPed is a brand-new, digital only, free magazine produced by the American Philatelic Society It was launched yesterday. Susanna Mills, Editor-in-Chief of APS Publications, explains in her Editorial on p. 3:
Who speaks to the newcomers to…

Boletim do Clube Filatelico de Portugal
The Boletim do Clube Filatelico de Portugal is a quarterly philatelic magazine that first appeared in 1946. It is the house organ of the Clube Filatelico de Portugal (CFP), the largest philatelic society in Portugal and one of the largest philatelic…

FIP has released its latest Flash magazine No. 136
The International Philatelic Federation (FIP) has uploaded on its website the latest issue of Flash, its biannual official house organ.
Highlights of the FIP Board Meetings
News from the FIP Commissions
FIP Jury…

FEPA News magazine January 2024 is now online
FEPA released today the January 2024 issue of FEPA News magazine featuring:
News from FEPA
News from FEPA Members
Exhibition News
Forthcoming Exhibitions
FEPA Exhibiting
Developments in Philately
The World of Research

Philotelia magazine celebrates 100th anniversary
The Hellenic Philatelic Society (HPS), Athens, proudly announced the 100th anniversary of Philotelia magazine with the November–December 20023 issue released today.
Philotelia is bimonthly, published without interruption since its first number…

Special offer for FEPA readers for Christmas
Stamp Collector magazine reaches global audience
FEPA News readers are being given the chance to subscribe to the digital edition of Stamp Collector magazine for just €2.99 and receive a free back issue! The UK-based magazine Stamp Collector,…

Latest Junge Sammler featuring “Travelling with stamps”
This is the latest Press Release from Axel Brockmann, the editorial office of Junge Sammler:
Traveling with stamps - the new JUNGE SAMMLER makes it possible
The summer holidays are over. School has started. The new issue of JUNGE SAMMLER…

APS announces new free digital magazine
This is the highlight of the APS Newsletter that was received yesterday:
The APS is proud to announce our plans to launch a new (and free) digital magazine: StampEd. This quarterly publication, debuting in February 2024, will invite the digital…

FIP has released its latest Flash magazine No. 135
The International Philatelic Federation (FIP) has uploaded on its website the latest issue of Flash, its biannual official house organ.
Highlights of the FIP Board Meetings
News from the FIP Commissions
FIP Jury and…

The OPAL (Oriental Philatelic Association of London) has been dissolved
It was only a couple of weeks ago that we heard the bad news: the August 2023 number of the OPAL magazine was meant to be the last. A little later, the news got worse: not just the magazine, but the society itself was about to close. So, we…

Free Society Membership for Netherlands Collectors
The American Society for Netherlands Philately released the following offer to collectors on 24 August:
Free Society Membership for Netherlands Collectors
For the third year in a row, the American Society for Netherlands Philately is offering…

The latest Junge Sammler with television as the main topic
This is the latest Press Release from Axel Brockmann, the editorial office of Junge Sammler:
Educational medium or telly? The image of television has changed. Nevertheless, the television can be found in almost every living room. For smaller…

FEPA News magazine July 2023 now online
FEPA released today the July 2023 issue of FEPA News magazine featuring:
News from FEPA
News from FEPA Members
Exhibition News
Forthcoming Exhibitions
FEPA Exhibiting
Developments in Philately
The World of Research

Fil-Italia magazine by the Italy and Colonies Study Circle
The Italy and Colonies Study Circle (ICSC) is dedicated to the study of stamps and postal history of the Italian area. It publishes a highly acclaimed magazine called Fil-Italia. According to the society's website, the magazine is the only significant…

Social Philately magazine by Philapress
Social Philately is a relatively new concept which relates philatelic documents to any particular aspect of social history and its protagonists, whether famous or infamous.
The latest Social Philately (No. 4/2023) accompanies the current issues…

Delcampe magazine “Collections Classiques” No. 6
The July-August-September issue of Delcampe Magazine (No. 6) was released today. Philately, numismatics, cartophily and photography have been merged into one single publication since March 2022, with No. 1 of “Collections Classiques”.

Phila Historica magazine No. 1/2023 available to download
Phila Historica is a magazine for philatelic history and philatelic literature. It is offered online, in pdf format, and free of charge to all interested parties. It is produced four times annually by Phil*Creativ GmbH, under the editorship…

Two special issues by Nordisk Filateli magazine
Jonas Hällström, editor-in-chief of the Swedish Nordisk Filateli, has sent us details about two new publications (special issues 10 and 11) recently produced and released by the magazine.
Christer Brunström writes:
Special Issue 10: The…

The IBRA in Essen is the focus of the new JUNGE SAMMLER!
This is the latest press release (15th April) by the Deutsche Philatelisten-Jugend e. V., brought to us by Axel Brockmann, the editorial office of Junge Sammler.
The IBRA World Stamp Exhibition will take place from May 25 to 28 at Messe Essen.…

Latest issue of Spink Insider magazine now online
Since its establishment in London in 1666, Spink & Son Ltd. has grown to become a superior auction house for rarities worldwide. It specialises in the auctioning and private sales of stamps, coins, banknotes, medals, bonds & shares,…

Thema: presented by the Swiss Society for Thematic Philately
Thema is the magazine of the Société suisse de philatélie thématique (Swiss Society for Thematic Philately), member of the FSPhS (Swiss Philatelic Federation). It is published quarterly and is distributed free of charge to all SSPT members.…

Filatelista: The magazine of the Polish Philatelists Union
Filatelista is the official organ of the PZF, the Polish Philatelists Union, published monthly under the editorship of Adam Szuler, with 60 pages in full-colour. It was released in 1954, is the oldest philatelic magazine in Poland and this…

Last edition of Philatelic Exporter
The sad news was announced yesterday by the magazine website and Twitter account:
Due to the challenging economic conditions, the difficult decision has been taken to cease publication of Philatelic Exporter, with the February edition being…

Koleksionisti: From the Association of Collectors of Albania
Robert Ballauri (1925-2006) was a prominent philatelic figure in his homeland, also well-known outside Albania. In 1998 he visualised, created and published the Koleksionisti magazine, as the house organ of the Association of Collectors of Albania.…

FEPA News magazine January 2023 now online
FEPA released today the January 2023 issue of FEPA News magazine featuring:
News from FEPA
News from FEPA Members
FEPA Exhibiting
Exhibitions in the Second Half of 2022
Forthcoming Exhibitions
Developments in Philately

FIP releases Flash magazine No. 134
The International Philatelic Federation (FIP) has uploaded on its website the latest issue of Flash, its biannual official house organ.
You can download the 36-page Flash No. 134 from here:

Latest Junge Sammler on winter delights
This is the latest Press Release from Axel Brockmann, the editorial office of the Junge Sammler:
The new JUNGE SAMMLER is coming - winter delights are the main theme
Whether you want to hibernate like the animals or prefer to play chess and…

Rhône Philatélie, the magazine of the French part of Switzerland
Rhône Philatélie, published by an association of eight philatelic societies of the Valais and Vaud cantons of the French speaking part of Switzerland, offers four issues per year. It is also sent to all the members of thirty philatelic societies…

Vaccari Magazine sadly ends with its No. 68
The shocking news of the closure of Vaccari Magazine was announced yesterday on the Vaccari News website.
The Vaccari Press Release issued ahead of the release of the journal's final number (No. 68) includes the "Editorial" signed this time…

The refreshed Swedish journal “Filatelisten”
The Filatelisten, official journal of Sveriges Filatelist-Förbund (SFF, the Swedish Philatelic Federation), has changed looks! "It was time for a slight refresh", we read at the SFF website. Follow the story and the details at: https://www.sff.nu/nya-filatelisten-ar-pa-vag/#1216

Les Congolâtres, a magazine for the Belgian Congo enthusiasts
A few days ago we received an email from the editors of Les Congolâtres, a digital philatelic bulletin (as they modestly like to call it). The name of the publication itself is a direct invitation to collectors and enthusiasts of the former…

FIP releases Flash magazine No. 133
The International Philatelic Federation (FIP) has uploaded on its website the latest issue of Flash, its biannual official house organ. Large part of the 40-page magazine is dedicated to the exhibitions of the first half of 2022, the FIP Commissions'…

The new Junge Sammler focuses on Nature
The July issue of Junge Sammler, the magazine of Deutsche Philatelisten-Jugend e. V., is on its way to the members. A few days ago we received the following press release from Axel Brockmann, at the editorial office of the magazine.

FEPANews Magazine 41
This is Issue 41 of the Magazine, Published 11th July.
Click here to open the magazine PDF in new window

Portuguese philately celebrates Centenary of South Atlantic Crossing
The June edition of Filatelia Lusitana, the official organ of the Portuguese Federation, is dedicated to the centenary of the first air crossing of the South Atlantic by two Portuguese pioneers, Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral.

The Swiss SBZ: The third oldest philatelic magazine
The oldest philatelic magazine in the world, still alive, is the American Philatelist. Its first issue was released in January 1887. A few months later, in November, the second oldest surviving to date, L'Écho de la timbrologie was introduced…

Space is the main theme of the new “Junge Sammler”
Yesterday, we received the latest Newsletter from Axel Brockmann at the editorial office of Junge Sammler, the official magazine of the Deutsche Philatelisten-Jugend e. V. (https://www.dphj.de/)
This is the first issue of the year for the Junge…

New Delcampe magazine: “Collections Classiques”
For the past six years or so we have experienced the two different Delcampe magazine series: Philately (Philatélie) and Special Edition (Hors-Série). Last week Delcampe released No. 1 of a new series, the Collections Classiques.

2022 Linn’s most influential philatelists list revealed
On 8 March, Jay Bigalke, Editor-in-Chief of Linn's Stamp News and Scott catalogs at Amos Media, wrote in linns.com:
In the Sept. 20, 2021, issue of "Linn’s", we announced the upcoming publication of the "Most Influential Philatelists and…

600 numbers for the Spanish Revista de Filatelia
The Revista de Filatelia magazine celebrated its 600th number with its current February issue. The first number of the Spanish monthly appeared in September 1967. In 2005 the magazine was honoured by the European Academy of Philately (AEP) with…

Documents Philatéliques No. 251 recently released
Documents Philatéliques No. 251, the journal of l'Académie de philatélie (Paris, France), was released on 15th January. The French Academy was born in 1928, and the Documents Philatéliques has been issued quarterly for more than fifty years…

Post Horn magazine is going strong
Post Horn No. 5 is on the way to be delivered to its membership. The brand new 108-page issue marks three years since it first appeared in early Spring 2019 by Claudio Ernesto Manzati and his partners Giorgio Migliavacca and Thomas Mathà.

FEPANews 40 Jan 2022
This is the latest issue of the FEPANews Magazine.
Click here to view in Dropbox
Or, you can read the current issue as pdf here.

FEPA News No 36 is out!
The latest issue of the FEPA News magazine ia available in electronic form.

FEPA NEWS Magazine 2019 Second Semester
Many of you have already received the 84 pages magazine that includes the information of the events from January to June 2019, as well as updated information of the upcoming exhibitions and events. If you are not in the list of your National Federation to receive it (is for free), you can read it here, or download the full magazine. In this issue are news from Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

“Post Horn”, new International Postal History Magazine
Dr. Claudio Manzati, Chief Editor of “Post Horn” and President of the CIFO, has kindly informed us that yesterday 21st of March was launched the International Postal History Magazine POST HORN, at the International Stamp Exhibition and Advanced Collecting, organized by Poste Italiane in Milan