A very warm welcome to FEPA

The Federation of European Philatelic Associations

Bill Hedley

I am Bill Hedley, President of FEPA, and I am delighted to welcome you to our website.

For 30 years FEPA has been helping the national philatelic organisations in 45 countries to promote the wonderful world of philately.

Culturally fascinating, therapeutic, a route to lifelong learning, and with a strong social network, it offers something for everybody.

Our website brings you the latest news about European Philately as well as our FEPA NEWS magazine, published twice a year.

Also here is information on forthcoming exhibitions, and about us – as well as links to the national organisations who are members of FEPA.

Latest News from the Federation of European Philatelic Associations


Americans and the Great War: A Postal History

We picked this up from the American Philatelic Society (APS) website. Kevin Lowther's Americans and the Great War: A Postal History is now available to purchase through the APS Publication Store. This 255-page study of American WWI postal history…

EUROSCOUT 2024 Programme

The organisers of EUROSCOUT 2024 have sent us the Programme and the Activities' Registration Form. The exhibition is scheduled for 19-22 September 2024.  However, registration for the various activities must be submitted before 19 August. Programme…
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FIP Literature Commission Newsletter

We have received the latest newsletter from the Secretary of the FIP Literature Commission. The 24-page newsletter features Wolfgang Maassen's paper on his presentation at the AIJP congress in Bucharest, entitled "General problems with exhibitions…

Balkanfila Newsletter No. 4

The 4th edition of the Newsletter published by the Balkanfila Working Group is a rich 44-page booklet with the latest in philately of South-East Europe, featuring: Exhibitions: EnajstoOkno Kranj 2024 (Slovenia), Balkanfila XX (Thessaloniki,…
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FEPA News magazine July 2024 is now online

The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) released this morning the July 2024 issue of FEPA News magazine featuring: News from FEPA News from FEPA Members Exhibition News Forthcoming Exhibitions FEPA Exhibiting …

3rd International Congress of Postal History in Prato

The 3rd International Conference "Postal History: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Diachronic Perspectives," organised by the "Aldo Cecchi" Institute of Postal History Studies in Prato, was held between 20 and 22 June. Three intense days involved…

SAVPEX 2024 results

South Africa’s Ninth Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa, attracted 91 exhibits from around the…

The Devonshire Bowl and Plate 2024

On Thursday, 4 July, the Royal Philatelic Society London hosted its fourth single-frame competition at its premises. This open event allowed the society's members to compete in all subjects and classes recognised under existing ABPS categories. Ian…


OLYMPIEX 2024 is a virtual Philatelic Exhibition organised by the Postcrossing Welfare Society of India. We read on the organisers' webpage: SIMPLE POINTS TO REMEMBER - ENTRY IS FREE. ALL CAN PARTICIPATE. a. Inviting Philately Items, Postcards,…

The FEPA Medal for Exceptional Study and Research for 2023

The FEPA Medal 2023 for Exceptional Study and Research has been awarded to: Colin Tabeart (Great Britain) for British Long Distance Mail Packets, Volume 2. A Certificate as Runner-up has been awarded to: Stavros Andreadis (Greece) for Large…
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Benny Winther winner of the Silver Postiljon!

Latest press release by Postiljonen: This year’s NORDIA exhibition was held in Langesund, Norway, from May 31 to June 2, and we are very happy to announce that the winner of the Postiljonen Challenge Trophy “SilverPostiljonen”, awarded…
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Barreiros brothers win the Crawford Medal

The Royal Philatelic Society London has announced that Dr Luis Barreiros and Dr Eduardo Barreiros won the Crawford Medal at the 3rd Annual Crawford Festival (25-26 June) with their book Portuguese India — Postal History and the First Issues…

Kids have fun at Stampex 2024

Latest press release by Stamp Active: There will be a special STAMP ACTIVE KIDS ZONE with a range of attractions for youngsters, at Stampex 2024 (23rd to 26th October 2024), including: Free Vouchers for £20 to spend at the event (limited…

The American Philatelic Society announced the 2024 Luff Awards

The American Philatelic Society (APS) announced today the recipients of the 2024 Luff Award, the most prestigious award bestowed by the APS upon living philatelists. (a) For Distinguished Philatelic Research: Kenneth H. “Ken” Trettin (b)…

MONACOPHIL 2024 Programme

The programme for MonacoPhil 2024 has been confirmed. With the exhibition of the 100 Rarities remaining at their traditional home at the Fontvieille Museum of Stamps and Coins, MonacoPhil is celebrating its first show at the One Monte-Carlo…

Elections at the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies

On 15 June, the Assembly of the Federation of Italian Philatelic Societies (FSFI) re-elected Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi (left in photo) as president for the next three-year term, with 156 votes; his opponent Umberto Cavallaro received 85 votes. Photo:…

The FEPA Awards for 2023

The FEPA Board wishes to express its profound gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the recognition of exceptional achievements in the world of European philately by nominating individuals and societies for the FEPA Medals and Certificates…

Next year’s NORDIA 2025 in Malmö

We have received this Newsletter from the Swedish Federation: Postiljonen is Main Sponsor of NORDIA 2025! Postiljonen AB, the leading Nordic stamp auction house, is happy to announce its partnership with NORDIA 2025, the major Nordic stamp…

NORDIA 2024 Awards

The regional exhibition NORDIA 2024 took place in Langesund, Norway, from 31 May until 2 June. The big winners were: Grand Prix Nordia (Championship Class): Benny Winther (Denmark), "The Classic Stamps of Denmark 1851–1863" Grand…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #10

DeBra2024 is only three weeks away. In Newsletter #10 sent out yesterday, there are many good reasons to visit the exhibition. Brazilian special postage stamp "200 years of German immigration in Brazil" Opening ceremony with stamp…

The Large Hermes Heads of Greece—Deciphering These Magnificent Classical Stamps

This luxurious book is the result of several years of systematic study. In a concise yet understandable and structured way, it brings together much of the philatelic knowledge regarding the Large Hermes Heads—the first postage stamps of Greece,…

URUGUAY 2025 World Stamp Exhibition

URUGUAY 2025 is a Specialised World Stamp Exhibition under FIP patronage, organised by the Federación Uruguaya de Filatelia (FUF) on the occasion of the bicentenary of Uruguay's independence, sponsored by the Uruguayan Postal Service, and supported…

FFAP launches revamped website

The French Philatelic Federation (Fédération Française des Associations Philatéliques, FFAP) has unveiled its revamped website, featuring a modern design, easy navigation, and a wealth of useful information; a true gem for philately enthusiasts. You…

BOSTON 2026 Bulletin #1

Two years before its grand opening, BOSTON 2026 WORLD EXPO is preparing to celebrate the United States 250th anniversary with a big philatelic show at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC). According to the organisers, there will…

International philatelic exhibition in Belgrade in 2027

At the recent Philatelic Exhibition, EFIRO 2024, in Bucharest, the Union of Philatelists of Serbia and the Post of Serbia applied to the FIP to host a world philatelic exhibition in Belgrade. The FIP  Board of Directors accepted the proposal. Ratification…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #9

The latest Newsletter from DeBra2024 features: In addition to the Arge Brazil special show, another highlight will be on display at the exhibition. It is the exhibit “Prussia - The First Three Issues 1850-59”, which received the Grand…

PARIS-PHILEX 2024 à Paris Expo

Paris-Philex 2024 se déclinera en : Une compétition philatélique ambitieuse (plus de 100 participants au Championnat de France). Une exposition spéciale consacrée aux Jeux Olympiques et le Concours Open Sport Philatélique2024. …

The GBPS Review of the 2023/2024 Season

We have received the latest Press Release from John Davies RDP FRPSL, Press Officer of the Great Britain Philatelic Society (GBPS). Review of the 2023/2024 Season The GBPS Annual Competitions were held in March with a wide variety of exhibits.…

EnajstoOkno 2024 in Cranj, Slovenia

The 11th edition of the specialised biannual exhibition in Slovenia has become an NTE (Narrow Theme Exhibits) exhibition, calling for participation one-, two-, and three-frame exhibits from all countries, members of FEPA. The exhibits must…

DeBra2024 Newsletter #8

We have received the latest Newsletter from the DeBra2024 organisers with the following highlights: Special exhibition envelopes are on sale. The 15 jurors for the exhibition have been named and will be presented on the homepage. Furthermore,…


Upcoming Philatelic Exhibitions and Events

26.7.2024 – 28.7.2024

EnajstoOkno Kranj 2024
29.8.2024 – 7.9.2024

30.8.2024 – 1.9.2024

13.9.2024 – 15.9.2024

17.10.2024 – 20.10.2024