FEPA-supported Seminars and FEPA Congress at HAFNIA 24
FEPA Congress 2024 at HAFNIA 24
We are looking forward to welcoming delegates from more than 30 FEPA Members at our annual Congress in Copenhagen where we will review progress and discuss plans for the next two years.
FEPA-supported seminars…

AIEP Platinum Jubilee Congress
The Association Internationale des Experts en Philatelie (AIEP) will celebrate its 70th anniversary in Copenhagen, during HAFNIA 24. The Platinum Jubilee Congress will take place on Saturday, 19 October 2024.
The programme includes:

3rd International Congress of Postal History in Prato
The 3rd International Conference "Postal History: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Diachronic Perspectives," organised by the "Aldo Cecchi" Institute of Postal History Studies in Prato, was held between 20 and 22 June. Three intense days involved…

An all-round view on mail: Prato, Italy, 20-22 June
Today, we received the following from the Istituto di studi storici postali “Aldo Cecchi” odv.
Prato (23 April 2024) – Two months on, it is safe to say that almost everything is ready for the International Conference “Postal History…

FEPA Congress 2023 highlights
The FEPA Congress 2023 took place on Saturday, 23 September, in Tarvisio, Italy, during the 26th Alpe-Adria multinational exhibition. Thirty-four National Federations and members of FEPA were represented either in person (21) or by proxy (13). Congress…

Peter Suhadolc elected President of the European Philatelic Academy (AEP)
At the Annual General Meeting of members of the European Philatelic Academy (Académie Européenne de Philatélie), which took place on Saturday, 27 May, in Essen, Germany, during the IBRA 2023 World Philatelic Exhibition, Peter Suhadolc was…

PHILAFRANCE 2023 is coming up in May
From 26 to 29 May 2023, La Poste, the FFAP, the CNEP, and the ADPhile, with the cooperation of the Amicale Philatélique Chalonnaise, will present PHILAFRANCE 2023 at the Parc des Expositions in Chalon sur Saône.
The four-day event will include

Breaking news from the FEPA Congress in Liberec
The annual FEPA Congress took place on Saturday, 15 October, in Liberec, Czech Republic, during the European Exhibition and Polar Salon LIBEREC 2022.
Major decisions ratified by the Congress delegates included:
(a) Granting FEPA membership…

The FEPA Congress 2022 is coming up at LIBEREC 2022 European Exhibition
LIBEREC 2022 European Stamp Exhibition and Polar Salon is ready to welcome its visitors and exhibitors, at the Wellness Hotel Babylon, Liberec, between Thursday 13 and Sunday 16 October.
The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA)…

EUROSCOUT 2022 – 11th IFSCO Conference in Comacchio, Italy
The International Federation of Scout & Guide Stamp Collecting Organizations (IFSCO) will meet in Comacchio, Italy, on 16 September 2022. The 11th IFSCO Conference was scheduled for 2020, but was postponed due to the pandemic. The delegates…

Prakob Chirakiti is the newly elected FIP President
A new FIP Board was elected today at the 76th FIP Congress in Jakarta. Because of the postponement of the elections in 2020, the Vice-Presidents and Directors for America and Europe were elected for a half-term or two years (2022-24), to ensure…

2nd International Congress in Postal History, Prato, Italy
The Institute of Postal History Studies (Istituto di studi storici postali) “Aldo Cecchi”, in Prato, Italy, is getting ready for its 2nd International Congress in Postal History, which will take place from 23 to 25 June 2022. The invited…

Sweden: Three new recipients of the Strandell Medal
At the Swedish Philatelic Federation Congress, held in Täby on 14 May, the Strandell Medal was awarded to three recipients, as earlier award ceremonies were postponed due to the pandemic.
Strandellmedalj 51: Christer Brunström. A frequent…

FEPA Congress in Antwerp 11 April 2010
FEPA Congress in Antwerp 11 April 2010
Read the Minutes of the Congress here.
Congress papers distributed to all member federations before the Congress:
Convocation including agenda
Report 2009, president Jørgensen
Report 2009,…