Academus 28
Number 28 of Academus, the annual publication of the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History (RAHFeHP), is now available.
The volume features articles contributed by the following members of the Academy: Messrs Rafael Acuña…

Νew volumes from the Global Philatelic Network
The Global Philatelic Network has recently released five more volumes in the renowned Edition d’Or and Edition Spéciale series:
Edition d’Or, Vol. 76: Postal History of the Southern Coast of Norway from 1719 to GPU – The Terje…

22 articles from prominent scholars under the general theme "The Spanish speaking countries" was this year's contribution to Editor Guy Coutant's call for papers in Opus XXIV. It is the socond time that the annual publication of the European…

New volumes by the Global Philatelic Network
Three new books have been recently presented by Tobias Huylmans and Jonas Hällström, both Managing Directors at the Global Philatelic Network. The presentation took place in Bucharest during EFIRO 2024 World Stamp Exhibition.
Edition d’Or…

Five new Edition d’Or volumes by the Global Philatelic Network
The Global Philatelic Network has produced five additional volumes in the renowned Edition d’Or series:
Vol. 70: Switzerland Federal Mail – Rare Frankings 1849–1854 – The Richard Schäfer Sr. Collection
Vol. 69: Ludwig van…

Opus XXIII: Africa
Opus XXIII, this year's volume of the European Academy of Philately (AEP), is dedicated to the philately of Africa. The same theme had also been chosen for Opus XIV (2014). Nineteen authors responded in time to Editor Guy Coutant's call for…

Peter Congreve talks about Philately and Social History
Michael Cortese and Charles Epting have interviewed Peter Congreve in Episode 61 of their series Conversations with Philatelists. Peter Congreve is an Australian, very active on Twitter as Peter (@stampden), with a passion - among others - for…

Five new Edition d’Or volumes by the Global Philatelic Network
The Global Philatelic Network produced this year five additional volumes in the renowned Edition d'Or series. Vols. 61 & 63-65 were officially presented during MONACOPHIL 2022, in November, while Vol. 62 was presented during HELVETIA 2022,…

The British Philatelic Bulletin available on the GBPS website
We copy from the Great Britain Philatelic Society (GBPS) website:
The "British Philatelic Bulletin" is an official monthly publication of the Royal Mail aimed at stamp collectors, supplying detailed information about forthcoming British stamp…

Short interviews by Taisia Osipova on the APS website
According to the American Philatelic Society (APS) website, Ms. Taisia Osipova is a Digital Marketing Specialist at the APS. Taisia assists with:
writing content for the website and weekly newsletter
reviewing other outgoing content…

Michael Cortese and Charles Epting interview philatelists around the world
Michael Cortese Co-owner and Executive Vice President of NobleSpirit and Charles Epting CEO of H.R. Harmer interview philatelists around the world; collectors, dealers, exhibitors, enthusiasts, and researchers.
The "Episodes" or "Conversations…

Opus XXII dedicated to Switzerland
Opus XXII is dedicated to Switzerland. This year's big book of the European Academy of Philately (AEP) has been published in time for its official presentation, which will take place in Lugano, on the occasion of HELVETIA 2022.
The 226-page…

Edition d’Or No. 60 released by the Global Philatelic Network
The Global Philatelic Network (Corinphila, Heinrich Köhler etc.) continues the production of elegant volumes in the Edition d’Or series, which started in 2006. Each book presents a collection that has been awarded with a Grand Prix or at…

Alphonse Mayer von Rothschild: Legendary Collector #31
Devlan Kruck is the UK Representative of David Feldman SA International Auctioneers & Curator at the Museum of Philately. In April 2020 Devlan set up a series of philatelic biographies on the blog of the DFSA website and presented Georges…