FEPA Medal for Service to Philately 2022
Frank Walton RDP (1955-2022), in memoriam (United Kingdom)
The philatelic world was shocked to learn of Frank Walton’s death, only weeks after he had succeeded in bringing the London 2022 to a successful conclusion in the face of extreme difficulties. Frank was a polymath in philately – exhibitor, writer, speaker, organiser, innovator, IT specialist and adviser – with a prolific output. He was Editor of the London Philatelist from 2001 – 2014 and served as President of the Royal Philatelic Society London from 2015 -2017. He had a particular interest in philatelic literature, producing over 200 articles for specialist and national journals as well as many publications, most notably “The De La Rue Collection vols. 1-6” for which he was awarded the FEPA Medal for exceptional study and research in 2014. He guided the RPSL’s IT policies for many years and was instrumental in creating the Global Philatelic Library. He was well-respected internationally and chaired the Organising Committee for the London 2020 Exhibition which had to be postponed until 2022 because of the Covid pandemic. Above all his boundless energy and enthusiasm were infectious and provided support and encouragement to many others. FEPA is honoured to award the Medal for Exceptional Service to Organised Philately to Frank in memoriam.