Volume IV of Airmail and Aerophilately in Spain (1870–1970)
The latest publication by the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History (RAHFeHP) is Volume IV of the Enciclopedia Histórico Descriptiva ‘Correo Aéreo Y Aerofilatelia’ – España (1870-1970), written by members Fernando Aranaz del Río and Eduardo Consejo Prieto. The volume consists of 428 pages.
In December 2024, the Royal Academy published Volume IV of this significant work, which marks the beginning of the study of airmail during the Spanish Civil War. As stated in the preface, it includes a first section covering the five and a half months of 1936, when the authorities on both sides had to devise ways to maintain minimal postal structures for airmail, both domestic and international. The second section analyses the period from 1 January 1937 to the end of the Spanish Civil War (1 April 1939) in the so-called Republican Zone.
The publication of this work will continue in 2025, covering all matters related to the so-called Nationalist Zone during the same period.