FEPA Statutes
Approved in Tarvisio, Italy, 23 September 2023.
1. Introduction
1.1. The “Federation of European Philatelic Associations”, abbreviated to “FEPA” is a non-profit and non-political organisation, founded in 1989.
1.2. FEPA is a Federation of philatelic Federations, Associations and Unions in Europe and in the countries defined under Art. 3.1 and 3.2.
1.3. FEPA may have membership of other international organisations aimed at developing philately and shall respect their Statutes and principles.
1.4. The headquarters of FEPA will normally be located in the country of its President.
2. Objectives of FEPA
2.1. To support its Members in all their activities aimed at promoting interest in philately, cooperation and friendship among collectors and in the wider world.
2.2. To promote cooperation between its Members.
2.3. To disseminate news and information from its Members and on other matters of philatelic interest.
2.4. To promote best philatelic practices.
2.5. To recognise significant philatelic achievements.
2.6. To support philatelic study and research, and literature.
2.7. To represent its Members as necessary in other international organisations.
3. Membership
3.1. National Federations, Associations or Unions of European countries can be FEPA Members.
3.2. Membership may be accepted for national Federations or Associations / Unions of countries presenting significant historic, geographic, philatelic, communications and cultural links with Europe, provided they are not members of another Continental Federation.[1]
3.3. Membership may be granted only to one philatelic organisation from each country.
3.4. Applications for membership must be submitted in writing to the FEPA Board at least six months prior to the date of the next FEPA Congress and must include the following documents:
a) The statutes of the Federation, Association or Union applying for membership.
b) A list of members of its Board.
c) A list of member societies and their total membership.
d) A written commitment to respect and fulfil the FEPA Statutes and Regulations.
3.5. The Board shall arrange for the application to be assessed as necessary.
3.6. The acceptance of an application for membership shall be approved by the FEPA Congress.
3.7. All members shall pay an annual membership fee, the amount of which shall be determined by the FEPA Congress.
3.8. The membership fee must be paid by 30th April in the year for which the subscription is due.
3.9. Membership may be terminated by resignation or by a vote of the FEPA Congress, due to violation of the Statutes.
3.10. Resignation may be accepted by the Board, provided that any outstanding debt is paid.
3.11. A membership terminated by resignation can be reinstated by submitting an application in accordance with the procedure in Art. 3.4 and 3.5 above.
3.12. A membership terminated due to a violation of the Statutes may be reinstated, whenever the reason that caused the violation is no longer valid, by submitting an application in accordance with the procedure in Art. 3.4 and 3.5 above.
4. Administration
4.1. The FEPA Congress (hereinafter “The Congress”) is the supreme body of FEPA and consists of all Members as defined in Art. 3.1 and 3.2.
4.2. The FEPA Board of Directors (hereinafter “The Board”) is the managing body of FEPA.
5. FEPA Congress
5.1. The Congress as a meeting of the Members has the competence to decide and approve all matters as specified in the FEPA Statutes.
5.2. The Congress shall meet every year at the time and place determined by the Board in the light of invitations received from the Members.
5.3. The President shall convene the Congress on behalf of the Board by sending out a written invitation with the provisional agenda of the meeting to the Members at least four months before the date of the Congress.
5.4. The Secretary General shall send out the final agenda and the related documentation to the Members at least six weeks before the date of the Congress.
5.5. The Congress agenda shall at least include the following points.
- Roll Call and choice of tellers
- Approval of the Minutes of the previous Congress
- Reports of the Board
- Financial Statements for the previous year
- Auditor’s report
- Financial report on expected performance in the current year
- Budget for the forthcoming year
- Proposals and motions from the Board and the Members
- Elections (if required)
- Applications for membership (if any)
- Amendments to FEPA Statutes and Regulations (if any)
- FEPA Exhibitions
5.6. Any member may propose any item of business for inclusion on the agenda, with notice in writing to the Secretary General at least two months prior to the Congress. The Board shall consider all proposals received and streamline those considered suitable for inclusion in the agenda.
5.7. The Board may place any item of business on the agenda for Congress without previous notice if in its opinion such item requires urgent consideration by Congress.
5.8. Representation at Congress
5.8.1. Each Member has one vote.
5.8.2. Each Member shall appoint in writing one delegate as its official representative. In addition, each Member may nominate two observers without voting rights.
5.8.3. The names and addresses of the delegate and of any observers shall be sent to the Secretary General in writing before the Congress.
5.8.4. Members can be represented at Congress by another Member by proxy.
5.8.5. A Member may represent only one other Member by proxy.
5.8.6. A Member with overdue fees may attend the Congress but it has no voting rights.
5.9. Motions
5.9.1. Motions may be submitted by the Board and by Members and must be circulated to all Members with the Congress documentation.
5.9.2. Motions shall be submitted to the Board in writing at least two months before the Congress.
5.9.3. Motions may be submitted by the Board at least six weeks before the Congress.
5.9.4. Urgent motions whose content cannot be delayed until the next Congress to avoid complications and damage to the development of the work of FEPA can be accepted for discussion at Congress if presented in writing and the majority of Members present and the Board agree.
5.10. Elections
5.10.1. The Congress shall elect by secret or open ballot as decided by the majority of the Members present:
a) The President
b) The Vice-President
c) The Secretary General
d) The Treasurer
e) Three Directors
5.10.2. The Board is divided in two election pools.
Pool 1: President, Secretary General and one Director.
Pool 2: Vice President, Treasurer and two Directors.
5.10.3. Each second year one pool is elected.
5.10.4. The candidate for each post obtaining the highest number of votes will be declared elected. In case of a tie, voting will be repeated between the tied candidates only.
5.10.5. Simultaneously with each pool of election, the Board shall propose for approval of the Congress an auditor for assessing and validating the FEPA accounts.
5.11. Nominations
5.11.1. Written nominations of candidates by a Member must reach the Secretary General at least three months prior to the next Congress. If vacancies still exist at this deadline, nominations to fill them can be accepted. In this case nominations for each vacancy will close when the first nomination is received.
5.12. Voting
5.12.1. A quorum for decisions to be taken by the Congress shall be the presence in person or by proxy of more than half of the Members at the first roll call.
5.12.2. If a quorum is not present, the Congress will be called upon by the Board to meet again 30 minutes after the first roll-call. This repeatedly called Congress will have a quorum with any number of Members present.
5.12.3. In case of a tie, voting will be repeated.
5.12.4. If any Member requests a secret vote, then a secret ballot must be held on the matter or motion in question.
6. FEPA Board
6.1. The Board has the following members:
a) President
b) Vice-President
c) Secretary General
d) Treasurer
e) Three Directors
6.2. All members of the Board shall serve for a term of four years and may serve up to two full terms in the same position and three full terms in total. In this respect, the positions of Secretary General, Treasurer and Director are equivalent.
6.3. A meeting of the Board shall be called by the President or at the request of four members of the Board.
6.4. The quorum for meetings of the Board shall be four members.
6.5. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall act as Chairman. If the Vice President is not available, the Treasurer will act as Chairman.
6.6. The Board shall have the authority to issue directives and to appoint committees and special delegates as may be required.
6.7. The Board may issue and reform Regulations related to FEPA’s activities. They will take immediate effect but must be ratified at the following Congress by a simple majority of the votes present.
6.8. When an urgent decision is needed the Board may carry out a written poll of Members during the period between Congresses. Such written poll may not be used to make changes to the Statutes. The results of the poll will be reported to Members within one month and must be ratified at the next Congress.
6.9. In case of a vacancy in the Board, the Board may co-opt a person to fill the vacancy until the next Congress. If an election for this position is not due at the next Congress in accordance with Art. 5.10.3., it shall be formally filled with an election at the next Congress, for the remainder of the term of the predecessor. Any period served on the Board to complete the term of a predecessor who leaves the Board early will not count as far as Art. 6.2 is concerned.
6.10. The Board members’ task is honorary. They will receive no emoluments but may receive a refund of the expenses necessarily incurred in performing their FEPA duties.
6.11. No member of the Board may at the same time hold office in the FIP Board.
6.12. The Secretary General shall perform the administrative functions of FEPA under direction of the Board. The Secretary General shall maintain and keep such records as may from time to time be required and, in addition, make all necessary arrangements for meetings of Congress.
7. Financial Management
7.1. The Board shall manage the finances of FEPA.
7.2. The member of the Board with primary responsibility for the financial operations is the Treasurer. He shall keep all funds and collect and disburse all monies and shall keep the accounts of all financial transactions.
7.3. The accounts of FEPA shall be made up to 31st December of each year and a statement of income and expenditure and a balance sheet be prepared and submitted to the Board by 31st March of the following year.
7.4. The Treasurer shall also prepare a budget for the following year by 30th June each year. Once the budget has been approved by the Board, any expenditure in excess of budget or any other proposed deviation or unforeseen commitment shall require the approval of the President.
7.5. The accounts shall be duly audited by the Auditor before the Congress and then presented to Congress for approval.
8. Philatelic Events
8.1. The Board may grant Patronage or Recognition to events organised by Members on the request of the Member involved. Patronage is subject to the ratification of the Congress.
8.2. Exhibitions organised by Members that have been granted FEPA Patronage will be regulated by the FEPA Regulations for Exhibitions (FREGEX) formulated and proposed by the Board and approved by the Congress.
9. Honours, Medals and Awards
9.1. FEPA may award the following:
a) Honorary Presidency
b) FEPA Medals
c) Certificates of Appreciation
d) Certificates of Merit.
9.2. FEPA Presidents who have long and outstanding service in the FEPA Board may be granted the distinction of Honorary President.
9.3. Honorary Presidents shall be elected by the Congress on proposal of the Board or of a Member and may only act in an advisory capacity.
9.4. FEPA Medals shall be awarded by the Board for exceptional contributions to philately.
9.5. FEPA Certificates of Appreciation may be presented to philatelic associations or clubs for outstanding activities in the promotion of philately at regional or local level.
9.6. FEPA Certificates of Merit may be presented to individuals and organisations congratulating them on specific philatelic achievements.
9.7. The Board shall define and maintain guidelines for awarding the FEPA Medals and Certificates.
10. General Provisions
10.1. Legal representative
10.1.1. The President or the Board’s nominee shall represent FEPA at all times and shall be its legal representative.
10.1.2. The President alone or the Treasurer together with the Vice President are authorised to sign on behalf of FEPA in a legally binding manner.
10.1.3. The Board may also authorise other persons to sign on behalf of FEPA.
10.2. Statutes
10.2.1. All changes of the Statutes require a quorum of not less than three-quarters of the Members present to vote in a Congress in which the matter “Amendment of Statutes “is on the agenda.
10.2.2. For an amendment to be carried, a minimum of three-quarters of the votes present in favour is required.
10.2.3. Members may request changes or amendments of the Statutes every second year only. Such requests shall be sent to the Board at least three months before the date of the Congress.
10.2.4. The Board may recommend changes to correct anomalies at any time. This is not subject to the two years limitation.
10.3. Dissolution of FEPA
10.3.1. At the request of the Board or upon request of more than two-thirds of the Members, a proposal for FEPA dissolution can be put on the agenda of the next Congress.
10.3.2. A Congress cannot consider the dissolution of FEPA unless three-quarters of all Members are present in person or by proxy. For the motion to be carried, it requires the support of three-quarters of the votes present.
10.3.3. In case of the dissolution of FEPA any assets will be distributed as decided by Congress.
10.4. Language
10.4.1. The official FEPA language is English.
10.4.2. The proceedings of the Congress will be conducted in English. On request and upon decision of the majority of the delegates translations will be presented in French or German or Spanish.
10.4.3. In the event of different interpretations, the English text shall prevail.
10.5. Official Year
10.5.1. The official year shall run from 1 January to 31 December.
10.6. Communications and Meetings
10.6.1. Communications may be undertaken by any standard methods including electronic mail and video conference.
10.6.2. The Board may decide to hold its meetings on an online digital platform or hold mixed meetings if one or more Board members cannot attend in person. They shall be managed the same way as those held in person, and the decisions taken will be valid.
10.6.3. To ensure that the Congress is held within the statutory deadlines, the Board may decide to hold it on an online digital platform. The decisions taken will be valid provided the agenda and the procedure are consistent with those of a Congress held in person and the security of operations is guaranteed.
10.7. Resolution of Disputes
10.7.1. If the Board is asked to resolve a dispute between two Members, it will first investigate whether this can be done through informal discussions. If necessary, it will set up an arbitration panel including representatives of three Members other than those involved.
10.7.2. Each party shall designate one representative, the third being designated by the Board.
10.7.3. The panel shall investigate the dispute and make recommendations to the Board on how the dispute might be resolved.
10.8. Legal Jurisdiction
10.8.1. Any legal disputes will be determined under the law of the country of residency of the President.
10.9. Interpretation and Matters not covered
10.9.1. Matters not covered by these Statutes will be determined by the Board and must be ratified by the immediately following Congress.
10.9.2. In the event of any discrepancies of interpretation of these Statutes the Board will decide and act according to 10.9.1.
10.10. Approval of Statutes
10.10.1. These Statutes were approved at the Congress held on 23 September 2023 in Tarvisio, Italy. The changes take effect immediately after this Congress. All previous Statutes are invalidated the same day.
[1] Membership was granted to the Israel Philatelic Federation after a special agreement with FIP.