Contrôle et Censure belge 1939-1940
Contrôle et Censure belge 1939-1940 is a new book by Dr Jacques Stes.
Did you know that censorship for the military came into effect during the Belgian mobilisation of 1939/1940? And that political censorship was exercised by the magistrates? Did you know that the military postal control censored mail in Belgium during the Eighteen Days’ Campaign? Did you know that during the summer of 1940, this same Belgian military censorship remained active to control the mail of Belgian refugees in the south of France? The book provides answers to these and many other questions by illustrating this turbulent period in the history of Belgium through the colour reproduction of more than 200 postal documents.
The 208-page, hard-cover book can be purchased directly from the author ( at the price of €52 plus shipping (€5 for Belgium or €10 for the rest of the world).
Dr Jacques Stes has been president of the Cercle des Poortmanistes since 2002. He is a member of the Belgian Academy of Philately, the European Academy of Philately and the Monte Carlo Philatelic Club. He is also the author of a reference work of more than 900 pages devoted to the genesis of all the stamp issues of Belgium from 1849 to 1949.