Distribution and Delivery of Mail in Spain
New publication by the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately and Postal History (RAHFeHP): The book titled Distribución y entrega de la correspondencia en España / Desde épocas prefilatélicas a nuestros días / Apartados, Carteros y Lista de Correos is written by Raimundo Almeda Candil.
The author focuses on the Lista de Correos (General Delivery list), P.O. boxes, and postmen, while also examining various other types of postal lists. The study is divided into several chapters, covering major periods in postal history. The Introduction discusses the precursors of postal lists during the extensive rule of the Habsburgs, including lists for both official and parallel postal services.
Chapter One examines postal lists and their organisation, as well as postal regulations up to 1716. Chapter Two analyses the postal ordinances found in the 18th century, from the establishment of the postal service as a public institution in 1716 to the first half of the 19th century, leading up to the introduction of the postage stamp. Chapter Three focuses on the philatelic period, spanning from 1850 to the reign of Alfonso XIII. Finally, Chapter Four explores the period from the Second Republic to the present day.
Special attention is given in this study to the Postmen Corps, as they have been intimately involved in the distribution and delivery of mail. These employees trace their origins to volunteers who, for a small reward, would collect letters from the General Delivery list on behalf of others. This practice eventually led the authorities to recognise the importance of mail distribution in reducing the number of undelivered letters and, consequently, ensuring the collection of postage fees for delivered mail.
The 261-page book is available from the RAHFeHP as volume LIV (54) in the Discursos Académicos series.