FEPA Certificate of Appreciation 2020
Collezionisti Italiani di Francobolli Ordinari, CIFO [Italian Collectors of Definitive Stamps] (Italy)
CIFO was born in 1992 and brings together philatelists with a common passion for definitive stamps of the Italian area and their postal historical study. It has become internationally popular during the last year thanks to the “Philatelic Fridays”, a videoconference programme started immediately after the first lockdown to overcome isolation due to the pandemic. This programme, now operated together with the CIFT, very often reaches hundreds of participants from all over the world. Furthermore, CIFO has longstanding experience in virtual exhibitions as it started its CIFO-Net in 2014 and ran seven editions up to 2020. Together with the CIFT it has organized PHIL-Italia 4.0, a virtual exhibition patronised by the Federazione fra le Società Filateliche Italiane (FSFI) during May-June 2021. The 159 CIFO members receive a monthly social magazine, sometimes integrated with special studies. The Association website is a much-appreciated source of information about CIFO life as well as a reference source for its members. Since 2018 the Association has granted a scholarship to a young graduate in historic or economic disciplines working on a dissertation on communications.