The following is an excerpt from a recent post by Axel Goldmann on IBRA 2023 news webpage, a presentation of Hans-Joachim Büll’s new book, Napoleon’s Waterloo – Reign of 100 Days.
[…] 400 pages in which Büll covers a wide range of topics, namely the developments that have shaped the direct relationship between power, supremacy and postal dominance since the times of Thurn und Taxis. France’s annexation of the Austrian Netherlands, Holland in the hands of France and French rule on the left bank of the Rhine are meticulously described in their concrete effects on postal traffic. Chapters are then devoted to the conflicts between Prussia and Napoleon, the Dictate Peace of Tilsit as well as the Grand Duchy of Berg and the Hanseatic Départéments and their consequences for cross-border postal traffic. Others – this goes without saying – are devoted to the collapse of the Napoleonic empire in 1812-1814, the 100-day reign of the French emperor in 1815, which was followed by the Allied occupation of France until 1818. Such topics are also dealt with thoroughly and in a way that is exciting to read in terms of contemporary history, but in each case also with a view to the post, censorship and changes in the postal system. This is also impressively demonstrated in the last three chapters, which deal with the Thurn und Taxis interim period in the Rhineland 1814-1816, the Prussian postal service in the Rhineland and the Dutch postal connections 1814-1815.
Unlike many previous authors, Büll never treats all these aspects in isolation from their political and contemporary historical context, which gives the book almost a unique selling point. Impressive is the immense number of colour illustrations of covers, each of which is described in detail with a high degree of competence and comes from the collections of other renowned experts as well. If the author was honoured for his outstanding work in postal history with the important SAVO medal more than 30 years ago, today it is fair to say once again that he deserves this and perhaps other honours. The book is worth reading.
Format DIN A4, 400 pages, in colour, hardcover, PhilCreativ Verlag, Schwalmtal 2023, VP: 65,00 euros (plus postage). ISBN 978-3-949591-05-1. The book is available at IBRA 2023 at the PhilCreativ Verlag stand or by parcel order from Phil*Creativ GmbH, Verlag & Agentur, Vogelsrather Weg 27, 41366 Schwalmtal, Tel. 0 21 63/48 66, E-Mail: faktura[at]
[photo credit: IBRA 2023] Chazapis Chazapis2023-05-09 11:09:212023-05-09 14:07:22Napoleons Waterloo – Herrschaft der 100 Tage
Yesterday we received the latest Press Release from IBRA 2023. It calls our attention to the series of IBRA 2023 lectures, which will take place in Room F between 25 and 28 May. Most of the lectures will be in German, but some will be in English. The complete programme in English is here:
Willkommen zum IBRA Rundbrief SPEZIAL
Die IBRA steht vor der Tür und viele dürften bereits Ihre Reise nach Essen planen. Für alle, die es nicht nach Essen schaffen oder nur an allen Tagen bieten wir die Möglichkeit, an den Seminaren des FORUM PHILATELIE auch von zuhause im ZOOM-Streaming teilzunehmen. Das ausführliche Vortragsprogramm finden Sie unter
Dort sehen Sie auch, welche Vorträge online angeboten werden. Sie können sich einfach über den entsprechenden Link registrieren. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie sich für jeden Vortrag einzeln registrieren müssen. Wir hoffen, auf diesem Web noch mehr Besucher für die IBRA zu gewinnen und bedanken uns beim Sponsor der FORUM PHILATELIE, dem Auktionshaus Heinrich Köhler.
A new book, Air mail to and from the Somaliland Protectorate by Imperial Airways and Ala Littoria – December 1935 to August 1936, was released by Germain Mentgen, who had updated and integrated his previous works in 82 pages. Published by the Aden & Somaliland Study Group, the book is written in English and costs 42,00 euros.
It addresses the postal communication during the period in question to and from the Italian Protectorate of Somalia via the two airlines that covered the territory, with a variety of photos, maps, routes, timetables, various documents, and colour reproductions of covers. Of great importance is the “The Red Arrow”, a three-weekly flight direct service between Rome, Syracuse, and Tripoli (Bengasi) or between Rome, Naples, Syracuse, Malta, and Tripoli.
[photo credit: Vaccari News] Chazapis Chazapis2023-05-07 12:08:082023-05-09 14:08:27Air mail to and from the Somaliland Protectorate
Napoleons Waterloo – Herrschaft der 100 Tage
The following is an excerpt from a recent post by Axel Goldmann on IBRA 2023 news webpage, a presentation of Hans-Joachim Büll’s new book, Napoleon’s Waterloo – Reign of 100 Days.
[…] 400 pages in which Büll covers a wide range of topics, namely the developments that have shaped the direct relationship between power, supremacy and postal dominance since the times of Thurn und Taxis. France’s annexation of the Austrian Netherlands, Holland in the hands of France and French rule on the left bank of the Rhine are meticulously described in their concrete effects on postal traffic. Chapters are then devoted to the conflicts between Prussia and Napoleon, the Dictate Peace of Tilsit as well as the Grand Duchy of Berg and the Hanseatic Départéments and their consequences for cross-border postal traffic. Others – this goes without saying – are devoted to the collapse of the Napoleonic empire in 1812-1814, the 100-day reign of the French emperor in 1815, which was followed by the Allied occupation of France until 1818. Such topics are also dealt with thoroughly and in a way that is exciting to read in terms of contemporary history, but in each case also with a view to the post, censorship and changes in the postal system. This is also impressively demonstrated in the last three chapters, which deal with the Thurn und Taxis interim period in the Rhineland 1814-1816, the Prussian postal service in the Rhineland and the Dutch postal connections 1814-1815.
Unlike many previous authors, Büll never treats all these aspects in isolation from their political and contemporary historical context, which gives the book almost a unique selling point. Impressive is the immense number of colour illustrations of covers, each of which is described in detail with a high degree of competence and comes from the collections of other renowned experts as well. If the author was honoured for his outstanding work in postal history with the important SAVO medal more than 30 years ago, today it is fair to say once again that he deserves this and perhaps other honours. The book is worth reading.
Format DIN A4, 400 pages, in colour, hardcover, PhilCreativ Verlag, Schwalmtal 2023, VP: 65,00 euros (plus postage). ISBN 978-3-949591-05-1. The book is available at IBRA 2023 at the PhilCreativ Verlag stand or by parcel order from Phil*Creativ GmbH, Verlag & Agentur, Vogelsrather Weg 27, 41366 Schwalmtal, Tel. 0 21 63/48 66, E-Mail: faktura[at]
[photo credit: IBRA 2023]
IBRA 2023 Press Release (7 May)
Yesterday we received the latest Press Release from IBRA 2023. It calls our attention to the series of IBRA 2023 lectures, which will take place in Room F between 25 and 28 May. Most of the lectures will be in German, but some will be in English. The complete programme in English is here:
Willkommen zum IBRA Rundbrief SPEZIAL
Die IBRA steht vor der Tür und viele dürften bereits Ihre Reise nach Essen planen. Für alle, die es nicht nach Essen schaffen oder nur an allen Tagen bieten wir die Möglichkeit, an den Seminaren des FORUM PHILATELIE auch von zuhause im ZOOM-Streaming teilzunehmen. Das ausführliche Vortragsprogramm finden Sie unter
Dort sehen Sie auch, welche Vorträge online angeboten werden. Sie können sich einfach über den entsprechenden Link registrieren. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie sich für jeden Vortrag einzeln registrieren müssen. Wir hoffen, auf diesem Web noch mehr Besucher für die IBRA zu gewinnen und bedanken uns beim Sponsor der FORUM PHILATELIE, dem Auktionshaus Heinrich Köhler.
Ihr IBRA Organistions-Komitee
Air mail to and from the Somaliland Protectorate
Copied from Vaccari News:
A new book, Air mail to and from the Somaliland Protectorate by Imperial Airways and Ala Littoria – December 1935 to August 1936, was released by Germain Mentgen, who had updated and integrated his previous works in 82 pages. Published by the Aden & Somaliland Study Group, the book is written in English and costs 42,00 euros.
It addresses the postal communication during the period in question to and from the Italian Protectorate of Somalia via the two airlines that covered the territory, with a variety of photos, maps, routes, timetables, various documents, and colour reproductions of covers. Of great importance is the “The Red Arrow”, a three-weekly flight direct service between Rome, Syracuse, and Tripoli (Bengasi) or between Rome, Naples, Syracuse, Malta, and Tripoli.
[photo credit: Vaccari News]