The Committee of the Medal “for the development of philatelic publications” of the Polish Philatelists Union (PZF) awarded the 2021 medals to the following recipients:
Jerzy Kupiec – Węgliński, United States (for the second time). Medal for extremely meticulous presentation of the history of air mail development in Poland in the period 1914-1939. Tsutomu Yamamoto, Japan (for the second time). Medal for persistent promotion of Polish postage stamps and philatelic history in Japan. Grzegorz Kowalewski, Kalisz District (for the first time). Medal for describing the instruction stickers used by the Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs in Bydgoszcz in 1920. Agnieszka Magiera, Warsaw District (for the first time). Medal for all activities as the Editor-in-Chief of “Filatelisty”, and above all for raising the quality of the journal and maintaining it at a very high level. Chazapis Chazapis2022-06-01 15:20:122022-07-21 12:01:00The Polish Philatelists Union (PZF) awards Philatelic Literature Medals
On 27 May we received the STAMPEX 2022 latest newsletter:
Last month we opened ticket sales for Stampex – 28th September – 1st October 2022. We have had a wonderful response and continue to work on activity to make the show bigger and more exciting than ever! If you haven’t booked your tickets, don’t forget to do so soon as the early bird offer will end in August. Did you know you can also gift tickets? Make a special occasion even more special with a Stampex ticket.
We are also excited to share some of those individual who have already signed up to the show. Keep watching the website as we will upload a final list and floor plan soon. Next week is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and several of our members are celebrating including Stanley Gibbons are who are hosting a special exhibition.
Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to purchase / register for tickets as well, and make sure you’re following us on social media @ptsandstampex to keep up to speed with the latest PTS and Stampex news!
You can visit the STAMPEX 2022 website and sign up to receive their regular newsletters. Chazapis Chazapis2022-05-31 22:23:022022-05-31 22:23:02STAMPEX 2022 in London: Early Bird offer on tickets
CAPE TOWN 2022 organisers announced on the exhibition website that the deadline for entries has been extended to 30 June 2022.
The exhibition, which is held under FIP patronage, will take place at the International Convention Center, Cape Town, between 8 and 12 November 2022.
You can get all the information you need from the exhibition website: Chazapis Chazapis2022-05-28 20:37:452022-05-28 20:42:15CAPE TOWN 2022 extends deadline for entry forms
The Polish Philatelists Union (PZF) awards Philatelic Literature Medals
The Committee of the Medal “for the development of philatelic publications” of the Polish Philatelists Union (PZF) awarded the 2021 medals to the following recipients:
Jerzy Kupiec – Węgliński, United States (for the second time). Medal for extremely meticulous presentation of the history of air mail development in Poland in the period 1914-1939.
Tsutomu Yamamoto, Japan (for the second time). Medal for persistent promotion of Polish postage stamps and philatelic history in Japan.
Grzegorz Kowalewski, Kalisz District (for the first time). Medal for describing the instruction stickers used by the Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs in Bydgoszcz in 1920.
Agnieszka Magiera, Warsaw District (for the first time). Medal for all activities as the Editor-in-Chief of “Filatelisty”, and above all for raising the quality of the journal and maintaining it at a very high level.
STAMPEX 2022 in London: Early Bird offer on tickets
On 27 May we received the STAMPEX 2022 latest newsletter:
Last month we opened ticket sales for Stampex – 28th September – 1st October 2022. We have had a wonderful response and continue to work on activity to make the show bigger and more exciting than ever! If you haven’t booked your tickets, don’t forget to do so soon as the early bird offer will end in August. Did you know you can also gift tickets? Make a special occasion even more special with a Stampex ticket.
We are also excited to share some of those individual who have already signed up to the show. Keep watching the website as we will upload a final list and floor plan soon.
Next week is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and several of our members are celebrating including Stanley Gibbons are who are hosting a special exhibition.
Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to purchase / register for tickets as well, and make sure you’re following us on social media @ptsandstampex to keep up to speed with the latest PTS and Stampex news!
You can visit the STAMPEX 2022 website and sign up to receive their regular newsletters.
CAPE TOWN 2022 extends deadline for entry forms
CAPE TOWN 2022 organisers announced on the exhibition website that the deadline for entries has been extended to 30 June 2022.
The exhibition, which is held under FIP patronage, will take place at the International Convention Center, Cape Town, between 8 and 12 November 2022.
You can get all the information you need from the exhibition website: