An inspirational philatelic exhibition on the 100th Anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia with the focus on the historical development of Slovakia as a country and Slovaks as a nation.
Official logo of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition.
The Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 in Bratislava was a success not only because of the exhibition location at the one of the most attractive places in Bratislava – the Bratislava Castle attracting hundreds of visitors every day. In fact, how many exhibition premises could be found depicted on a postage stamp?
Left: Slovak stamp “25th Anniversary of the Slovak Republic” (January 2018) depicting the Bratislava Castle with administrative building – the premises of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition (left bottom corner). Right: The Slovak stamp “100th Anniversary of the Creation of Czecho-Slovakia” (October 2018) which official festive introduction take place as a part of the C-S SALON 2018 official opening ceremony.
The main innovation, others might follow in future philatelic exhibitions, was that original concept, not everybody had trusted since the beginning. However, it has showed as a brilliant idea attracting many visitors and hopefully future stamp collectors.
Indeed, the organisational team under the strong commandment of Miroslav Bachratý (and with the great support of the Slovak post / POFIS) was able to compile an incomparable pile of great exhibits and eye-catching philatelic gems. They covered the overall historical journey of Slovakia and Slovaks from pre-stamp times until the most recent days with all the key milestones that long and not always easy development of the state and nation have brought. To cover all cornerstones and important aspects, the organisers invited the best Slovak as well as Czech philatelists to show not always whole but the most attractive excerpts of their competitive exhibits as well as their hidden philatelic collections never shown before. All connected by the red thread line on Slovakia and Slovaks and their historical struggle and self-determination presented by genuine pre-stamp covers, postage stamps, postal markings, postal stationeries, field post entires, postcards and other often unique postal documents.
Slovak postal card “C-S SALON 2018” (October 2018) officially issued by the Slovak Post depicting the Bratislava Castle with administrative building – the premises of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition (left bottom corner).
The journey symbolically framed the appreciated Slovak FIP Large Gold medals awarded exhibit with (Hungary – A pre-stamp period by J. Pálka) and small exhibits provided by young philatelists. While the former presented several unique items and rich personal study on postal-history on that period and territory the latter ones showed kid´s first steps on exhibiting philatelic entries on historical topics as Presidents, Prague and Bratislava, M. R. Štefánik, etc.
The “in-between” exhibition frames showed the long historical journey divided into several sections.
The first one was devoted to the use of the Austrian stamps (Austrian Postal Administration in Slovakia 1850 – 1867 by P. Severin) as well as postal routes (Postal Routes in years 1850 – 1866 on the territory of nowadays Slovakia by J. Máj) on nowadays Slovak territory, and regional postal history research (Postal Service in Spiš region until 1920 by F. Divok).
A large part of the exhibition was devoted to several postal history exhibits on the WWI fighting (For the Emperor in the Battle and in the Execution by O. Sulo, Traces of the 1st World War in Slovakia by M. Bachratý, Mail from the Przemysl Fortress by L. Fekete, Czechoslovak Field Post in Russia 1918 – 1920 by J. Majer), including the unique philatelic documentation of the state-formation activities of the Czechoslovak Legions (Czechoslovak Legions and Home Guard Units in Italy and Czechoslovak Legions from France by O. Špreňar, Posta Militare 52 in the Services of the Czechoslovak Legionary Corps from Italy by M. Bachratý, Postcards of the Czechoslovak Legions 1915 – 1920 by P. Gebauer), and the struggle for the creation of the Czechoslovak State during WWI and short after (Czechoslovak Temporary Government in Slovakia (1918) by the Zahorske Museum, Painful beginnings of Czechoslovakia by J. Vomela, Military Air Force – Air Force Units of the Czechoslovak Military Corps in 1914- 1920 by P. Bláha, The Use of the Forerunner and Concurrent Stamps in Slovakia 1918 – 1919 by J. Vangel, Registered stationery postal Cards in Slovakia (1918 – 1921) by M. Černík, Nationalisation modification of Hungarian valuables, postmarks and labels at Slovak Post Offices in 1918 – 1920 by M. Bachratý, A locomotive is riding and Slovak Postal Agencies 1918 – 1925 by M. Zika, Railway Post in Slovakia after the Czechoslovak Republic Formation by M. Štěpek).
Naturally, a particular importance attracted the first Czechoslovak stamps Hradčany issued on 18. 12. 1918 and their author Alfons Mucha. They showed in several study exhibits on the stamps itself (Alfons Mucha – Hradčany by J. Škaloud, Hradčany – an Excerpt form the Specialised Collection by J. Džubák, Weipert Falzum by Z. Filípek) as well as its postal use on the Slovak Territory (Hradčany – The use in Slovakia by J. Škaloud, Hradčany – Postmarks from the Territory of Slovakia by J. Džubák, Perfined Hradčany by J. Píša). This inter-war period was complemented by an outstanding FIP Gold medal awarded exhibit on the gems of Czechoslovak philately (Czechoslovakia 1918 – 1939 by P. Lazar), study exhibits on Czechoslovak stamps and stationeries (Stamps 4 and 5 Kč Tatry 1927 and 10 Kč Bratislava 1936 by R. Květon, 80 Years of the Issue of the Exhibition Souvenir Sheet “National Exhibition of Postage Stamps Bratislava 1937 by R. Šulej, Postal Cards “Know Your Country”, 1937 by J. Jaššo) and several postal history exhibits (Czechoslovak Air Mail Related to Slovakia by B. Helm, Penal Porto by V. Malovík, Komárom – Komárno: Postal History of a Divided Town by P. Csicsay).
Special cancellations of postmarks used on the occasion of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition (left), on the occasion of the festive introduction of the “100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia” stamp (middle), and on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia (right) . All three postmarks were applied on mails posted through the special postal counter at the exhibition premises.
A special part was devoted to those unhappy period of WWII when two states were created on the previous Czechoslovak territory (Postal Service in Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia by M. Příkazský, German Field Post in Slovakia During the Attack on Poland in 1939 by P. Gebauer, State Coat-Of-The-Arms and Portraits with SLOVENSKÝ ŠTÁT/1939 Overprint by R. Rakovský, Souvenir Sheet “For Children” by M. Jurkovič, Holocaust in Slovakia 1939 – 1945 by O. Földes, Czechoslovakia in the Context of the 2nd World War 1939 – 1945 by J. Korený).
From the thematic point of view, one could find an excellent topical exhibit on M. R. Štefánik (Milan Rastislav Štefánik – a scientist, soldier, diplomat by J. Maniaček) as well as several frames on Czechoslovak and Slovak stamp art (Jozef Baláž – …The closest to my Heart” by the Slovak Postal Musem), most beautiful Czechoslovak and Slovak stamps (Appreciation of Czechoslovak Postage Stamps 1945 – 1992 by J. Frátrič, Perforated Treasures by the Postal Museum, International Successes of the Slovak Stamp Production and Slovak Gold for Postage Stamps by K. Milan), and joint issues of Slovakia (Joint Issues of Slovak Stamps by P. Hložka)
The main initiator of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition and the head of the organisational team Miroslav Bachraty during the official exhibition opening speech.
Last but not least, as a cherry on the cake, a small but quite important and attractive section: the Treasury of the Slovak philately. Undoubtedly, the Treasury provided with the most comprehensive presentation of unique and genuine gems of Czechoslovak and Slovak philately in hands of Czech and Slovak philatelists ever presented for the public.
Of course, we cannot mention all presented exhibits. However, those who want to get an overview might take in their hands a high quality full colour exhibition catalogue. It provides with six topical as well as study articles on several related topics as the Bratislava Castle, a fight for Slovakia in 1918 – 1920, Hradčany reminiscences, the Slovak country motifs on Czechoslovak stamps, the restoration of postal service after WWII, the Czechoslovak monetary reform 1953, Jozef Baláž as an author of the Czechoslovak and Slovak stamps, and the history of the Union of Slovak Philatelists. In addition, as a handful guide, short introductions of each particular exhibit complemented by a philatelic showpiece from that exhibit, and, of course, the list of all philatelic gems presented in the Treasury of Slovak philately section. Such an exhibition catalogue concept addresses both advance philatelists as well as wide public showing important philatelic and postal history artefacts. The catalogue will become not only a reminder of the great exhibition but also a good source of information for future generations and will bring an inspiration to new collectors and exhibitors.
Traditional “christening” of the newly issued postage stamp “100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia” by the representatives of the Slovak post and POFIS as well the author of the stamp design Igor Piacka (right) during the official exhibition opening.
The exhibition complemented several public and philatelic events starting with the official exhibition opening – a bit rhetorical, a bit musical, and bit awarding, but still attractive for all invited officials, guests and participants. However, the most important part was the festive introduction (we call “christening”) of the new Slovak stamp “100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia” with the stamp design author, a recognised Slovak artist, Igor Piačka autographing.
Young philatelic generation with their club leaders – hopefully success followers of nowadays exhibitors – could not miss the opportunity to attend the exhibition. Some of the youngsters are authors of presented exhibits.
Among the other activities, we can mention the most attention attracting ones as a public pool on the philatelic history and children contests for Slovak stamps. Highly evaluated by visitors was a permanent presentation of philatelic experts providing guided tours for visitors.
We consider, and many positive reactions we received confirm as well, that the Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 in Bratislava was something extraordinary as is extraordinary the 100th anniversary of the first Czech-Slovak Stamp celebrating the formation of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918.
Vojtech Jankovicé Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2018-11-30 13:18:482018-12-01 02:22:40Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 in Bratislava
The FEPA exhibition EXFILNA 2018, Spanish National with International participation, beat records
From October 31 to November 4, more than 35.000 people enjoyed the many activities of the FEPA Exhibition EXFILNA 2018, National Spanish with the participation as invited guest os the Federations of Argentina and Colombia. The events were held in 4 key venues of the historical centre of Seville all of them offered for free by the different institutions: The General Archive of the Indies, UNESCO World Heritage building, the Cajasol Foundation, the Seville City Hall and the Institutional and Commercial enormous tent mounted in the Square of San Francisco, hosting a total of 730 exhibition frames. The morning of the 2nd of November had an all times record of visits of the “General Archive of the Indies” with 3.754 persons counted one by one automatically by the Security control.
Left photo:The Bin Room, always essential at the exhibitions. Ángel Iglesias, Andrés Ordóñez and the President of the Spanish Federation, Miguel Ángel García Fernández, giving example, executing himself the harder jobs. Right photo: The exhibition frames had to enter the General Archive of Indies through a window of the first floor to avoid any damage in such historical building.
Queuing to enter the General Archive of Indies
The General Archive of the Indies hosted the Championship Class, Official Class, Postal History, Traditional Philately, Revenues and Literature.
In the Cajasol Foundation, were the exhibits of Aerophilately, Thematics, Open Philately, Maximaphily, Modern Philately and the Picture Postcards.
In the Seville’s City Hall, was present the special display “The 1929 Universal Exhibition of Seville from Collecting”, with exhibits of postal stamps, postcards and different stuff.
The Institutional and Commercial Tent of the Plaza de San Francisco hosted the stand of the Spanish Post and of numerous dealers. There, the Spanish Post – CORREOS, distributed “Mi first album” with some stamps to be completed visiting the other venues of the exhibition, devoted mainly to youth. Over 4000 albums were completed. On top of that long queues were continuously formed to buy the philatelic products issued for the occasion. Some of them were quickly sold out, as the postal stationery with the smell of Seville’s oranges blossom.
At the stand of the Royal Mint- FNMT-RCM, was possible to mint by hammer blow the commemorative medals, in silver and in bronze, issued for the EXFILNA 2018.
Left photo: The FEPA President José Ramón Moreno, presenting to Mr. Julio Allepuz, the author the Large Gold Medal received in PRAGA by the Editor, Ángel Laiz, President of Edifil for the 10 volumes “Catalogue of the Local and Political Stamps of the Spanish Civil War 1936 -1939”. Right Photo, Mr. Mario Mirman, President of ANFIL, Mrs Schiller, Mr. Oscar Schiller and Mr. Angel Laiz, President of EDIFIL
The Welcome Dinner offered by ANFIL-EDIFIL, with the view of “La Giralda” and “The Gold Tower” resulted in an enjoyable get together of more than 200 guests.
At the Opening Ceremony were presented the special issues of this EXFILNA 2018, the Block Sheet of the “Giraldillo”, the stamp depicting one of the galleries of the General Archive of the Indies and tha Postal Stationery with the smell of Seville’s oranges blossom.
Amongst other authorities were present the Major of Seville, Mr. Juan Espadas, Mrs. Rosa Salas, Director of the Cajasol Foundation, Mr. Modesto Fraguas, Director of Philately of the Spanish Post, Mr. Manuel Ravina, Director of the General Archive of the Indies, the Presidents of FESOFI Mr. Miguel Ángel García, and ANFIL, Mr. Mario Mirman, the Director of the Royal Mint – FNMT Mr. Ángel Nieto, the President of the Organizing Committee of the EXFI LNA, Mr. Ramón Cortés de Haro, the President of the Colombian Federation Mr. Santiago Cruz Arboleda, the representative of the Argentine Federation, Mr. Guillermo Pettigiani, the President of the Regional Philatelic Federation of Andalusia Mr. Rafael Serrano Gandía, the President of the Sevillian Philatelic Society, Mr. Rafael Rodríguez Gómez, Commissioners, Jurors, members of the Organizing Committee and a huge crowd who filled the auditorium.
Commissioners : Juan Panes Cantero (Consultant); Carlos A. Rodriguez Gómez (Canary), Joan Isern López (Catalonia), Estanislao Pan de Alfaro (Center Regions), Maria Elisa Abad Suarez (Galicia), Javier Castro Manrique (Castille, Leon and Asturias), Juan Manuel Cerrato García (Cantabria, Basque Country, Rioja and Aragon), Luis Urrutia Rojas (Valencia and Balearic Islands), Rafael Acuña Castillo (Estremadura and Andalusia), Felipe Téllez Manzanares (Other Collectables), Santiago Cruz (Colombian Federation), Guillermo Pettigiani (Argentinian Federation).
Jury: José Ramón Moreno (Honorary President), Fernando Aranaz (President), Santiago Cruz (Vice-President), Guillermo Pettigiani (Vice-President), Juan Manuel Cerrato, Miguel Ángel García Fernández, José Pedro Gómez-Agüero, Ángel Iglesias, Joan Isern López, Juan Panes Cantero and Carlos Rodríguez Gómez. Apprentices: Rafael Acuña Castillo, José Belarmino Díaz and Esteve Domenech. Expert , Eduardo Escalada-Goicoechea.
This 56th edition of the Exfilna together with the 5th European Collecting Convention (ECC), was organized by the Spanish Federation – FESOFI and and the National Dealers Association – ANFIL, sponsored by the Spanish Post – CORREOS, with the collaboration of the Royal Mint FNMT, Regional Government of Andalusia, Seville City Council, General Archive of the Indies and Cajasol Foundation amongst other collaborators.
Every day had its commemorative postmark. On the31st of October was used the “Post by coach” cancellation. A 18th Century Post Carriage was transporting mail postmarked with the special cancellation of “Post by coach” deposited at the Spanish Post stand, arriving to the Seville’s Post Main Office and then delivered.
During this EXFILNA 2018 were presentations of books and lectures of very high level. Amongst them the Spanish Post – Correos, presented the two volumes book “The history of Spain according to Gallego and Rey”. The presentation was chaired by the Director of Philately of CORREOS, Mr. Modesto Fraguas, and was attended by the authors themselves, José María Gallego and Julio Rey. Learn history with humor! That is the intention with which CORREOS by the hand of the popular Gallego and Rey have done this magnificent work which includes the history of Spain told with their characteristic humor.
There was an important Symposium in Postal History and other seminars and meetings as already informed in this FEPA Website.
Left photo: Fernando Aranaz, Honorary President of FESOFI, José Ramón Moreno, FEPA President, José Pedro Gómez-Aguero, Vice-President of FESOFI and Delegate for Youth and Miguel Ángel García Fernández, President of FESOFI. Right photo: The winner and finalists of the drawings of stamps.
The finalist drafts of the youth and the winer already a stamp
Were presented the prizes to the winners and finalists of the drawns “A stamp for Seville” aimed for students from 1st to 6th grade of Primary Education from more than 700 public and private schools in the province of Seville.
José Ramón Moreno, FEPA President handed out the Certificates of the FEPA 2017 runners up of the Award “to the Exceptional Research Work” to the 6 Co-Authors of the “Illustrated Philatelic Dictionary” Andrés Ordóñez Cámara, Ángel Iglesias Vidal, Fernando Aranaz del Río, José Pedro Gómez-Agüero Jiménez, Juan Panés Cantero and Miguel Ángel García
At the Palmares, after the reading of the minutes by the Jury Secretary Mr. Juan Panes, were presented the 43 Gold Medals and 23 Large Gold, as well as other official Awards. Were present official authorities as the Spanish Deputy Minister of Communications Mr. Jesús Manuel Gómez García, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Public Function of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Mr. Antonio Ramírez de Arellano, the General Director of Postal Regime of Spain, Mr. Rafael Crespo, the Director of Philately of the Spanish Post, Mr. Modesto Fraguas, the Director of the Royal Mint, Mr. Ángel Nieto, the Deputy Director of the General Archive of the Indies, Ms. Pilar Lázaro, the Commissioner of the General Archive of Indies for the Exhibition, Mr. Manuel Álvarez. From the philatelic side, the President of FESOFI, Mr. Miguel Angel García, the President of the European Federation of Philatelic Associations FEPA, Mr. José Ramón Moreno, the President of the Organizing Committee of the EXFILNA, Mr. Ramón Cortés de Haro, the President of ANFIL, Mr. Mario Mirman and the President of EDIFIL, Mr. Ángel Laiz amongst others.
The President of the Regional Federation of Philatelic Societies of Andalusia (FEFIAN) Mr. Rafael Serrano awarded with the FEFIAN Medal to Mr. Modesto Fraguas, Director of Philately of the Spanish Post in presence of the FEFIAN Honorary President Mr. Ramón Cortés de Haro.
The Grand Prix EXFILNA 2018 was won by Mr. Francisco Infantes Peña, for his collection Certified mail of Alfonso XIII and the Grand Prix of the Championship Class, was also awarded to Mr. Francisco Infantes, for his collection Essays and proofs of Alfonso XIII.
Were presented the 2018 Medals of the Spanish Federation-FESOFI. The individual medal was for Mr. José Ramón Moreno while the collective one was for the Philatelic Group of the Rioja recieved by its President Mr. Fernando Herce.
Mr. Rafael Crespo, Chancellor of the Order of Postal and Philatelic Merit, read the Minutes of the Award of the Medal of Postal Merit. Collective Gold Medals: Philatelic and Numismatic Group of the Athenaeum 1906, Philatelic Association Zaragozana 1932 and Sevillian Philatelic Society 1933. Individual Gold Medal: Mr. Juan Gabaldá García, Mr. Antonio Rodríguez López. Individual Silver Medal: Mr. José Luis de la Cruz Rodríguez, Ms. María Teresa Bravo Sánchez and Mr. Fernando Herce Porres. Collective Bronze Medal: Cardenal Cisneros School of Orense.
Mr. José Ramón Moreno, President of FEPA, presented the Gold Pin of the European Federation to Mr. Miguel Ángel García, President of FESOFI and the FEPA honorary plate to Mr. Ángel Nieto, Director of the Royal Mint-FNMT.
The Organizing Committee of EXFILNA 2018, also wanted to show Seville to all attendees that were interested. That’s why were scheduled three tourist visits to the most emblematic places of this beautiful city: “Essential Seville”, “The Santa Cruz Quarter” and “The Magic of Triana” . The culmination was to contemplate, as if it were Easter , the procession of the “Esperanza de Triana”.
There was an emotive dinner organized by FESOFI in homage of Mr. Ramón María Cortés de Haro, President of the Organizing Committee of EXFILNA 2018, whose “philatelic curriculum” over 50 years of activity in organized philately, is impressive. The homage was attended by 130 philatelists from the whole Spain and even from several foreign countries.
Congratulations to the Spanish Federation – FESOFI, to the National Dealers Association – ANFIL, to the Spanish Post – CORREOS and to all those who participated with their work and time for the outstanding success of the 56th edition of the Exfilna together with the 5th European Collecting Convention (ECC).
Our special thanks to Mr. Miguel Ángel García Fernández and Mr. Rafael Acuña, authors of big part of this text and to Mr. José Luis de la Cruz for providing most of the picturesé Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2018-11-25 17:40:582018-11-25 17:43:45The FEPA exhibition EXFILNA 2018, Spanish National with International participation, beat records
21.11.2018 – KNBF: becomes a forerunner by amending its exhibition regulations
(rh) After many years, the Royal Dutch Union of Stamp Clubs (KNBF) has changed a number of essential elements of its exhibition regulations. It turns out that the KNBF is suddenly becoming a forerunner in exhibiting small collections in particular. These are small collections that until now have been excluded nationally and internationally. The KNBF hopes to receive the support of the FEPA and later the FIP on this point, so that the new rules can probably be implemented everywhere. Some time ago the same procedure (beginning with a trial) was – successfully – followed for exhibiting picture postcards.
The now announced changes will be introduced in early 2019, after changed regulations have been published on the KNBF’s website.
The most important changes are:
5.1 a Categories 2 and 3 will be merged into category 2. Collections that have not been exhibited before can now be submitted in this category. 5.5 e New! Small collections (larger than an exhibition frame, but smaller than the minimum per category) can be judged on trial. This assessment has national value only, but it is possible that FIP later on will adjust itself to the new rules. Until then it’s not yet possible to exhibit internationally. However, it is possible to promote from category 2 to category 1. For the time being, the assessment has no value for foreign national exhibitions. Until then it is not possible that someone who was judged in category 1 in the Netherlands, may exhibit in (for example) Belgium or Germany in category 1.
7.1 The system of Dutch points rating will be abolished. For both classes the FIP points rating system is applied.
8.5 In order to be admitted to category 1, a minimum of 75 points must have been obtained in category 2 with the collection. In order to be admitted internationally, one must first obtain eighty points or more in category 1 nationally.
Attention! In connection with the amendments of the KNBF exhibition regulations, it is still possible to register for the Dutch national exhibition “Gouda 2019” (categories 1 and 2, closing date 15 December 2019). See also
Copyright: KNBF/Knikmané Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2018-11-24 19:49:582018-12-11 19:30:44Proposal for change Regulations from The Royal Dutch Union of Stamp Clubs (KNBF)
Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 in Bratislava
Official poster of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition.
An inspirational philatelic exhibition on the 100th Anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia with the focus on the historical development of Slovakia as a country and Slovaks as a nation.
Official logo of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition.
The Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 in Bratislava was a success not only because of the exhibition location at the one of the most attractive places in Bratislava – the Bratislava Castle attracting hundreds of visitors every day. In fact, how many exhibition premises could be found depicted on a postage stamp?
Left: Slovak stamp “25th Anniversary of the Slovak Republic” (January 2018) depicting the Bratislava Castle with administrative building – the premises of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition (left bottom corner). Right: The Slovak stamp “100th Anniversary of the Creation of Czecho-Slovakia” (October 2018) which official festive introduction take place as a part of the C-S SALON 2018 official opening ceremony.
The main innovation, others might follow in future philatelic exhibitions, was that original concept, not everybody had trusted since the beginning. However, it has showed as a brilliant idea attracting many visitors and hopefully future stamp collectors.
Indeed, the organisational team under the strong commandment of Miroslav Bachratý (and with the great support of the Slovak post / POFIS) was able to compile an incomparable pile of great exhibits and eye-catching philatelic gems. They covered the overall historical journey of Slovakia and Slovaks from pre-stamp times until the most recent days with all the key milestones that long and not always easy development of the state and nation have brought. To cover all cornerstones and important aspects, the organisers invited the best Slovak as well as Czech philatelists to show not always whole but the most attractive excerpts of their competitive exhibits as well as their hidden philatelic collections never shown before. All connected by the red thread line on Slovakia and Slovaks and their historical struggle and self-determination presented by genuine pre-stamp covers, postage stamps, postal markings, postal stationeries, field post entires, postcards and other often unique postal documents.
Slovak postal card “C-S SALON 2018” (October 2018) officially issued by the Slovak Post depicting the Bratislava Castle with administrative building – the premises of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition (left bottom corner).
The journey symbolically framed the appreciated Slovak FIP Large Gold medals awarded exhibit with (Hungary – A pre-stamp period by J. Pálka) and small exhibits provided by young philatelists. While the former presented several unique items and rich personal study on postal-history on that period and territory the latter ones showed kid´s first steps on exhibiting philatelic entries on historical topics as Presidents, Prague and Bratislava, M. R. Štefánik, etc.
The “in-between” exhibition frames showed the long historical journey divided into several sections.
The first one was devoted to the use of the Austrian stamps (Austrian Postal Administration in Slovakia 1850 – 1867 by P. Severin) as well as postal routes (Postal Routes in years 1850 – 1866 on the territory of nowadays Slovakia by J. Máj) on nowadays Slovak territory, and regional postal history research (Postal Service in Spiš region until 1920 by F. Divok).
A large part of the exhibition was devoted to several postal history exhibits on the WWI fighting (For the Emperor in the Battle and in the Execution by O. Sulo, Traces of the 1st World War in Slovakia by M. Bachratý, Mail from the Przemysl Fortress by L. Fekete, Czechoslovak Field Post in Russia 1918 – 1920 by J. Majer), including the unique philatelic documentation of the state-formation activities of the Czechoslovak Legions (Czechoslovak Legions and Home Guard Units in Italy and Czechoslovak Legions from France by O. Špreňar, Posta Militare 52 in the Services of the Czechoslovak Legionary Corps from Italy by M. Bachratý, Postcards of the Czechoslovak Legions 1915 – 1920 by P. Gebauer), and the struggle for the creation of the Czechoslovak State during WWI and short after (Czechoslovak Temporary Government in Slovakia (1918) by the Zahorske Museum, Painful beginnings of Czechoslovakia by J. Vomela, Military Air Force – Air Force Units of the Czechoslovak Military Corps in 1914- 1920 by P. Bláha, The Use of the Forerunner and Concurrent Stamps in Slovakia 1918 – 1919 by J. Vangel, Registered stationery postal Cards in Slovakia (1918 – 1921) by M. Černík, Nationalisation modification of Hungarian valuables, postmarks and labels at Slovak Post Offices in 1918 – 1920 by M. Bachratý, A locomotive is riding and Slovak Postal Agencies 1918 – 1925 by M. Zika, Railway Post in Slovakia after the Czechoslovak Republic Formation by M. Štěpek).
Naturally, a particular importance attracted the first Czechoslovak stamps Hradčany issued on 18. 12. 1918 and their author Alfons Mucha. They showed in several study exhibits on the stamps itself (Alfons Mucha – Hradčany by J. Škaloud, Hradčany – an Excerpt form the Specialised Collection by J. Džubák, Weipert Falzum by Z. Filípek) as well as its postal use on the Slovak Territory (Hradčany – The use in Slovakia by J. Škaloud, Hradčany – Postmarks from the Territory of Slovakia by J. Džubák, Perfined Hradčany by J. Píša). This inter-war period was complemented by an outstanding FIP Gold medal awarded exhibit on the gems of Czechoslovak philately (Czechoslovakia 1918 – 1939 by P. Lazar), study exhibits on Czechoslovak stamps and stationeries (Stamps 4 and 5 Kč Tatry 1927 and 10 Kč Bratislava 1936 by R. Květon, 80 Years of the Issue of the Exhibition Souvenir Sheet “National Exhibition of Postage Stamps Bratislava 1937 by R. Šulej, Postal Cards “Know Your Country”, 1937 by J. Jaššo) and several postal history exhibits (Czechoslovak Air Mail Related to Slovakia by B. Helm, Penal Porto by V. Malovík, Komárom – Komárno: Postal History of a Divided Town by P. Csicsay).
Special cancellations of postmarks used on the occasion of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition (left), on the occasion of the festive introduction of the “100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia” stamp (middle), and on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia (right) . All three postmarks were applied on mails posted through the special postal counter at the exhibition premises.
A special part was devoted to those unhappy period of WWII when two states were created on the previous Czechoslovak territory (Postal Service in Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia by M. Příkazský, German Field Post in Slovakia During the Attack on Poland in 1939 by P. Gebauer, State Coat-Of-The-Arms and Portraits with SLOVENSKÝ ŠTÁT/1939 Overprint by R. Rakovský, Souvenir Sheet “For Children” by M. Jurkovič, Holocaust in Slovakia 1939 – 1945 by O. Földes, Czechoslovakia in the Context of the 2nd World War 1939 – 1945 by J. Korený).
From the thematic point of view, one could find an excellent topical exhibit on M. R. Štefánik (Milan Rastislav Štefánik – a scientist, soldier, diplomat by J. Maniaček) as well as several frames on Czechoslovak and Slovak stamp art (Jozef Baláž – …The closest to my Heart” by the Slovak Postal Musem), most beautiful Czechoslovak and Slovak stamps (Appreciation of Czechoslovak Postage Stamps 1945 – 1992 by J. Frátrič, Perforated Treasures by the Postal Museum, International Successes of the Slovak Stamp Production and Slovak Gold for Postage Stamps by K. Milan), and joint issues of Slovakia (Joint Issues of Slovak Stamps by P. Hložka)
The main initiator of the C-S SALON 2018 exhibition and the head of the organisational team Miroslav Bachraty during the official exhibition opening speech.
Last but not least, as a cherry on the cake, a small but quite important and attractive section: the Treasury of the Slovak philately. Undoubtedly, the Treasury provided with the most comprehensive presentation of unique and genuine gems of Czechoslovak and Slovak philately in hands of Czech and Slovak philatelists ever presented for the public.
Of course, we cannot mention all presented exhibits. However, those who want to get an overview might take in their hands a high quality full colour exhibition catalogue. It provides with six topical as well as study articles on several related topics as the Bratislava Castle, a fight for Slovakia in 1918 – 1920, Hradčany reminiscences, the Slovak country motifs on Czechoslovak stamps, the restoration of postal service after WWII, the Czechoslovak monetary reform 1953, Jozef Baláž as an author of the Czechoslovak and Slovak stamps, and the history of the Union of Slovak Philatelists. In addition, as a handful guide, short introductions of each particular exhibit complemented by a philatelic showpiece from that exhibit, and, of course, the list of all philatelic gems presented in the Treasury of Slovak philately section. Such an exhibition catalogue concept addresses both advance philatelists as well as wide public showing important philatelic and postal history artefacts. The catalogue will become not only a reminder of the great exhibition but also a good source of information for future generations and will bring an inspiration to new collectors and exhibitors.
Traditional “christening” of the newly issued postage stamp “100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia” by the representatives of the Slovak post and POFIS as well the author of the stamp design Igor Piacka (right) during the official exhibition opening.
The exhibition complemented several public and philatelic events starting with the official exhibition opening – a bit rhetorical, a bit musical, and bit awarding, but still attractive for all invited officials, guests and participants. However, the most important part was the festive introduction (we call “christening”) of the new Slovak stamp “100th Anniversary of the Formation of Czecho-Slovakia” with the stamp design author, a recognised Slovak artist, Igor Piačka autographing.
Young philatelic generation with their club leaders – hopefully success followers of nowadays exhibitors – could not miss the opportunity to attend the exhibition. Some of the youngsters are authors of presented exhibits.
Among the other activities, we can mention the most attention attracting ones as a public pool on the philatelic history and children contests for Slovak stamps. Highly evaluated by visitors was a permanent presentation of philatelic experts providing guided tours for visitors.
We consider, and many positive reactions we received confirm as well, that the Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 in Bratislava was something extraordinary as is extraordinary the 100th anniversary of the first Czech-Slovak Stamp celebrating the formation of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918.
Vojtech Jankovic
The FEPA exhibition EXFILNA 2018, Spanish National with International participation, beat records
The FEPA exhibition EXFILNA 2018, Spanish National with International participation, beat records
From October 31 to November 4, more than 35.000 people enjoyed the many activities of the FEPA Exhibition EXFILNA 2018, National Spanish with the participation as invited guest os the Federations of Argentina and Colombia. The events were held in 4 key venues of the historical centre of Seville all of them offered for free by the different institutions: The General Archive of the Indies, UNESCO World Heritage building, the Cajasol Foundation, the Seville City Hall and the Institutional and Commercial enormous tent mounted in the Square of San Francisco, hosting a total of 730 exhibition frames. The morning of the 2nd of November had an all times record of visits of the “General Archive of the Indies” with 3.754 persons counted one by one automatically by the Security control.
Left photo:The Bin Room, always essential at the exhibitions. Ángel Iglesias, Andrés Ordóñez and the President of the Spanish Federation, Miguel Ángel García Fernández, giving example, executing himself the harder jobs. Right photo: The exhibition frames had to enter the General Archive of Indies through a window of the first floor to avoid any damage in such historical building.
Queuing to enter the General Archive of Indies
The General Archive of the Indies hosted the Championship Class, Official Class, Postal History, Traditional Philately, Revenues and Literature.
In the Cajasol Foundation, were the exhibits of Aerophilately, Thematics, Open Philately, Maximaphily, Modern Philately and the Picture Postcards.
In the Seville’s City Hall, was present the special display “The 1929 Universal Exhibition of Seville from Collecting”, with exhibits of postal stamps, postcards and different stuff.
The Institutional and Commercial Tent of the Plaza de San Francisco hosted the stand of the Spanish Post and of numerous dealers. There, the Spanish Post – CORREOS, distributed “Mi first album” with some stamps to be completed visiting the other venues of the exhibition, devoted mainly to youth. Over 4000 albums were completed. On top of that long queues were continuously formed to buy the philatelic products issued for the occasion. Some of them were quickly sold out, as the postal stationery with the smell of Seville’s oranges blossom.
At the stand of the Royal Mint- FNMT-RCM, was possible to mint by hammer blow the commemorative medals, in silver and in bronze, issued for the EXFILNA 2018.
Left photo: The FEPA President José Ramón Moreno, presenting to Mr. Julio Allepuz, the author the Large Gold Medal received in PRAGA by the Editor, Ángel Laiz, President of Edifil for the 10 volumes “Catalogue of the Local and Political Stamps of the Spanish Civil War 1936 -1939”. Right Photo, Mr. Mario Mirman, President of ANFIL, Mrs Schiller, Mr. Oscar Schiller and Mr. Angel Laiz, President of EDIFIL
The Welcome Dinner offered by ANFIL-EDIFIL, with the view of “La Giralda” and “The Gold Tower” resulted in an enjoyable get together of more than 200 guests.
At the Opening Ceremony were presented the special issues of this EXFILNA 2018, the Block Sheet of the “Giraldillo”, the stamp depicting one of the galleries of the General Archive of the Indies and tha Postal Stationery with the smell of Seville’s oranges blossom.
Amongst other authorities were present the Major of Seville, Mr. Juan Espadas, Mrs. Rosa Salas, Director of the Cajasol Foundation, Mr. Modesto Fraguas, Director of Philately of the Spanish Post, Mr. Manuel Ravina, Director of the General Archive of the Indies, the Presidents of FESOFI Mr. Miguel Ángel García, and ANFIL, Mr. Mario Mirman, the Director of the Royal Mint – FNMT Mr. Ángel Nieto, the President of the Organizing Committee of the EXFI LNA, Mr. Ramón Cortés de Haro, the President of the Colombian Federation Mr. Santiago Cruz Arboleda, the representative of the Argentine Federation, Mr. Guillermo Pettigiani, the President of the Regional Philatelic Federation of Andalusia Mr. Rafael Serrano Gandía, the President of the Sevillian Philatelic Society, Mr. Rafael Rodríguez Gómez, Commissioners, Jurors, members of the Organizing Committee and a huge crowd who filled the auditorium.
Commissioners : Juan Panes Cantero (Consultant); Carlos A. Rodriguez Gómez (Canary), Joan Isern López (Catalonia), Estanislao Pan de Alfaro (Center Regions), Maria Elisa Abad Suarez (Galicia), Javier Castro Manrique (Castille, Leon and Asturias), Juan Manuel Cerrato García (Cantabria, Basque Country, Rioja and Aragon), Luis Urrutia Rojas (Valencia and Balearic Islands), Rafael Acuña Castillo (Estremadura and Andalusia), Felipe Téllez Manzanares (Other Collectables), Santiago Cruz (Colombian Federation), Guillermo Pettigiani (Argentinian Federation).
Jury: José Ramón Moreno (Honorary President), Fernando Aranaz (President), Santiago Cruz (Vice-President), Guillermo Pettigiani (Vice-President), Juan Manuel Cerrato, Miguel Ángel García Fernández, José Pedro Gómez-Agüero, Ángel Iglesias, Joan Isern López, Juan Panes Cantero and Carlos Rodríguez Gómez. Apprentices: Rafael Acuña Castillo, José Belarmino Díaz and Esteve Domenech. Expert , Eduardo Escalada-Goicoechea.
This 56th edition of the Exfilna together with the 5th European Collecting Convention (ECC), was organized by the Spanish Federation – FESOFI and and the National Dealers Association – ANFIL, sponsored by the Spanish Post – CORREOS, with the collaboration of the Royal Mint FNMT, Regional Government of Andalusia, Seville City Council, General Archive of the Indies and Cajasol Foundation amongst other collaborators.
Every day had its commemorative postmark. On the31st of October was used the “Post by coach” cancellation. A 18th Century Post Carriage was transporting mail postmarked with the special cancellation of “Post by coach” deposited at the Spanish Post stand, arriving to the Seville’s Post Main Office and then delivered.
During this EXFILNA 2018 were presentations of books and lectures of very high level. Amongst them the Spanish Post – Correos, presented the two volumes book “The history of Spain according to Gallego and Rey”. The presentation was chaired by the Director of Philately of CORREOS, Mr. Modesto Fraguas, and was attended by the authors themselves, José María Gallego and Julio Rey. Learn history with humor! That is the intention with which CORREOS by the hand of the popular Gallego and Rey have done this magnificent work which includes the history of Spain told with their characteristic humor.
There was an important Symposium in Postal History and other seminars and meetings as already informed in this FEPA Website.
Left photo: Fernando Aranaz, Honorary President of FESOFI, José Ramón Moreno, FEPA President, José Pedro Gómez-Aguero, Vice-President of FESOFI and Delegate for Youth and Miguel Ángel García Fernández, President of FESOFI. Right photo: The winner and finalists of the drawings of stamps.
The finalist drafts of the youth and the winer already a stamp
Were presented the prizes to the winners and finalists of the drawns “A stamp for Seville” aimed for students from 1st to 6th grade of Primary Education from more than 700 public and private schools in the province of Seville.
José Ramón Moreno, FEPA President handed out the Certificates of the FEPA 2017 runners up of the Award “to the Exceptional Research Work” to the 6 Co-Authors of the “Illustrated Philatelic Dictionary” Andrés Ordóñez Cámara, Ángel Iglesias Vidal, Fernando Aranaz del Río, José Pedro Gómez-Agüero Jiménez, Juan Panés Cantero and Miguel Ángel García
At the Palmares, after the reading of the minutes by the Jury Secretary Mr. Juan Panes, were presented the 43 Gold Medals and 23 Large Gold, as well as other official Awards. Were present official authorities as the Spanish Deputy Minister of Communications Mr. Jesús Manuel Gómez García, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Public Function of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Mr. Antonio Ramírez de Arellano, the General Director of Postal Regime of Spain, Mr. Rafael Crespo, the Director of Philately of the Spanish Post, Mr. Modesto Fraguas, the Director of the Royal Mint, Mr. Ángel Nieto, the Deputy Director of the General Archive of the Indies, Ms. Pilar Lázaro, the Commissioner of the General Archive of Indies for the Exhibition, Mr. Manuel Álvarez. From the philatelic side, the President of FESOFI, Mr. Miguel Angel García, the President of the European Federation of Philatelic Associations FEPA, Mr. José Ramón Moreno, the President of the Organizing Committee of the EXFILNA, Mr. Ramón Cortés de Haro, the President of ANFIL, Mr. Mario Mirman and the President of EDIFIL, Mr. Ángel Laiz amongst others.
The President of the Regional Federation of Philatelic Societies of Andalusia (FEFIAN) Mr. Rafael Serrano awarded with the FEFIAN Medal to Mr. Modesto Fraguas, Director of Philately of the Spanish Post in presence of the FEFIAN Honorary President Mr. Ramón Cortés de Haro.
The Grand Prix EXFILNA 2018 was won by Mr. Francisco Infantes Peña, for his collection Certified mail of Alfonso XIII and the Grand Prix of the Championship Class, was also awarded to Mr. Francisco Infantes, for his collection Essays and proofs of Alfonso XIII.
Were presented the 2018 Medals of the Spanish Federation-FESOFI. The individual medal was for Mr. José Ramón Moreno while the collective one was for the Philatelic Group of the Rioja recieved by its President Mr. Fernando Herce.
Mr. Rafael Crespo, Chancellor of the Order of Postal and Philatelic Merit, read the Minutes of the Award of the Medal of Postal Merit. Collective Gold Medals: Philatelic and Numismatic Group of the Athenaeum 1906, Philatelic Association Zaragozana 1932 and Sevillian Philatelic Society 1933. Individual Gold Medal: Mr. Juan Gabaldá García, Mr. Antonio Rodríguez López. Individual Silver Medal: Mr. José Luis de la Cruz Rodríguez, Ms. María Teresa Bravo Sánchez and Mr. Fernando Herce Porres. Collective Bronze Medal: Cardenal Cisneros School of Orense.
Mr. José Ramón Moreno, President of FEPA, presented the Gold Pin of the European Federation to Mr. Miguel Ángel García, President of FESOFI and the FEPA honorary plate to Mr. Ángel Nieto, Director of the Royal Mint-FNMT.
The Organizing Committee of EXFILNA 2018, also wanted to show Seville to all attendees that were interested. That’s why were scheduled three tourist visits to the most emblematic places of this beautiful city: “Essential Seville”, “The Santa Cruz Quarter” and “The Magic of Triana” . The culmination was to contemplate, as if it were Easter , the procession of the “Esperanza de Triana”.
There was an emotive dinner organized by FESOFI in homage of Mr. Ramón María Cortés de Haro, President of the Organizing Committee of EXFILNA 2018, whose “philatelic curriculum” over 50 years of activity in organized philately, is impressive. The homage was attended by 130 philatelists from the whole Spain and even from several foreign countries.
Congratulations to the Spanish Federation – FESOFI, to the National Dealers Association – ANFIL, to the Spanish Post – CORREOS and to all those who participated with their work and time for the outstanding success of the 56th edition of the Exfilna together with the 5th European Collecting Convention (ECC).
Our special thanks to Mr. Miguel Ángel García Fernández and Mr. Rafael Acuña, authors of big part of this text and to Mr. José Luis de la Cruz for providing most of the pictures
Proposal for change Regulations from The Royal Dutch Union of Stamp Clubs (KNBF)
21.11.2018 – KNBF: becomes a forerunner by amending its exhibition regulations
(rh) After many years, the Royal Dutch Union of Stamp Clubs (KNBF) has changed a number of essential elements of its exhibition regulations. It turns out that the KNBF is suddenly becoming a forerunner in exhibiting small collections in particular. These are small collections that until now have been excluded nationally and internationally. The KNBF hopes to receive the support of the FEPA and later the FIP on this point, so that the new rules can probably be implemented everywhere. Some time ago the same procedure (beginning with a trial) was – successfully – followed for exhibiting picture postcards.
The now announced changes will be introduced in early 2019, after changed regulations have been published on the KNBF’s website.
The most important changes are:
5.1 a Categories 2 and 3 will be merged into category 2. Collections that have not been exhibited before can now be submitted in this category.
5.5 e New! Small collections (larger than an exhibition frame, but smaller than the minimum per category) can be judged on trial. This assessment has national value only, but it is possible that FIP later on will adjust itself to the new rules. Until then it’s not yet possible to exhibit internationally. However, it is possible to promote from category 2 to category 1. For the time being, the assessment has no value for foreign national exhibitions. Until then it is not possible that someone who was judged in category 1 in the Netherlands, may exhibit in (for example) Belgium or Germany in category 1.
7.1 The system of Dutch points rating will be abolished. For both classes the FIP points rating system is applied.
8.5 In order to be admitted to category 1, a minimum of 75 points must have been obtained in category 2 with the collection. In order to be admitted internationally, one must first obtain eighty points or more in category 1 nationally.
Attention! In connection with the amendments of the KNBF exhibition regulations, it is still possible to register for the Dutch national exhibition “Gouda 2019” (categories 1 and 2, closing date 15 December 2019). See also
Copyright: KNBF/Knikman