We have received the latest Newsletter from the DeBra2024 organisers with the following highlights:
Special exhibition envelopes are on sale.
The 15 jurors for the exhibition have been named and will be presented on the homepage. Furthermore, all exhibitors and their exhibits are now published on the homepage.
The issue date for the special postage stamp from Deutsche Post AG is 6 June 2024. You can find more information about this event on the exhibition homepage.
On Friday, 28 June 2024, at 2 pm, the Heinrich Köhler company will present the book The First Stamps of Brazil 1843 – 1870 / The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection.
The study group Brazil in the BDPh, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary as part of the DEBRA supporting program, will show a cross-section of Brazilian philately in a special show, which will include a lot of classics as well as postal stationery, airmail and special stamps. In addition to the many exhibits in the competition exhibitions, this 22-frame special show will provide a comprehensive overview of Brazil Philately.
A rich report from EFIRO 2024, the latest news about the upcoming exhibitions in the Balkan countries, new publications and new stamp issues, an acquaintance with the Romanian Museum of Records in Bucharest, and much more is what Newsletter No. 3 is all about.
Delegates from seven federations participated in the Balkanfila Working Group meeting on 19 April, chaired by Igor Pirc. The meeting’s highlight was the presentation of Balkanfila XX in Thessaloniki next November by members of the exhibition’s Organising Committee.
22 articles from prominent scholars under the general theme “The Spanish speaking countries” was this year’s contribution to Editor Guy Coutant’s call for papers in Opus XXIV. It is the socond time that the annual publication of the European Academy of Philately is devoted to Spanish philately, following Opus XI, in 2011.
“The international influence of the AEP is clearly demonstrated by the diversity of the authors’ nationalities. In addition to the large number of Spanish authors, I received three articles from France, two from the United States, four from Belgium, one from Portugal, one from Uruguay, and one from Gibraltar”, the Editor mentions in his message.
In the opening remarks of his message, President Peter Suhadolc quotes: “The decision to have this year’s Opus dedicated to Spanish speaking countries has proven to have hit the bull’s eye. Both the volume and quality of papers submitted demonstrated the great interest for this area, the many related topics and the high level of research of the authors”.
Next year’s theme is Italy, territories and colonies.
DeBra2024 Newsletter #8
We have received the latest Newsletter from the DeBra2024 organisers with the following highlights:
The Newsletter: https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/DE-BR-NSL08.pdf
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BALKANFILA Newsletter No. 3
A rich report from EFIRO 2024, the latest news about the upcoming exhibitions in the Balkan countries, new publications and new stamp issues, an acquaintance with the Romanian Museum of Records in Bucharest, and much more is what Newsletter No. 3 is all about.
Delegates from seven federations participated in the Balkanfila Working Group meeting on 19 April, chaired by Igor Pirc. The meeting’s highlight was the presentation of Balkanfila XX in Thessaloniki next November by members of the exhibition’s Organising Committee.
The Newsletter: https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Balkanfila_nsl_03.pdf
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22 articles from prominent scholars under the general theme “The Spanish speaking countries” was this year’s contribution to Editor Guy Coutant’s call for papers in Opus XXIV. It is the socond time that the annual publication of the European Academy of Philately is devoted to Spanish philately, following Opus XI, in 2011.
“The international influence of the AEP is clearly demonstrated by the diversity of the authors’ nationalities. In addition to the large number of Spanish authors, I received three articles from France, two from the United States, four from Belgium, one from Portugal, one from Uruguay, and one from Gibraltar”, the Editor mentions in his message.
In the opening remarks of his message, President Peter Suhadolc quotes: “The decision to have this year’s Opus dedicated to Spanish speaking countries has proven to have hit the bull’s eye. Both the volume and quality of papers submitted demonstrated the great interest for this area, the many related topics and the high level of research of the authors”.
Next year’s theme is Italy, territories and colonies.
Cover design by Dr Myrsini Vardopoulou, Hon. AEP.
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