Since the last newsletter in May 2014, we have had a commission meeting in Korea. 35 attended the meeting that also was a seminar with training in judging of three different exhibits. And finally our Hong Kong delegate Malcolm Hammersley gave us an excellent presentation on Hong Kong Aerogrammes. The feedback on the meeting was very positive. Please read the minutes from the meeting on page 3-5.
In Korea a meeting was held between the Commission Chairmen and the FIP Board. At this meeting the Postal Stationery Commission suggested that FIP initiates training for Jury Team Leaders from all classes, and I was asked to make a suggestion for this training. I hope the training will be taken place in the near future.
As usual we welcome both new jurors and new delegates to the commission. Please read about this on the next page in the message from our secretary Ian McMahon. Let me here thank Michael Ho for his contribution to the Commission and the Bureau. Michael has been a very active member, and is now stepping down as delegate for Chinese Taipei and is handing over to Chen Yu-An. Chen is a well- known exhibitor of China postal stationery, and he even won the Grand Prix International at the FIAP exhibition Malaysia 2014. It is great to see that really good postal stationery exhibits can win international grand prix’s. Congratulations!
In October I had – together with our FIP Board representative Bernie Beston – the opportunity to visit the FIAF exhibition in Santiago, Chile. FIAF has a commission for postal stationery led by our Spanish delegate Arturo Ferrer, and he led four meetings on postal stationery during the exhibition. Please read more about these meetings on page 8.
In this newsletter you will also find an article on how to give good feedback to exhibitors. I have had the opportunity to follow a couple of postal stationery jury teams during the feedback to exhibitors, and I believe that we can do much better in the feedback we give to postal stationery exhibitors. Please read the article on page 6 – and if you have other or additional experiences that you would like to share – please write to me, and we will have it in the next newsletter.
I am looking forward to seeing you all in Singapore!é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2014-12-30 12:16:212017-11-11 08:29:02January 2015 Newsletter of the Postal Stationery Commission
Per Friis Mortensen, FEPA Representative at the Bureau of the FIP Commission for Postal History
FEPA Activity Report 2014
Major Exhibitions
Alpe-Adria 2014
In Lugano, Switzerland with participants from Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland.
Nordia 2014
Nordic exhibition in Lillestrøm, Norway from 21st to 23rd. Participants from 8 countries.
Rossica 2014
International Exhibition of Philatelic literature in Moscow.
Seven Nation Challenge
Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, United States and Sweden during the Baltex exhibition in Malmö, Sweden
Exfilna 2014
Seminar FIP Postal History. Fernando Aranaz Del Río
Malmö Philatelic Summit
The Malmö 3rd International Philatelic Summit. 94 participants from 21 countries.
Berlin, October
A Jury Seminar organized by BDPH. 20 participants from 5 countries.
Five Seminars with postal history background were organized during 2014:
– 12th Seminar Philately of the 20th century (Modern Philately) in April in Mondsee. Special themes were “French Censorship in Tyrol & Vorarlberg 1945 – 1953”, “The use of the landscape issues 1945 / 1948”, “A journey through the postal History of Austria 1945 – 1955
– 6th Seminar for prephilately in April in Zell am Irrsee: e.g. n Erblanden“, „Wertbriefe in Österreich“
– 9th Hungarian – Austrian Symposium for Postal Historyin Pinkafeld: “Feldpost in Deutsch-Westungarn nach dem 1. Weltkrieg”, „Kriegsgefangenenkorrespondenz im 1. Weltkrieg“, „K.u.K. in Ostasien“, Einschreiben Mail in der Österreichischen Doppelmonarchie“
– 10th Seminar Transpölten in June mainly with themes of European Transit Mail : “Estafetten in der kaiserlichen Reichspost”, “Ungarische Auslandsbriefe”, “ Frühe Post der Taxis”, Kaiserbriefe”, “Frühe Schweizer Postgeschichte”.
– 33rd Symposium “Carinthia” in October in St.Paul: ”Slawische Besetzung von Unterkärnten”, “Der Reichsgau Kärnten”, “Das Kronland Kärnten bis zur Einführung der Briefmarken”, “Kärnten ab 1945”.
2 books with postal history were issued:
– TRANSPÖLTEN Seminar für europäische Transitpost in ihrer Frühform
– Handbuch Kärnten 14 with the postal history 1938 – 1966: Reichsgau Kärnten 1938-1945, Feld- Dienstpost der Britischen Besatzung 1945 – 1955, Britische Zensur in Kärnten 1945 – 1953, POW und DP Lager in Kärnten nach 1945
Report: Helmut Seebald
This year there again was held a National Exhibition, this time in the city of Aarschot because it is one of the martyr cities of the beginning of the first World War.
– Period before the UPU: 5 exhibits –> 2 LG , 1 G , 1 V , 1 LS
– From UPU to the second World War: 10 exhibits –> 1 G , 4 LV , 4 V, 1 LS
– Period after the second World War: 1 exhibit –> 1 LS
– One Frame: in Postal History : 9 exhibits –> 1 LV , 1 V , 4 LS , 3 B
– In Literature there were 1 magazine for Postal History (LS) and 3 books of PH items (1 LG , 1 V and 1 LS)
The book “Le courrier du Groupe belge des Autos-canons – Mitailleuses en Russie 1915-1918” from Jacques Pirotte (with points equal to an exhibit in Traditional) obtained the highest reward from the jury ‘The Honorific Medal of His Majesty the King of the Belgians’. This book treats the postal history and the history during the extraordinary voyage made by about 400 Belgian soldiers from the western front to Russia (to help there against the Germans and their allies) and the after Russian revolution the escape over Siberia, Japan and the USA towards again the western front.
Five Precompetitive Exhibitions were held spread over the different regions of Belgium. In each Postal History was present by new collections. The exhibitors were given comments so that they hopefully will participate at one of the five Regional Competitive Exhibitions in 2015.
What the members of the Jury in PH concerns, Belgium lost some judges because they were no longer able to judge because of age of sickness or dead.
In the National Exhibition, two apprentices helped to judge. One was accepted and the other one still needs some more knowledge in certain aspects of PH.
For next year, I have two new persons who will follow lessons to become at first regional judge in Postal History. This will meanly done at the Regional Exhibitions.
Report: Donald Decorte
Czech Republic
Postal History Society of the Czech Republic (Českomoravská společnost pro poštovní historii; abbrev. as ČMSPH) was created in 1990. The Society consists of about 250 collectors from the Czech Republic and abroad running two expert circles: Postal Labels and the Field Post Collectors. The key tasks of the Society are:
– Development of the postal history collecting & research
– Bringing up the postal history collectors
– Promotion of the postal history among the stamp collectors and non-philatelic public.
The key activities in 2014 were as follows:
– Organizing two session of CMSPH (May & November 2014)
– Organizing monthly sessions of Postal Labels Section
– Organizing two session of Field Post Section (May & November 2014)
– Mutual session with members of ArGe Tschechoslowakei at Rumburk (on May 31, 2014)
– Organization of sightseeing tour for Society members to visit the historical places of Rumburk Military Revolt of 1918 (on May 31, 2014)
– Publishing four issues of Postilion Journal (Editor K. Špaček) with regular enclosures of “Polní pošty” (Field Post Magazine; Editor L. Bártík) and “Poštovny” (Postal Agencies; Editor P. Gebauer)
– Publishing the magazine of Postal Labels Section (editor J. Kratochvíl)
– Articles published by the Society members in philatelic magazines in the Czech Republic and abroad (Filatelie (CZ), The Czechout (GB), The Czechoslovak Specialist (USA), Rundbrief der ArGe Feldpost (A), FEPA News (ESP) etc.
– Co-operation with Postal Museum Prague in preparation a set of articles on WWI field post (“Pošta za Velké války”) to be published in the Filatelie Journal (mainly review of the texts & providing some illustrations like in Filatelie 9 or 11/2014)
– Publishing a philatelic study of L. Kunc in the Anthology of Municipal History of 20th Century published by Royal City of Slaný (discussing the postal history of the City 1900-1950)
– Participation in the radio series on World War I and destinies of Austro- Hungarian soldiers broadcasted by Czech Radio at its Vltava Channel by L.Kunc ( )
– Participation in the TV program “Z metropole” broadcasted by the Czech TV on its first channel by J. Kratochvil – the program to be broadcasted on Dec. 6, 2014 at the noon ( )
– Winning the Kay Goodman Trophy at Club Exhibition of Czechoslovak Philatelic Society in GB
– Participation of the Society members at Svitavy Stamp Exhibition (rank II/III)
– Participation of the Society members in the EXPONET permanent virtual stamp exhibition ( )
– Preparation of philatelic material for jubilee exhibition on 100th anniversary of presenting Jiříkov/Georgeswalde with the city rights by Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I ( ); author D. Pflugbail
– Preparation of philatelic material for temporary exhibition on Knight Orders displayed at Masarykovo Museum Hodonín from Nov. 2013 to Feb. 2014 ( ); L. Kunc
2014 was quite an interesting year with several local and one national exhibition. On the national exhibition, it was surprizing to see a lower level in PH than we have seen in the previous years. The Good thing was that PH was the largest class containing some potentially good exhibits.
The last meeting in the Danish Jury Group was dedicated Importance and Rarity. The issues were training on both TR and PH exhibits.
It was a pleasure that Danish Postal History Society received the FEPA Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Activities.
Report: Per Friis Mortensen
In spite the situation in our country we have managed to maintain our small postal history group, which consists of seven members meeting on a semi regular basis, i.e. we had 5 meetings during the year.
During these meetings, we discussed different subjects related to the Egyptian PH, mainly in the classical period.
As for novice philatelists, we have managed to attract more interest from younger people to Postal History, a fine start of some six new collections were developed.
We provide for them the necessary guidance and PH knowledge, with some exhibition skills.
We started preparing for the exhibition which will be held in Egypt in 2016 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of issuing the first postal stamp. The Postal history class will be present in that event.
Report: Hany Salam
The long time Finnish delegate of the postal history commission, Mr. Pekka Taitto, withdrew from the position in the Spring of 2014. The Board of the Finnish Philatelic Federation nominated Mr. Ari Muhonen as the new delegate. He started his term in August 2014.
Of the national level, jurors Mr. Pekka Taitto and Mr. Bo Söderholm were withdrawn from the list, and Mr. Risto Pitkänen was added there after a successful apprenticeship in Aboex 2014. Ari Muhonen was nominated as a Nordic level juror after a successful apprenticeship in Nordia 2014 in Oslo, Norway.
Mr. Petteri Hannula has developed an iPad application, which assists a juror in his judging process. The juror can tap in break down points as well as written comments for each exhibit. The data can be exported to an Excel sheet. In a future version, it will be possible to export the data to an Access database, which can then be used for producing all the needed documents of an exhibition.
The national exhibition Aboex 2014 was held in Turku in the Spring. Two of the eight exhibits in the Championship class represented postal history. However, the Grand Prix was given to a postcard exhibit. Postal history class consisted of 22 exhibits being the biggest class in the exhibition. The results were as follows: LG 2, G 4, LV 4, V 2, LS 3, S 1, SB 2. Three one frame exhibits were given only points, not medals.
Three Finnish postal history exhibits were in the Philakorea 2014 FIP exhibition. The results were LV 2 and V 1.
All together Finland has 21 postal history exhibits in the FIP list. However, 11 of them are not active anymore. This leaves only 10 active exhibits. The delegate is committed to find new exhibits and exhibitors in order to improve the situation.
Report: Ari Muhonen
International Competition “Postal History live” in Sindelfingen competing for the
“Golden Posthorn”.
BDPH / FEPA Jury Seminar organized in Berlin.
Report: Wolf Hess
During 2014, Greek Philately was very active, as the last 20-30 years, in Postal History subjects.
Greece, due to his very interesting History (revolution, occupations, Levant post offices, local issues, annexations, liberations, expeditions, political changes, etc), offers many possibilities in collecting Postal History subjects and many exhibits (from 1 frame to 8 frames) are or can be mounted every year.
The most active Club, the Hellenic Philatelic Society, organize at least 2 times per month, lectures about Postal History. From October, almost all lectures are dedicated to WW1.Report: Alexandre Galinos
The present Postal History Study Group was formed within the Hungarian Philatelic Federation (Mabéosz) 12 years ago and has been very active since then.
The study group has 8 meetings yearly whose dates and programmes are set a half year in advance. Participants may attend lectures generally illustrated by photos, maps diagrams etc followed by demonstration of exhibits. Time to time noted exhibitors, jurors and experts exchange their experiences with the audience. Not only members but participants are always welcomed and called to tell their comments or ask questions. In 2014 one renowned philatelist from abroad had lecture in our group and this open session drew not only for our members but collectors of other philatelic groups from every angle of the country.
We edit the Postal History Review in colour with 20-24 pages in format A/5. The review has a 9 times release yearly and reports on every interesting PH news, articles, events, new rules, auction results, etc.
Report: Pál Lippai on behalf of Dénes Czirók
Nothing of significant to report.
Report: Moti Kremener
In 2014 the Italian Federation of the Italian Philatelic Associations (FSFI) has organized two National Exhibitions where also Postal History exhibits were admitted:
– From 26 to 28 September in Palermo it was possible to present Postal History “Classic “exhibits up to 1900 and diachronic exhibits related both to period prior 1900 and after 1900. In addition to participations in other classes, 23 collections of Postal History have been judged, 5 exhibits were granted large gold and 11 gold medals.
– From 24 to 26 October in Rome it was possible to present exhibits of modern and contemporary philately from 1900 to today. In addition to participations in other classes 19 exhibits were judged in the Postal History class, 2 exhibits were granted large gold and 8 gold medals.
As mentioned in the report of previous years all exhibitors had to present either a photocopy or a CD of their exhibits. Exhibitors not presenting what required had not to be admitted to the exhibition. I can confirm that after a few years that this policy has been applied all exhibitor enrolled in the exhibition have also presented what required. It is worthwhile noting that the president of the jury has been also controlling that each juror properly study and evaluated the participations assigned to him. The proper study and evaluation of the exhibits assigned is the key element to evaluate the performance of Italian jurors.
In addition to activities of the National Federation, the Italian association of Postal History (AISP) promoted in March a contest were 10 Postal History exhibits of the AISP were judged together with 10 Postal History exhibits of the German Association of Postal History (DASV) by 4 jurors: 2 from AISP and 2 from DASV. President of the jury was Kurt Kimmel selected by AISP.
In November the AISP was invited to participate in the National Portuguese exhibition of Viana do Castelo. 9 AISP exhibitors participated in this event where an Italian Juror was also present in the Postal History class.
These international agreements are highly appreciated by collector because they allow an international exposure that it is not easy to have by other means
Report: Mario Mentaschi
Nordic (Scandinavian) stamp exhibition in Lillestrøm in November, 42 PH exhibits.
– The winner of Grand Prix International: Cunard Line: The ships and the Transatlantic Mail 1840 – 1867.
No national exhibitions (as usual when we host a Nordic exhibition)
One local stamp exhibition
No jury seminars
Report: Hallvard Slettebö
Conference of the Polish Academy of Philately (PAF) in Ciechocinek 2014
(23-25.05.2014) with session 12 compositions of Postal History.
National Polish Exhibition in Warsaw (11-19.10.2014) – with Championship Class (with 3 exhibits PH) and with 21 exhibits competition class PH.
New literature books for PH:
– “Beginnings of the Polish Post in Pomerania 1920”,
– “Bajonczycy – the Polish Company in the French Foreign Legion 1914-1915”.
– “Polish Legions 1914-1917”
Report: Przemyslaw Drzewiecki
There was no exhibitions and no activities in Serbia.
Report: Aleksandar Krstic
In 2014 the following have been publiched by FZS
– Dr. Ivan Turk, Odtisi zigov postnih aparatov pri organizacijah v Sloveniji (Postmarks of franking machines in Slovenian organisations), 240 pages, 2014, edited by FZS
Dr. Veselko Gustin become FIP accredited juror in PH (Bangkok),
Stamp exhibition in Ljubljana 2014, 9.-12. April, National Philatelic Exhibition, noncompetitive class: exhibits 8, frames 38; competition classes: 47 exhibits, 209 frames.
International participation: Korea 2014, 2 exhibits, Lugano 2014 8 exhibits, Malaysia 2014 6 exhibits.
Report: Veselko Gustin
The 18th annual seminar for jurors and exhibitors was organized on November 8, 2014 in Olten with over 40 participants and three exhibits (Reply cards used in foreign countries, Postal History Alsace 1870-1945 and a One frame) which have been shown at exhibitions in Germany and Switzerland during 2014 obtaining results which were more than 10 points higher in Switzerland than abroad. The discussions revealed that the German and Dutch jury members who were involved did not even know the FIP regulations for Class 2C.
Therefore, yearly seminars for jurors and exhibitors should be organized by all the Federations giving a chance to their delegate to our FIP Postal History Commission to present our Streamlined Seminars which can be downloaded from our website.
On the other hand Postal History exhibits from Swiss collectors have achieved highest results abroad like the FIP GPI in Seoul (Postal History of Geneva 1845-1862) or the GP Alpe Adria and the GP at the Multinational Exhibition in Haldersleben (both for the sunburst cancellations of the rural post offices in the Ticino 1852-1883). Postal History exhibits are usually the class with the highest number of applications in each exhibition. The collecting of regional Postal History remains very popular in Switzerland.
Report: Kurt Kimmel
– 2 Postal History exhibits with 1 Postal History exhibit Large Gold and Special Award
– 10 Postal History exhibits with 1 Postal History exhibit Large Gold and Special Award, 1 Class Champions, 1 Large Gold, 4 Gold, 1 Large Silver and 1 Large Vermeil Special Award, being the best young collection
Salon planète timbres – parís 2014.
– 5 Postal History exhibits with 2 Large Gold, 2 Gold and 1 Vermeil
– 1 Postal History exhibit young collection from Spain
– 43 Postal History exhibits in 3 categories, with 2 Postal History in the Master Class, 6 Large Gold, 8 Gold, 5 Large Vermeil, 6 Vermeil and 1 Large Silver
– 5 Postal History exhibits with 1 Postal History exhibit Large Gold, 1 Large Gold and 1 Large Silver
– 3 Postal History exhibits with 1 Gold and 2 Large Silver
– “Seminar FIP Postal History” by Fernando Aranaz Del Río in Exfilna 2014 Torremolinos
– “110 años del comienzo de la Guerra Ruso-Japonesa” by Salvador Bofarull Planas
– “El Matasello Rueda De Carreta Nº9 De Alicante” by Juan A. Llácer Gracia
– “La Serie Del Primer Correo Submarino Español” by José Mª Santiago Giner
– “Historia Postal de la ciudad de Valencia” by Juan A. Llácer Gracia
– “El Primer Sello De España” by Félix Gómez Jiménez
– “El Transporte Del Correo En La Tercera Guerra Carlista” by Julio Damián Peñas Artero
– “Estructura del Correo de 1830 a 1871: Estafetas de Madrid” by Francisco X. García Bernabé
– “Impuesto de Guerra” by Edelmiro Rúa
– “Modernos signos de franqueo” by Pedro Rovira
– “Usos postales de las arañitas cubanas de 1883” by Eugenio de Quesada
– “Oficinas postales infantiles” by Manuel Zaragoza
– Academic Lectures Nr. XXXI, XXXIII, XXXIVedited by the Spanish Royal Philatelic Academy, very interesting.
Cuba’s Postal History – The North American Intervention 1898-1902.
Academus Nr. 18 edited by the Spanish Royal Philatelic Academy contains very interesting postal history articles dealing with different aspects of the Spanish postal history.
– “Los Correos Mayores De Yndias” of Jesús Sitjà Prats
– “Mountains of Santander. Approach To Your Postal History 1570-1870” of Rafael Ángel Raya Sánchez, edited by Afinet.
– “Variantes del Matasello Rueda de Carreta Nº9 de Alicante (1860-1862)” by Juan A. Llácer Gracia. PhilatelicCollection ofMonographs Nr. 20 ofAfinet
– of ASMI Foundation and José Luis Guzmán González
Report Juan A. Llácer Gracia
There has been one national exhibition, Baltex 2014, in Malmö, Sweden, during 2014 with 25 postal history exhibits of total 124 for the whole exhibition. Six PH exhibits were awarded Gold (90+ points), 15 received 80-89 points, and two exhibits 75-79 points. All these are qualified for international exhibitions.
At the same place and time was the top International exhibition “Seven Nations Challenge”. Sweden was this time host since Team Sweden’s victory in Perth, Australia 2012. Competing countries this time were Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom & USA. Each country compete with a total of four exhibits which had to be in four different exhibition classes. The jury is composed of one member from each country. The country with the highest total score is the winner. Exhibits from earlier winning team cannot compete. This time Germany and UK both scored 383 points and Germany was declared winner by a higher score for its three best exhibits than the UK’s. PH exhibits had all teams in this challenge and they received from 93 to 97 points.
The Malmö 3rd International Philatelic Summit was held 25-27 April with 94 delegates, from 21 countries belonging to all continents. Host were the Swedish international auction house Postiljonen with its headquarter in Malmö and this time in association with Spink international auction house. The focus was this time “To deal with the philatelic material in competitive exhibits representing all FIP exhibition classes”. Special presentations relating most to postal history were:
• James Peter Gough RDP (USA): “Selecting Material for a Postal History Exhibit”
• Geoffrey Lewis (Australia): “Postal History – Material”
They both showed a lot of different examples from their different exhibits in the presentations.
Litterature of international interest:
To each Malmö International Philatelic Summit it had been produced in a special series several “Philatelic Summit Papers” in which the speakers at the Summits could present in a wider and a higher depth their presentations. More information about the presentations as well as the “Philatelic Summit Papers” from the seminar 2014 and earlier can be found and bought on the Postiljonen webpage:
A new book of 160 pages in colour relating to Swedish postal history was issued in the autumn, “Svenska försändelser till utlandet före UPU” (Swedish covers to foreign destinations up to UPU) by Åke Rietz (Swedish PH delegate -2013). He had done a compilation from for example collectors, auction catalogues and certificate archives. All together about 5300 covers (only franked covers 1855-UPU, no stampless). For example, information in a table about the different postage for different route to same destination. Every “country” is presented separately and he had tried to show an item per country. Also a contribution by the Swedish expert Helena Obermüller-Willén (HOW) about all known forged covers by Steinberg. This long list had never been published before. According to the publisher, the book is printed in only 100 copies, but I think they will print more later because accordingly to publisher it had so far sold very well.
Report: Richard Bodin
United Kingdom
During 2014 the United Kingdom’s Exhibitions and International Committee, supported by the British Philatelic Trust, The Philatelic Fund of the Royal Philatelic Society London, has held a practical judging seminar for 19 course members led by Francis Kiddle (Judging and Juries) and Brian Trotter (Traditional Philately) with Chris King (Postal History), and Birthe King (Open Philately). Content included the basic rules of judging, with special emphasis on Open Philately, assessing the treatment of material in exhibits, research, both one’s own personal and from published sources, presentation and the vital nature of introductory page(s).
In addition seminars were held at Spring Stampex and at Autumn Stampex with the latter on Philatelic Research and the former on Presentation, including Treatment, and the Introductory Page. The Stampex seminars are open to all, usually attract 30-45 attendees and cover all exhibiting classes including Postal History.
The second Crawford Seminar held on 21st October at the Royal Philatelic Society London was on the subject of Philatelic Conservation, and open to members and guests on application. Again, this was aimed at all collectors, including Postal Historians.
Publications relevant to Postal History in the United Kingdom included, Great Britain:
– Failed Free Handstamps of the Franking System by Robert B Galland FRPSL
– John E Colton; Besieged in Paris, An Englishman’s Account of the Franco- German War, 1870-71, by Ashley Lawrence FRPSL
– Netherlands Mail in Times of Turmoil by Kees Adema FRPSL is now available on CD: all from the Stuart Rossiter Trust
– The RPSL has published two further volumes in its Perkins Bacon Archive Facsimile series; No. 3: Engraving Books 1840- 1845 and No. 4: Printing Account Books 1840- 1846.
The British Philatelic Trust has supported the British Library in digitising the whole
We will hold our first seminar on local and regional Postal History during Spring Stampex on 21st February 2015, and on 17th-18th July 2015 there will be an experimental National Postal History exhibition at the York Fair. This will be open to all Postal Historians.é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2014-12-25 12:19:332017-11-11 08:31:25POSTAL HISTORY OUTSTANDING ACTIVITY IN EUROPE
An very easy and complete lesson based on illustrations in English, German and French languages, by the expert Joss Wolff RDP, FIP Honorary President.
January 2015 Newsletter of the Postal Stationery Commission
Postal Stationery Commission Newsletter
Lars Engelbrecht
Dear friends,
Since the last newsletter in May 2014, we have had a commission meeting in Korea. 35 attended the meeting that also was a seminar with training in judging of three different exhibits. And finally our Hong Kong delegate Malcolm Hammersley gave us an excellent presentation on Hong Kong Aerogrammes. The feedback on the meeting was very positive. Please read the minutes from the meeting on page 3-5.
In Korea a meeting was held between the Commission Chairmen and the FIP Board. At this meeting the Postal Stationery Commission suggested that FIP initiates training for Jury Team Leaders from all classes, and I was asked to make a suggestion for this training. I hope the training will be taken place in the near future.
As usual we welcome both new jurors and new delegates to the commission. Please read about this on the next page in the message from our secretary Ian McMahon. Let me here thank Michael Ho for his contribution to the Commission and the Bureau. Michael has been a very active member, and is now stepping down as delegate for Chinese Taipei and is handing over to Chen Yu-An. Chen is a well- known exhibitor of China postal stationery, and he even won the Grand Prix International at the FIAP exhibition Malaysia 2014. It is great to see that really good postal stationery exhibits can win international grand prix’s. Congratulations!
In October I had – together with our FIP Board representative Bernie Beston – the opportunity to visit the FIAF exhibition in Santiago, Chile. FIAF has a commission for postal stationery led by our Spanish delegate Arturo Ferrer, and he led four meetings on postal stationery during the exhibition. Please read more about these meetings on page 8.
In this newsletter you will also find an article on how to give good feedback to exhibitors. I have had the opportunity to follow a couple of postal stationery jury teams during the feedback to exhibitors, and I believe that we can do much better in the feedback we give to postal stationery exhibitors. Please read the article on page 6 – and if you have other or additional experiences that you would like to share – please write to me, and we will have it in the next newsletter.
I am looking forward to seeing you all in Singapore!
See also
Per Friis Mortensen, FEPA Representative at the Bureau of the FIP Commission for Postal History
FEPA Activity Report 2014
Greece, due to his very interesting History (revolution, occupations, Levant post offices, local issues, annexations, liberations, expeditions, political changes, etc), offers many possibilities in collecting Postal History subjects and many exhibits (from 1 frame to 8 frames) are or can be mounted every year.
The most active Club, the Hellenic Philatelic Society, organize at least 2 times per month, lectures about Postal History. From October, almost all lectures are dedicated to WW1.Report: Alexandre Galinos
(23-25.05.2014) with session 12 compositions of Postal History.
International participation: Korea 2014, 2 exhibits, Lugano 2014 8 exhibits, Malaysia 2014 6 exhibits.
Cuba’s Postal History – The North American Intervention 1898-1902.
Academus Nr. 18 edited by the Spanish Royal Philatelic Academy contains very interesting postal history articles dealing with different aspects of the Spanish postal history.