Eduardo Oliveira e Sousa, Grand Prix in the Championship Class. Everaldo Santos, Grand Prix of “LUBRAPEX 50 Years”.

The “Prix Brazil” to the best Portuguese exhibit went to João Maria Violante for his “Portugal Clássico – 1ªs Emissões” LG with 96 points. The “Prix Portugal” to the best Brazilian exhibit was for “The long way to the bull’s eyes” by Peter Meyer, LG with 96 points.
Everaldo Santos, won Grand Prix of “LUBRAPEX 50 YEARS” with his exhibit “Navigation Lines Serving South America 1764 to UPU”. Large Gold with 97 points.The Thematic Exhibit of Eduardo Jose Oliveira e Sousa, “L’Automobile”won the Grand Prix in the Championship Class with 95 points and LG
The President of the Portuguese Federation, Pedro Vaz Pereira, received an engraved plate of congratulations for the great success of “Lubrapex 50 years” from the President of FEPA, José Ramón Moreno. Then was celebrated the ceremony of the hand out of the FEPA Flag to the next FEPA Exhibition, Balkanfila 2016 in Tirana, Albania. Bojan Bracic, Consultant of the Balkanfila, received the FEPA flag.
The Prizes as the Best in class were as follow:
The Prix of the Traditional Class was won by Luís M. Barreiros for his exhibit Portuguese India “The Native Issues”1871-1885. LG 95 points.
The Prix of the Postal History Class was won by Manuel Ângelo Lima Torres for his exhibit “Pré-Filatelia Portuguesa”. LG 94 points.
The Prix of the Postal Stationery Class was won by Pedro Marçal Vaz Pereira for his exhibit “Inteiros Postais do Tipo Ceres”. LG 95 points.
The Prix of the Thematic Class was for Paulo Jorge Ferreira da Sousa for its exhibit “Um olhar sobre o Futuro Sustentavel”with 91 points, LG.
The Prix of the Aerophilately Class was won by Graham Cosh for his exhibit “German Aerophilately 1888-1938”. LG 90 points.
The Prix of the Astrophilately Class was won by Manfred Herschung for his exhibit “Aufbruch in den Kosmos mit Mondlandung”. G 85 points.
The Prix of the Maximaphily Class was won by José Manuel Ribeiro Marques for his exhibit “As Forças Armadas no Contexto da Guerra e da Paz”. G 87 points.
The Prizes of the Youth Class were for Felipe Cesar Borin Silvano (Group A), Tanja Tschirpke (Group B) and Leonardo de Amorim Vidal (Group C)
The Prix of the Revenue Class was won by Sergio Laux for his exhibit “The Revenue Stamps of the Brazil Empire”. G 85 points.
The Prix of the One Frame Class was won by Cirneco Giuseppe for his exhibit “TDallo Sparre ai de la rue ”. G with 88 points.
The Prix of the Literature Class was to Wolfgang Maassen for his “ Bull´s Eyes on Cover ” with G 88 points.
The Prix of the Open Philately was to Eduardo José Oliveira e Sousa for its exhibit “ Do Sonho à Realidade ” with LG, 93 points.
The Prix of the Picture Postcard Class was to Maria Liseta Barros for her exhibit “ Nascido e criado no Douro… A exuberância do vinho do Porto” with G, 87 points.
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