Photo by Nicos Rangos
The Congress was plenty of interesting interventions and positive exchange of ideas. The Delegates, demonstrated their common sense and good will for collaboration and so we reached a consructive Congress in a friendly atmosphere.
The participants at the Congress were:
ALBANIA proxy to Switzerland, AUSTRIA Mag. Anton Tettinek and Alfred Kunz, BELARUS proxy to POLAND, BELGIUM Eddy Van Vaeck , BULGARIA proxy to PORTUGAL, CROATIA Mladen Vilfan, CYPRUS Nicos Rangos, CZECH Republic Vit Vanicek, DENMARK Søren Chr. Jensen and Jorgen Jorgensen, FINLAND Ari Muhonen and Jussi Tuori, FRANCE Claude Desarmenien and Bernard Jimenez, GERMANY Uwe Decker, GREAT BRITAIN Chris King, Birthe King and Alan Huggins, GREECE Costas Chazapis, HUNGARY Csaba Kornel Toth, Denes Czirok and Istvan Glatz, ITALY Giancarlo Morolli, LIECHTENSTEIN proxy to AUSTRIA, MONACO proxy to SPAIN, MONTENEGRO proxy to SERBIA, NETHERLANDS Cees Janssen and Arie Zonjee, NORWAY Tore Berg, POLAND Ludwik K. Malendowicz and Andrzej Slodzinski, PORTUGAL Pedro Vaz Pereira, ROMANIA proxy to CYPRUS, RUSSIA proxy to SLOVENIA, SERBIA Alaksandar Krstić, SLOVAKIA proxy to CZECH REP., SLOVENIA Peter Suhadolc and Bojan Bracic, SPAIN Fernando Aranaz and José Ramón Moreno, SWEDEN Gunnar Dahlvig, SWITZERLAND Jean-Marc Seydoux and Jvo Bader, TURKEY David Franco.
All six members of the FEPA Board attended the Congress and presented the matters on their respective responsibilities. More details of the Congress and the whole Minutes of it will be presented in separate news.