MonacoPhil 2015 attracted more visitors than ever
Left, The Exhibition’s venue. Photo by Sergey Rodin. Right, Patrick Maselis, President of the Club of Montecarlo welcomes H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco at the entrance of the Exhibition.
Prince Albert greeted some of the participants. Left, shaking hands to Christoph Gärtner. Right, to Claes Arnrup.
One of the main attractions at MonacoPhil 2015 was the exhibition of rarities including the famous British Guiana 1 Cent Magenta which was on display. The activities which took place during the three days of the Exhibition attracted more visitors than ever, and the different events organizers were all able to welcome an impressive number of participants. Apart from the AGM of the AEP (Académie Européenne de Philatélie) which took place on the Saturday and which attracted many members, the other events were not short of visitors. As well as the award giving by public auctioneers, the AIJP (the International Association of Philatelic Journalists) also held its AGM.

General view of the exhibition. The theme was Polar Philately with an array of exciting displays from the North and South Polar areas in the exhibition hall of the Car Museum decked in white with ‘icebergs’, a large igloo, polar bears and penguins – although not together ! Photos by Sergey Rodin.
This year’s Monacophil specialized in Polar philately, and it was the first time that a competitive exhibition had been put together on this subject which was also of great interest to non-specialists. Numerous visitors were very surprised, despite the pleasant weather in Monaco, to be immersed in the “Polar” atmosphere. Realistic igloos decorated the exhibition which gave collectors the opportunity to get to know this branch of philately. And the Jury members had the unenviable task of assessing many international-level displays.
The next exhibition, MonacoPhil 2017 is already being planned and is on its way.

Annual General Meeting of the AEP (Academie Europeenne de Philatelie). Left, Andrey Strygin, President of the Russian National Academy of Philately,reported about “Rossica-2016” in Berlin, which was granted the FEPA Recognition. Next to him, the presidence of the event: Serge Khan, Secretary General; Bruno Crevato-Selvagi, President, and Michel Letaillieur, Treasurer.On the right photo, Igor Rodin, member of the AEP Board, (in the middle), congratulated Boris Esenkin, General Director of the “Biblio-Globus” Trading House (right) for becoming a new member of the European Academy of Philately. Photos by Sergey Rodin

General views of the AEP Meeting. Photos by Sergey Rodin
MonacoPhil 2015 (Français)
L’exposition des raretés a été l’un des principaux pôles d’attraction de cette édition MonacoPhil 2015 avec le fameux one cent magenta de Guyane britannique qui y était présenté. Les événements qui se sont déroulés tout au long des trois jours d’exposition ont attiré un nombre toujours croissant de participants. Les différents organisateurs de manifestations qui se sont déroulées à cette occasion ont tous accueilli un nombre imposants de participants.

Official ceremony of the postal cancellation dedicated to the Year of Russia in Monaco The officials from Monaco and Russia took part in the “Year of Russia in Monaco” memorable postal cancellation, from left to right: Mr. Henri Fissore, Ambassador in detached service to the Minister of State (Monaco); Mr. Jean Castellini, the Minister of Finance and Economy of Monaco; Mrs. Ekaterina Semenikhina, Honorary Consulate General of Russia in Monaco; Mr. Artem Adibekov, General Director of the Russian “Marka” publishing and trading center.Photos: Sergey Rodin
Outre l’assemblée générale de l’AEP qui a eu lieu le samedi et où de nombreux membres ont assistés, les autres événements n’ont pas désempli. A côté des remises de prix organisés par des organisateurs de ventes publiques, l’AIJP (Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques) y tenait aussi son assemblée générale.

Left, Wolfgang Maassen, President of the AIJP at the General Assembly. Right, Chris King, past President of the RLPS. Photos by Sergey Rodin
Cette édition de MonacoPhil avait mis l’accent sur la philatélie polaire avec l’organisation pour la première fois d’une exposition compétitive sur ce thème qui assurément a eu un réel intérêt pour les non spécialistes. Les nombreux visiteurs ont eu la surprise d’être plongé malgré le climat plus que clément à Monaco dans une ambiance polaire. De véritables igloos ont servi de décor à cette exposition par laquelle nombre de collectionneurs ont pu se familiariser avec cette branche de la philatélie. Les membres du jury avaient la difficile tâche de départager des collections de niveau international.
La prochaine exposition MonacoPhil 2017 est d’ores et déjà sur les rails !

The Palmarès took place at the impressive Oceanographic Museum. Photo by Sergey Rodin.The Closing Dinner of ‘MonacoPhil 2015’,at the Hotel Hermitage during which Birthe King, Director of the FEPA Board handed out a FEPA honorary present to Patrick Maselis, President of the Club of Montecarlo.