Logos of Vardo 2016 and the Norsk Filatelistforbund, the Norwegian Philatelic Federation
Map with the situation of Vardo.
Vardo 2016 in progress: last frames mounting.
This weekend a stamp exhibition took place in Vardø (Norway). It is definitely the most north stamp exhibition in Norway this year, and considered to be the most north stamp exhibiton for any FEPA or FIP country. No one can beat us in 2016!
Vardø is a small town in north-east Norway. Situated at 70 22 degrees north. To illustrate how far from central Europe this is, some distances are given:
- from Oslo to Vardø by direct line (airplane) 1.489 kilometer. Similar from Sevilla (4.265 kilometers) and London(2.832 kilometers)
- most people in Europe are more aware of The North Cape. To comparison the distance from Gibraltar to North Cape is 4.290 kilometers.
Weather in Vardø on Saturday October 8th was partly sunny and 8 degrees warm. Not bad for 70 degrees north!
Left, Opening Ceremony. Right, Are Døvle receiving the Award for the best Collection of VARDØ 2016
The Jury, formed by Atle Fossmark, Knut R. Rasmussen, Bjørn A. Schøyen and Paal Berg Helland, awarded the main prizes to:
- Are Døvle from the Vadsø Philatelist Club for the exhibit “Postal History in Tromso until 1866”
- Geir Lunde from the Karmøy Stamps Club for the exhibit “Postal History of the Norwegian officer’s during the German occupation 1942 –1945”.
- Hallvard Slettebø from the Stavanger Philatelist Club for the exhibit “Norway in America”.
The best exhibitors from the Vardø Stamps Club has been Jan Lauridsen followed by Kai Egil Evjen and Steinar Borch Jensen.