Ottoman Empire Postal History of Greece (1840–1912)
Alan C. Mellaart FRPSL has recently published his first book on Ottoman Postal History and has promised that more are to come. We quote from the book’s Preface:
The Ottoman Empire Postal History of Greece attempts to visually explore the rich and complex postal history of the Ottoman Empire, in this case focusing on the former territories, now part of modern-day Greece.
This work chronicles the establishment, expansion, and eventual dissolution of the Ottoman postal services across these lands, showcasing some of the rare covers, postmarks, and postal documents that have survived. Through detailed records, including 81 post offices, this book presents an organized and comprehensive view of the postal operations, and the remarkable covers that represent them.
This publication is designed for philatelists, historians, and enthusiasts alike, offering insights into the Ottoman Empire’s postal evolution within Greece from 1840 to 1912. With the ever-changing borders and the cultural interactions that shaped the empire’s postal network, this book aims to preserve and highlight the legacy of each region’s postmarks, and correspondence through the display on covers.
Available by the author at