
Timbres-Passion 2022 in Moulins, France, next October
After the successful Paris-Philex 2022 in June, the French Philatelic Federation invites us to meet again in 28-30 October in Timbres-Passion 2022, which is going to take place in Moulins, central France.
Timbre-Passion 2022 is a philatelic…

Centenary of the French Philatelic Federation (FFAP)
The French Philatelic Federation (FFAP) celebrates its centenary this year with the publication of a 200-page book, FFAP Une belle centenaire 1922-2022, which will be available on 28th October, on the occasion of Timbres Passion à Moulins,…

The Danish Postal History Society celebrates its 50th anniversary
The Danish Postal History Society (Dansk Posthistorisk Selskab, DPHS)`was founded in 1972. This weekend, 26-27 March, the Society celebrates its 50th anniversary, with a 200-frame exhibition featuring postal history exhibits only. The exhibition,…