The latest book list from the International Postal History Library
We have recently received the following information from the International Postal History Library:
Please find attached the new list of fascinating postal history studies and books currently available from IPHL vzw. Prices listed include shipping costs within Europe. For those interested outside Europe, please contact IPHL by email so we can let you know the exact cost in advance. Payment can be made on account number Crelan bank account BE68 7512 1304 0534 of IPHL vzw, Betekomsesteenweg 14, B3130 Begijnendijk, Belgium, or on request via PayPal.
Please email your order to so that we can process and ship your order quickly. All orders are processed on a “first come, first served” basis and, once sold out, it is unfortunate for the latecomers, but no new prints of any kind will be provided.
The latest IPHL book list: