KAUNAS 2015: a successful exhibition
The Vytautas Magnus University hosted KAUNAS 2015.
Left photo: Kęstutis Šidlauskas, Vice Rector VDU and Eugenijus Ušpuras, President of the Union of Lithuanian Philatelists officially opened the exhibition. Right: View of the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
The Union of Lithuanian Philatelists (Lietuvos Filatelistų Sąjunga) held a successful exhibition from 19−22 November 2015 at the Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas.
The national competitive exhibition included diverse exhibits covering the classes of Traditional Philately, Thematic Philately, Postal History, Youth Philately, and Literature entries.
The exhibition received considerable attention from fellow philatelists and the general public.Overall, the event resulted in the great promotion of philately.
We look forward to the national philatelic exhibition in 2018 commemorating the centenary of Lithuanian postage stamps.
Left photo: Philatelic exhibitions have always meant a good opportunity for discussions and the exchange of philatelic experience among collectors. Right: KAUNAS 2015 exhibitors and attendees: Vygintas Bubnys (Lithuania), Romualdas Pečeliūnas (Lithuania), Bernd Fels (Germany) and Audrius Brazdeikis (USA).
Left photo: Liudas Mažylis (Chairman), Ričardas Vainora, Vladas Miežanskas and Antanas Jankauskas gathered around the display case of the philatelic literature exhibits. Right: A number of visitors studied the exhibits.