The Jury was formed by Fernando Aranaz, Miguel Ángel García Fernández, José Pedro Gómez-Agüero, Joan Isern López, Ángel Iglesias Vidal, Manuel Martínez Hernández, Juan Panés Cantero and Alviero Batistini (Italy). Apprentice Jurors: Alfredo Miguel and Rafael Ángel Raya. Expert: Eduardo Escalada Goicoechea
The Spanish Post issued a souvenir sheet containing two stamps of 0,42 and 2,42 Euros respectively. The “Day of Italy” was used a Special Cancellation with the image of Dante Alighieri on occassion of the 750 Anniversary of his birth.
From the 149 exhibits and 21 Literature participations, 19 reached 90 or more points, which gives an idea of the high level of the exhibition. Three exhibits presented for the first time with only 5 frames reached Large Gold: Agustín Alberto de León with “ Canary Islands pre-philately”, Luis Alemany for his “Maritime Mail to and from Cuba: 1764 to the foundation of the UPU” and Ramón Cortés de Haro with “Madrid, 1561-1856 . Royal Mail and public correspondence”.
At the end, was held the ceremony of the hand over of the Spanish federation’s flag to the Exfilna 2016 in Saragossa, where the guest country will be Croatia. From left: Jose Ramón Rumoroso, President of the Avilés Philatelic Group, Mrs Pilar Varela, Major of the city of Aviles, Mario Garcés, Deputy Minister of the Spanish Ministry of Communications and Development, Miguel Angel Garcia, President of the Spanish Federation (FESOFI) and Jose Antonio Arruego, President of the Philatelic Association of Saragossa.