As we are getting closer to the grand opening of HELVETIA 2022 World Stamp Exhibition, the organisers uploaded an elegant and comprehensive 200-page-plus Exhibition Catalogue. At the same time, they uploaded the composition of the Jury.
A Public Academic Seminar is scheduled on Sunday morning, 22 May, by a joint session of Consilium Philateliae Helveticae (CPhH), European Academy of Philately (AEP) and Académie de philatélie (France). Speakers and subjects are listed on page 193 of the Catalogue.
Visitors from all over the world will be delighted to read on the exhibition website that on 2nd May all COVID-19 restrictions in Switzerland will be lifted.
The Monaco Post Office released a postage stamp today to remind us of the upcoming MONACOPHIL 2022 next November.
Since 2009, Monacophil has been established as the event of the year, every two years, on odd years. Because of its postponement in 2021, it remains to be seen if the organisers announce the next one in 2024, or stick to Monacophil on odd years and announce the next event in 2023.
MONACOPHIL 2022 will be held under FEPA recognition.
Details on the exhibition website:
[photo credit: Office des Émissions de Timbres-Poste, Principauté de Monaco] Chazapis Chazapis2022-04-29 17:52:242022-04-30 10:36:13MONACOPHIL 2022 postage stamp was released today
The development of the FEPA website has become one of the Board’s principal priorities. As an ongoing procedure, new pages are added from time to time and older pages are continuously updated in order to maintain a website worth visiting regularly.
A Seminars page is now part of the main menu, containing for starters the PowerPoint presentations of the three FEPA seminars presented during the recent London and Hunfilex exhibitions. Chazapis Chazapis2022-04-27 20:44:322022-04-27 20:45:40Latest FEPA Seminars have been uploaded on the website
HELVETIA 2022 Exhibition Catalogue and Jury uploaded
As we are getting closer to the grand opening of HELVETIA 2022 World Stamp Exhibition, the organisers uploaded an elegant and comprehensive 200-page-plus Exhibition Catalogue. At the same time, they uploaded the composition of the Jury.
A Public Academic Seminar is scheduled on Sunday morning, 22 May, by a joint session of Consilium Philateliae Helveticae (CPhH), European Academy of Philately (AEP) and Académie de philatélie (France). Speakers and subjects are listed on page 193 of the Catalogue.
Visitors from all over the world will be delighted to read on the exhibition website that on 2nd May all COVID-19 restrictions in Switzerland will be lifted.
MONACOPHIL 2022 postage stamp was released today
The Monaco Post Office released a postage stamp today to remind us of the upcoming MONACOPHIL 2022 next November.
Since 2009, Monacophil has been established as the event of the year, every two years, on odd years. Because of its postponement in 2021, it remains to be seen if the organisers announce the next one in 2024, or stick to Monacophil on odd years and announce the next event in 2023.
MONACOPHIL 2022 will be held under FEPA recognition.
Details on the exhibition website:
[photo credit: Office des Émissions de Timbres-Poste, Principauté de Monaco]
Latest FEPA Seminars have been uploaded on the website
The development of the FEPA website has become one of the Board’s principal priorities. As an ongoing procedure, new pages are added from time to time and older pages are continuously updated in order to maintain a website worth visiting regularly.
A Seminars page is now part of the main menu, containing for starters the PowerPoint presentations of the three FEPA seminars presented during the recent London and Hunfilex exhibitions.