“The FIP Consultant for INDONESIA 2020 Specialized World Stamp Championship exhibition has received the official letter from the Organising Committee, that the exhibition shall be postponed to Year 2022. The Board supports the decision of the Organising Committee to postpone the exhibition, as this would also ensure the health and safety of everyone in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The Philatelic Traders’ Society is organising a ‘Virtual’ Stampex from 1st – 3rd October to replace the Autumn exhibition normally held at the Business Design Centre in London.
Visitors from anywhere around the world will be able to enter the show via an interactive lobby open 24 hours a day and connect with dealers, auction houses, philatelic societies, postal administrations, museums and experts. Entry will be free of charge. There will also be a range of events including talks, stamps in the attic, live philatelic chat rooms, exhibits and a Court of Honour. The interactive lobby will look like this:
Visitors need to register to attend the event, and visitors from 65 countries have already registered. You can find the registration page at: stampex.vfairs.com
Exhibitors: There is still time to apply to enter the One-Frame competition where exhibits will be displayed electronically on the Virtual Stampex website. Details are at: https://www.abps.org.uk/exhibiting/
Applications need to be made as soon as possible and scans of entries need to be delivered by 7th September. For further details contact the Secretary at exhibiting@abps.org.uk
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/foyer-layout-C-e1598434977725.jpg113200Bill Hedleyhttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngBill Hedley2020-08-26 12:52:182020-08-26 13:32:50Virtual Stampex will be held from 1st – 3rd October 2020
The Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques (International Association of Philatelic Journalists, short: AIJP) has updated its website. The previous site had been in use for about ten years and was getting to the end of its technical life.
The basic elements of the website are still the same, but their arrangement has been changed. The menu has been shifted from left to the top of the page. The right sidebar contains now the AIJP logo, a search box as well as a short list of coming events. The main feature and eye catcher of the page is now a large news section.
Philatelic literature news are the core of the website. These will be published frequently, and with improved range. The new technology allows more elements as before, for example videos and podcasts. Only the imagination of the news writers is the limit. Improved navigation aids, search box and news archive allow a reader to find published information easier than before. The language of all pages and most news can be dynamically changed between German and English.
One of the most useful new features is the different lists of publications mentioned in the news section. This allows readers to have a look at different publications and their reviews with one sight. In the future this will form a formidable database for friends of philatelic literature.
Even though technology is important, the most important reason for the update is to offer even better services to the members and enlarge the visibility of notable philatelic literature to the general public. It is the duty of the Board. However, we hope that all members help us in our efforts. Please, keep us informed about new philatelic literature, give us comments about the website and how it can be improved.
This all can be found at the very same internet address, aijp.org.
Indonesia 2020 FIP exhibition postponed to 2022
The FIP Board informs:
“The FIP Consultant for INDONESIA 2020 Specialized World Stamp Championship exhibition has received the official letter from the Organising Committee, that the exhibition shall be postponed to Year 2022. The Board supports the decision of the Organising Committee to postpone the exhibition, as this would also ensure the health and safety of everyone in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Virtual Stampex will be held from 1st – 3rd October 2020
The Philatelic Traders’ Society is organising a ‘Virtual’ Stampex from 1st – 3rd October to replace the Autumn exhibition normally held at the Business Design Centre in London.
Visitors from anywhere around the world will be able to enter the show via an interactive lobby open 24 hours a day and connect with dealers, auction houses, philatelic societies, postal administrations, museums and experts. Entry will be free of charge. There will also be a range of events including talks, stamps in the attic, live philatelic chat rooms, exhibits and a Court of Honour. The interactive lobby will look like this:
Visitors need to register to attend the event, and visitors from 65 countries have already registered. You can find the registration page at: stampex.vfairs.com
Exhibitors: There is still time to apply to enter the One-Frame competition where exhibits will be displayed electronically on the Virtual Stampex website. Details are at: https://www.abps.org.uk/exhibiting/
Applications need to be made as soon as possible and scans of entries need to be delivered by 7th September. For further details contact the Secretary at exhibiting@abps.org.uk
AIJP website updated
The Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques (International Association of Philatelic Journalists, short: AIJP) has updated its website. The previous site had been in use for about ten years and was getting to the end of its technical life.
The basic elements of the website are still the same, but their arrangement has been changed. The menu has been shifted from left to the top of the page. The right sidebar contains now the AIJP logo, a search box as well as a short list of coming events. The main feature and eye catcher of the page is now a large news section.
Philatelic literature news are the core of the website. These will be published frequently, and with improved range. The new technology allows more elements as before, for example videos and podcasts. Only the imagination of the news writers is the limit. Improved navigation aids, search box and news archive allow a reader to find published information easier than before. The language of all pages and most news can be dynamically changed between German and English.
One of the most useful new features is the different lists of publications mentioned in the news section. This allows readers to have a look at different publications and their reviews with one sight. In the future this will form a formidable database for friends of philatelic literature.
Even though technology is important, the most important reason for the update is to offer even better services to the members and enlarge the visibility of notable philatelic literature to the general public. It is the duty of the Board. However, we hope that all members help us in our efforts. Please, keep us informed about new philatelic literature, give us comments about the website and how it can be improved.
This all can be found at the very same internet address, aijp.org.