Due to the Coronacrisis and with regret, the Belgian Federation (K.L.B.P.-F.R.C.P.B) has to announce you that the National Championship of Philately – Antverpiade 2020 that was going to take place August 28-30- has been postponed.
This championship which will keep the name Antverpiade 2020and with participation of Dutch and French philatelists, (after consultation with Bpost) will now be organised June 11th to June 13th 2021.
Ivan Van Damme President K.L.B.P.-F.R.C.P.B.
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/logo_antverpiade_2021-e1590305436172.png71200Ari Muhonenhttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngAri Muhonen2020-05-24 10:30:512020-05-24 10:32:15Antverpiade 2020 exhibition is postponed to 2021
After it was forced to close by the Coronavirus crisis, we are pleased to report that the Museum of the Tasso family and of Postal History has reopened. The Museum is in two historic buildings in Camerata Cornello, near Bergamo. This was the birthplace of the Tasso family which, over several centuries, made a huge contribution to the creation and management of the European Postal Service.
The Museum was founded in 1991 and is located in 2 historic buildings in the ancient village of Cornello dei Tasso in Camerata Cornello. It is open from Wednesday to Sunday between 10.00 and 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.png00Bill Hedleyhttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngBill Hedley2020-05-22 22:10:362020-05-26 15:35:55Signs of Spring? Tasso Museum reopens
Balkanfila and Stampex postponed
Further information has been received about the postponement of exhibitions organised by FEPA Members due to COVID restrictions.
BALKANFILA, due to be held in Bucharest from 17 – 20 September, has been postponed until 29 September – 4 October 2021.
BALKANFILA is a multinational exhibition involving the Balkan countries plus Israel and Egypt.
STAMPEX, due to be held in London from 30 September – 3 October, has been postponed. The next Stampex will be held from 17 – 20 February 2021.
The Philatelic Traders Society which organises Stampex is planning a Virtual Stampex to replace the Autumn event. For further details go to https://www.thepts.net/stampex-international1.html
Antverpiade 2020 exhibition is postponed to 2021
Due to the Coronacrisis and with regret, the Belgian Federation (K.L.B.P.-F.R.C.P.B) has to announce you that the National Championship of Philately – Antverpiade 2020 that was going to take place August 28-30- has been postponed.
This championship which will keep the name Antverpiade 2020 and with participation of Dutch and French philatelists, (after consultation with Bpost) will now be organised June 11th to June 13th 2021.
Ivan Van Damme
President K.L.B.P.-F.R.C.P.B.
Signs of Spring? Tasso Museum reopens
After it was forced to close by the Coronavirus crisis, we are pleased to report that the Museum of the Tasso family and of Postal History has reopened. The Museum is in two historic buildings in Camerata Cornello, near Bergamo. This was the birthplace of the Tasso family which, over several centuries, made a huge contribution to the creation and management of the European Postal Service.
The Museum was founded in 1991 and is located in 2 historic buildings in the ancient village of Cornello dei Tasso in Camerata Cornello. It is open from Wednesday to Sunday between 10.00 and 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.
Further information is available at: http://www.museodeitasso.com/en/museo/