National Championship of Philately with International participation – ANTVERPIADE 2020
Opening Ceremony of the VII° Olympic Games of Antwerp in 1920 and the Baron Pierre de Coubertin
From Friday the 28th of August until Sunday the 30th of August the Belgian National Championship of Philately – with International participation – ANTVERPIADE 2020
will take place in Exhibition hall 1 of ANTWERP Expo, together with a specific international fair for postage stamps, covers, coins, picture postcards, ….
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday there is an exhibition of around 500 frames (plus literature) with international participation by the Dutch (KNBF) and the French (FFAP) Federation.
In a separate section a Champions Class and an Invitation Class is also accessible to the public.
The topic of the exhibition will be the 100th anniversary of the VII° Olympic Games of Antwerp in 1920.
This will certainly be part of the exhibition catalogue with interesting articles and a special Mystamp postage stamp.
All day longYouTube based movies of the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp will run on television screens – Quite special indeed (!)
Thanks to the cooperation with Sportimonium (The official Olympic Museum) a lot of unique items will be present at our Exhibition.
The City of Antwerp also commemorates the Olympic Games of 1920, so Antverpiade 2020 will be part of an Impressive Program 1920 – 2020 in our country.
Everyday activities :
Exhibition of around 500 frames including almost ALL the available picture postcards of the Olympic Games Antwerpen 1920 and ALL the different stamps of the 1920 Olympics
– The admission is free
Literature exhibits
Several study groups (Themaphila – Belgian Olympic Comité – Buzin – …)
– Bpost sells a new edition of stamps or leaflet (The roaring twenties – the European BIG FIVE – Alzheimer – box with 100 self adhesive stamps – Belgian Abbeys and Monasteries.
Opening hours and some important events:
Friday the 28th of AUGUST : Open : 10.00 – 17.00 hrs
Opening reception (on invitation only) at 11.00 hrs (Blue Salon) in the Exhibition Hall
Palmares with festive dinner from 19.00 – 22.00 hrs in Hotel Ramada Plaza Antwerp (5 minutes walk from the exhibition hall)
Saturday the 29th of August : Open : 10.00 – 17.00 hrs
Sunday the 30th of August : Open : 10.00 – 15.00 hrs
Palmares reception (on invitation only) at 12.30 hrs (Blue Salon) in the Exhibition Hall
Palmares event at 16.00 hours for the exhibitors and on invitation (Blue Salon) in the Exhibition Hallé Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2019-09-30 01:46:092019-09-30 01:46:09ANTVERPIADE 2020: National Championship of Philately with International participation
STAMPEX is now badging itself as STAMPEX International, The British National Stamp Exhibition, and it is emphasized on the front of the catalogue with the words: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue, Benvenuti. The theme for the show was aviation with the Court of Honour showing Brian Asquith’s collection ‘Faster than a Bullet – The Concorde Story, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Concorde’s first flight.
Among new initiatives at STAMPEX, a series of special talks took place throughout the four days, starting on Wednesday with Bill Hedley, Chairman of the ABPS Exhibitions and International Committee, explaining how to exhibit competitively. This was followed by Matt Hill of Stamp Collector magazine talking to leading philatelists Frank Walton and Chris King, both past presidents of the Royal Philatelic Society London and exhibitors with several Large Gold medals at international level. Questions about their collecting background and philatelic expertise were answered with humour and self-deprecation. On Thursday Stuart Aitken, Curator of Philately at The Postal Museum took the audience on a journey celebrating the 100th anniversary of transatlantic airmail, reflecting the theme of the exhibition, while Friday’s talk by Oscar Young from Stanley Gibbons explained why stamps are issued, how to spot errors, and quirks in printing. The traditional talk on Saturday morning before the awards ceremony, was given by Peter McCann from the USA, a former member of the FIP Board, an experienced exhibitor and international judge. His presentation took its background in Postal History, but of course how to understand ‘Treatment’ in an exhibit is equally relevant to all exhibiting classes, but also in any write-up or display at local clubs and societies. It was followed with a lively Q&A session.
Another new initiative was Exhibition Tours organised by The Philatelic Traders’ Society and the ABPS. The tours took place on Thursday and Friday, lasting about 30 minutes, and led by philatelic experts walking around the exhibits, a good way to engage both experienced exhibitors, stamp enthusiasts, and possible future exhibitors.
With more than 80 trade stands there were great opportunities to look for and find new material, there were information stands, and of course The Royal Mail which launched an exclusive D-Day miniature sheet to honour those who helped secure peace in Europe. Nine specialist societies and study circles held meetings on Saturday, andthe Stamp Active Network attracted many young collectors to their activities in the Gallery Bays, where laughter and excitement could be heard all over the hall.
The FEPA Golden pin is presented to Graham Winters, Chairman of the ABPS, by FEPA Director, Birthe King
Immediately prior to the awards ceremony, Birthe King, FEPA Director, presented the FEPA Golden Pin to Graham Winters, the Chairman of the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS).
As has become a tradition there were exhibits both in the competitive and non-competitive classes with 56 exhibits in the competitive section, including four Literature exhibits. For the first time in the UK all classes recognised by the FIP as well as the national Ephemera Class were invited. The high quality of the exhibits was evidenced in the awards with 13 Large Gold, 10 Gold, 16 Large Vermeil, 12 Vermeil, three Large Silver, one Silver, and one Silver-Bronze.
Simon Richards, the winner of the Best in Show, receiving the Silver Mail Coach from Christine Earle with Peter McCann
The Best in Show award, the Silver Mail Coach, was presented to Simon Richards for The Postal History of Savoy 1636-1875.
The next STAMPEX will be in the autumn of 2020 from 30 September to 3 October at the Business Design Centre. There is no Spring STAMPEX, due to the International Exhibition, LONDON 2020 2-9 May, also at the BDC.
Birthe Kingé Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2019-09-26 19:45:032019-09-26 19:45:03STAMPEX Autumn 2019 was International and very innovative
Die Multilaterale Briefmarkenausstellung Luxemburg 2019 wird von der “Fédération des Sociétés philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg” (FSPL) als Wettbewerbsausstellung im Rang 1 durchgeführt unter der Schirmherrschaft Seiner Königlichen Hoheit des Großherzogs und den Auspizien von Herrn Xavier Bettel, Staatsminister, der Stadt Luxemburg, Mme Lydie Polfer, Bürgermeisterin, und der FEPA (Federation of European Philatelic Associations), José Ramon Moreno, Präsident. Ausrichter sind der Verband FSPL und POST Philately Luxembourg. Die Multilaterale Briefmarkenausstellung Luxemburg 2019 findet vom 8. bis 10. November 2019 in den Ausstellungshallen LUXEXPO in Luxemburg-Kirchberg, 10, Circuit de la Foire Internationale, L-1347 Luxembourg, nach der Ausstellungsordnung, den Durchführungsbestimmungen und den Bewertungsreglementen der FSPL in der jeweils neuesten Fassung zum Zeitpunkt des Anmeldeschlusses, statt.
Die Eröffnung der Ausstellung ist am 8. November um 11.00 Uhr für geladene Ehrengäste in der Ausstellung. Die Öffnungszeiten der Ausstellung für Besucher sind von 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr, außer Sonntags nur bis 17.00 Uhr. Am Sonntag, dem 10. November 2019, in der Zeit von 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr stehen die Juroren den Ausstellern an den Exponaten zur Beratung zur Verfügung.
In etwa 400 Ausstellungsrahmen zeigen Aussteller aus sieben europäischen Ländern: die Niederlande, Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Österreich, Schweiz und Slowenien ihre Exponate in allen Sparten der Philatelie: Traditionelle Philatelie, Postgeschichte, Ganzsachen, Aerophilatelie, Astrophilatelie, Thematische Philatelie, Maximaphilie, Fiskalphilatelie, Ansichts- und Motivkarten, Jugendphilatelie und Literatur. Die POST Philately zeigt in etwa 110 Ausstellungsrahmen seltene Exponate. Außer Wettbewerb zeigen FSPL-Aussteller in etwa 120 Ausstellungsrahmen Exponate in allen Sparten der Philatelie. Jeder Aussteller im Wettbewerb bekommt eine Urkunde, eine Erinnerungsmedaille, sowie seinen Bewertungsbogen. Die Jury kann auch Ehrenpreise vergeben, welche dem Organisationskomitee von Stiftern für die Ausstellung zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Postverwaltungen und Händler beteiligen sich ebenfalls an der Ausstellung.
Die internationale Jury besteht aus folgenden Personen: Horin Horst (A), Montandon Claude (CH), Boettger Lars (L), Schmidt Alfred (D), Vermeule Jan (NL), Graffé Josy (L), Suhadolc Peter (SI), Thill Roger (L), Feck Claude (L), Wolff Jos (L), Krack Francy (L), Trommer Andrée (L), Wenz Heinz (D), und Westendorf Hannes (L).
Bei Gelegenheit der Ausstellung gibt die POST Philately Luxembourg drei Sonderbriefmarken und drei Sonderstempel heraus, die am Postschalter in der Ausstellung erhältlich sind.é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2019-09-25 15:07:432019-09-25 15:19:25The preparations for the Multilaterale Luxemburg 2019 International Exhibition are well ahead
ANTVERPIADE 2020: National Championship of Philately with International participation
National Championship of Philately with International participation – ANTVERPIADE 2020
Opening Ceremony of the VII° Olympic Games of Antwerp in 1920 and the Baron Pierre de Coubertin
From Friday the 28th of August until Sunday the 30th of August the Belgian National Championship of Philately – with International participation – ANTVERPIADE 2020
will take place in Exhibition hall 1 of ANTWERP Expo, together with a specific international fair for postage stamps, covers, coins, picture postcards, ….
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday there is an exhibition of around 500 frames (plus literature) with international participation by the Dutch (KNBF) and the French (FFAP) Federation.
In a separate section a Champions Class and an Invitation Class is also accessible to the public.
The topic of the exhibition will be the 100th anniversary of the VII° Olympic Games of Antwerp in 1920.
This will certainly be part of the exhibition catalogue with interesting articles and a special Mystamp postage stamp.
All day long YouTube based movies of the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp will run on television screens – Quite special indeed (!)
Thanks to the cooperation with Sportimonium (The official Olympic Museum) a lot of unique items will be present at our Exhibition.
The City of Antwerp also commemorates the Olympic Games of 1920, so Antverpiade 2020 will be part of an Impressive Program 1920 – 2020 in our country.
Everyday activities :
– The admission is free
Several study groups (Themaphila – Belgian Olympic Comité – Buzin – …)
– Bpost sells a new edition of stamps or leaflet (The roaring twenties – the European BIG FIVE – Alzheimer – box with 100 self adhesive stamps – Belgian Abbeys and Monasteries.
Opening hours and some important events:
Friday the 28th of AUGUST : Open : 10.00 – 17.00 hrs
Opening reception (on invitation only) at 11.00 hrs (Blue Salon) in the Exhibition Hall
Palmares with festive dinner from 19.00 – 22.00 hrs in Hotel Ramada Plaza Antwerp (5 minutes walk from the exhibition hall)
Saturday the 29th of August : Open : 10.00 – 17.00 hrs
Sunday the 30th of August : Open : 10.00 – 15.00 hrs
Palmares reception (on invitation only) at 12.30 hrs (Blue Salon) in the Exhibition Hall
Palmares event at 16.00 hours for the exhibitors and on invitation (Blue Salon) in the Exhibition Hall
Further program details see
Jozef Ghys
STAMPEX Autumn 2019 was International and very innovative
STAMPEX is now badging itself as STAMPEX International, The British National Stamp Exhibition, and it is emphasized on the front of the catalogue with the words: Welcome, Willkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue, Benvenuti. The theme for the show was aviation with the Court of Honour showing Brian Asquith’s collection ‘Faster than a Bullet – The Concorde Story, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Concorde’s first flight.
Among new initiatives at STAMPEX, a series of special talks took place throughout the four days, starting on Wednesday with Bill Hedley, Chairman of the ABPS Exhibitions and International Committee, explaining how to exhibit competitively. This was followed by Matt Hill of Stamp Collector magazine talking to leading philatelists Frank Walton and Chris King, both past presidents of the Royal Philatelic Society London and exhibitors with several Large Gold medals at international level. Questions about their collecting background and philatelic expertise were answered with humour and self-deprecation. On Thursday Stuart Aitken, Curator of Philately at The Postal Museum took the audience on a journey celebrating the 100th anniversary of transatlantic airmail, reflecting the theme of the exhibition, while Friday’s talk by Oscar Young from Stanley Gibbons explained why stamps are issued, how to spot errors, and quirks in printing. The traditional talk on Saturday morning before the awards ceremony, was given by Peter McCann from the USA, a former member of the FIP Board, an experienced exhibitor and international judge. His presentation took its background in Postal History, but of course how to understand ‘Treatment’ in an exhibit is equally relevant to all exhibiting classes, but also in any write-up or display at local clubs and societies. It was followed with a lively Q&A session.
Another new initiative was Exhibition Tours organised by The Philatelic Traders’ Society and the ABPS. The tours took place on Thursday and Friday, lasting about 30 minutes, and led by philatelic experts walking around the exhibits, a good way to engage both experienced exhibitors, stamp enthusiasts, and possible future exhibitors.
With more than 80 trade stands there were great opportunities to look for and find new material, there were information stands, and of course The Royal Mail which launched an exclusive D-Day miniature sheet to honour those who helped secure peace in Europe. Nine specialist societies and study circles held meetings on Saturday, andthe Stamp Active Network attracted many young collectors to their activities in the Gallery Bays, where laughter and excitement could be heard all over the hall.
The FEPA Golden pin is presented to Graham Winters, Chairman of the ABPS, by FEPA Director, Birthe King
Immediately prior to the awards ceremony, Birthe King, FEPA Director, presented the FEPA Golden Pin to Graham Winters, the Chairman of the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS).
As has become a tradition there were exhibits both in the competitive and non-competitive classes with 56 exhibits in the competitive section, including four Literature exhibits. For the first time in the UK all classes recognised by the FIP as well as the national Ephemera Class were invited. The high quality of the exhibits was evidenced in the awards with 13 Large Gold, 10 Gold, 16 Large Vermeil, 12 Vermeil, three Large Silver, one Silver, and one Silver-Bronze.
Simon Richards, the winner of the Best in Show, receiving the Silver Mail Coach from Christine Earle with Peter McCann
The Best in Show award, the Silver Mail Coach, was presented to Simon Richards for The Postal History of Savoy 1636-1875.
The next STAMPEX will be in the autumn of 2020 from 30 September to 3 October at the Business Design Centre. There is no Spring STAMPEX, due to the International Exhibition, LONDON 2020 2-9 May, also at the BDC.
Birthe King
The preparations for the Multilaterale Luxemburg 2019 International Exhibition are well ahead
Multilaterale Briefmarkenausstellung Luxemburg 2019
Die Multilaterale Briefmarkenausstellung Luxemburg 2019 wird von der “Fédération des Sociétés philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg” (FSPL) als Wettbewerbsausstellung im Rang 1 durchgeführt unter der Schirmherrschaft Seiner Königlichen Hoheit des Großherzogs und den Auspizien von Herrn Xavier Bettel, Staatsminister, der Stadt Luxemburg, Mme Lydie Polfer, Bürgermeisterin, und der FEPA (Federation of European Philatelic Associations), José Ramon Moreno, Präsident. Ausrichter sind der Verband FSPL und POST Philately Luxembourg. Die Multilaterale Briefmarkenausstellung Luxemburg 2019 findet vom 8. bis 10. November 2019 in den Ausstellungshallen LUXEXPO in Luxemburg-Kirchberg, 10, Circuit de la Foire Internationale, L-1347 Luxembourg, nach der Ausstellungsordnung, den Durchführungsbestimmungen und den Bewertungsreglementen der FSPL in der jeweils neuesten Fassung zum Zeitpunkt des Anmeldeschlusses, statt.
Die Eröffnung der Ausstellung ist am 8. November um 11.00 Uhr für geladene Ehrengäste in der Ausstellung. Die Öffnungszeiten der Ausstellung für Besucher sind von 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr, außer Sonntags nur bis 17.00 Uhr. Am Sonntag, dem 10. November 2019, in der Zeit von 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr stehen die Juroren den Ausstellern an den Exponaten zur Beratung zur Verfügung.
In etwa 400 Ausstellungsrahmen zeigen Aussteller aus sieben europäischen Ländern: die Niederlande, Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Österreich, Schweiz und Slowenien ihre Exponate in allen Sparten der Philatelie: Traditionelle Philatelie, Postgeschichte, Ganzsachen, Aerophilatelie, Astrophilatelie, Thematische Philatelie, Maximaphilie, Fiskalphilatelie, Ansichts- und Motivkarten, Jugendphilatelie und Literatur. Die POST Philately zeigt in etwa 110 Ausstellungsrahmen seltene Exponate. Außer Wettbewerb zeigen FSPL-Aussteller in etwa 120 Ausstellungsrahmen Exponate in allen Sparten der Philatelie. Jeder Aussteller im Wettbewerb bekommt eine Urkunde, eine Erinnerungsmedaille, sowie seinen Bewertungsbogen. Die Jury kann auch Ehrenpreise vergeben, welche dem Organisationskomitee von Stiftern für die Ausstellung zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Postverwaltungen und Händler beteiligen sich ebenfalls an der Ausstellung.
Die internationale Jury besteht aus folgenden Personen: Horin Horst (A), Montandon Claude (CH), Boettger Lars (L), Schmidt Alfred (D), Vermeule Jan (NL), Graffé Josy (L), Suhadolc Peter (SI), Thill Roger (L), Feck Claude (L), Wolff Jos (L), Krack Francy (L), Trommer Andrée (L), Wenz Heinz (D), und Westendorf Hannes (L).
Bei Gelegenheit der Ausstellung gibt die POST Philately Luxembourg drei Sonderbriefmarken und drei Sonderstempel heraus, die am Postschalter in der Ausstellung erhältlich sind.