Last month the exhibition Gouda 2019 took place in Sports Centre De Mammoet in the Dutch ‘city of cheese’. It was with over 760 frames and over 20 literature exhibits the largest Nation Exhibition in the Netherlands since 2008. However the frames were the same as 11 years ago, the organiser, Stichting Filatelistische Evenementen, realised a number of innovations. Some of them were new in the Netherlands (and improved) and some were even not seen before elsewhere at exhibitions.
Let us take a closer look at the innovations.
Certainly not unique was a real medal for all exhibitors. This was not seen for decades at Regional or National exhibitions in the Netherlands.
Together with the medal the exhibitors got a certificate, which also the logo of the main sponsor on it.
Most innovative were the frame cards and the catalogue listing.
Figure 1
All exhibitors where invited to send a piece out of the collection to the organiser. This was used with the catalogue listing (1), which contained all possible information needed to get good idea about the collection showed. Of course the organiser was dependent on what the exhibitor presented, but by this it became a lively and well to read catalogue with all possible information. Together with 13 articles, it was not less than 224 pages in total.
Figure 2
Normally all frames in the Netherlands have a magnetic number on the frame and not more. In Gouda for the first time ever those numbers were not used at all. They had their own model of frame card (2) – also magnetic – mounted on the frame, but only on the first one. These frame cards had all possible information needed and where complete in order that the public got all necessary information, even without looking in the catalogue. What was very special, and you can still see it by scanning, was the QR-code. When scanning it with a QR-reader on your smart phone, you will see the plan of the exhibit. Of course, the award sticker was glued on the certificate at the end of the exhibition. There was a special and large section of members of the Royal Philatelic Society London. Those frame cards got the Royals logo.
However this should be at every exhibition, the lightning, temperature, width of the lanes and routing was excellent. However spread over three exhibition halls, it was easy to find what was where.
Hans Kraaibeeké Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2019-05-29 00:05:352019-05-29 00:24:37Gouda 2019: Dutch National Exhibition with innovations
The exhibition will be organized by the National Federation of Hungarian Philatelist (MABÉOSZ) on the occasion of the 92nd Stamp Day co-directed by Cultural and Recreation Directorate, Vitéz Szurmay Sándor Budapest Garrison Brigade, HDF under the Sponsorship of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP). The exhibition has also received Recognition from the Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA), moreover Support from the Hungarian Post.
Site and date of the exhibition
Site: Stefánia Palota – Honvéd Kulturális Központ (Stefania Palace)
H-1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 34-36.
Date: 04-06 October 2019
Rank and classes of the exhibition
The HUNFILA 2019 BUDAPEST is a National Stamp Exhibition in I. rank with international participation. Invited National Federations: Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia (Alps-Adria countries), Czech Republik, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain with Hungary total 13 countries, moreover the Hungarian Philatelic Society in Great Britain (HPS) and ARGE Ungarn e.V.
Exhibition Classes:
All FIP Competitive Classes
Open Class
One-Frame Exhibits Class
Picture Postcard Class
Commemorative sheets and seal stamps Class
International Stamp Exhibition Organizing Committee
Magyar Bélyeggyűjtők Országos Szövetsége – MABÉOSZ
(National Federation of Hungarian Philatelists)
H-1064 BUDAPEST VI., Vörösmarty u. 65.
Postal Address: H-1387 BUDAPEST, P.O.Box 4. HUNGARY
Phone: +36-1-3328359
Fax: +36-1-2690620
Homepage:é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2019-05-22 19:41:112019-05-28 02:14:53HUNFILA 2019: FEPA Exhibition with 13 invited National Federations
From left to right, José Ramón Moreno, Giancarlo Morolli, Nicos Rangos, Alfred Kunz, Bojan Bračič, Birthe King and Ari Muhonen
Minutes of the annual FEPA Board Meeting
Lisbon March 16th 2019
Attendees: Jose Ramon Moreno, President, Giancarlo Morolli, Vice-President, Bojan Bračič, Secretary, Alfred Kunz, Treasurer, Birthe King, Ari Muhonen and Nicos Rangos, Directors.
Pedro Vaz Pereira welcomed all attendees on behalf of Portuguese Federation of Philately and wished a successful work.
Jose Ramon Moreno welcomed all the present Board members to the last meeting as FEPA President. He pointed out the great collaboration of the members doing a fantastic work and in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere all the time.
1 FEPA Awards. Report from GM
1.1 – Sometimes problems occurred because there are more good candidates for FEPA medal but under regulations medal can receive only one in each category. Mr Morolli will prepare a proposition on how to improve this with some changes of the awards guidelines. The idea is that proposal for one person may be prolonged to next two years.
After a report from Giancarlo Morolli and a brief discussion, because all received candidateswere of high quality, the following decisions have been taken:
Pedro Marcal Vaz Pereira, Portugal will receive the FEPA Medal for Outstanding Services in Philately.
Modesto Fraguas Herrera, Spanish Post, will receive the FEPA Medal for Outstanding Support to Philately from outside of it.
FEPA Medal for Exceptional Philatelic Study goes to Karoly Szücs; Hungary for the book Fiscal Philately of Hungary.
Certificates as finalists were awarded to (in alphabetical order of the countries):
Carlo Doria (Italy) as project coordinator of La Filatelia tematica racconta la Grande Guerra
Jeffrey Stone – Kaj Hellman (United Kingdom) for Agathon Faberge – Portrait of a Philatelist
Hans Vogels (Poland) for The Polish Post in the Free City Danzig 1920-1939. Part IV
Heinz Wewer (Germany) for Abgereist, ohne Angabe der Adresse
The FEPA Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding activities for the promotion of philately 2018 is awarded to (in alphabetical order of the countries):
– Associazione Italiana Storia Postale (AISP). Italy
– Stavanger Filatelist-Klub (SFK), Norway
– National Club of Collectors of the Registration Labels and Stamps, Poland
– The Philatelic Society of Ljubljana, Slovenia
All books are were donated to the Library of the Portuguese Philatelic Federation.
The FEPA board found out that some bigger federations (unions or associations) didn’t presented candidacies to awarding their clubs and societies.
2 – Review of the FEPA Golden Pin presented to Presidents of our members Federations, Associations or Unions and those to be presented along 2019.
All 16 Presidents of National Philatelic Federations, Unions or Association present at the FEPA Congress 2018 in Prague received their FEPA Golden Pin there. Others are receiving it in different FEPA events of their choice.
The historical Archive of FEPA will be keeping in premises of Royal Philatelic Society London.
3 – Provisional information about the 2018 FEPA Finances.
Treasurer Mr Kunz reported that present situation in FEPA finances is still improving and we hope that such situation will continue. For the FEPA Congress should be prepared report with reasons why the situation is so positive now. Fortunately some members of the FEPA board are making “donations” to the FEPA – not asking for refund of the cost of philatelic trips representing FEPA. The question is what will be with such system in the future.
Alfred Kunz received the congratulations and gratitude of the Board for the accuracy to which he keeps the FEPA accounts.
4 – FEPA Website.
Ari Muhonen reported that everything is settled in everything goes smoothly. Statistics shows that web site has more and more visitors. In 2018 editor Jose Ramon Moreno posted 108 news on it.
5 – FEPA News Magazine.
Jose Ramon Moreno explained procedure how FEPA News Magazine spring up. After the FEPA Congress in November 2019 FEPA News Magazine will get new editor so all of us most thinking about this changes, because we wish the same efficiency for the magazine also in future.
Bojan Bračič offer his help in printing and distribution of the magazine also in future although he will not be member of the FEPA board any more. Bojan Bračič was warmly thanked.
6 – FEPA Picture Postcard Regulations adopted by the FIP
FEPA Regulation for Picture Postcard exhibits have been adopted by FIP as experimental class for the time being. For this reasons we will wait with comments before suggested changes of the regulations. Mrs Birthe King is dealing with the O.C. of LONDON 2020 in order to have a new Seminar there of the Picture Postcard.
7 – Implementation of the FEPA SREV for Literature into the FIP.
Giancarlo Morolli explained benefits and problems at using new FEPA SREV for Literature Class.
Mr. Morolli presented a comprehensive and excellent “Philatelic Literature Report”.
Longer time as 10 years should be the limit for multi-volumes works.
Birthe King suggested that organizer of the exhibit should offer also one frame for display different data and details about exhibit in literature class.
8 – Incorporation to the FEPA Regulations the content of the motion on Modern Philately approved at the Congress in Prague
The FEPA Congress 2018 approved changes in the FEPA Regulations of Modern Philately. The Board has to include these changes in the Website and to inform the FEPA members with the Documents to be sent for the 2019 Congress.
9 –Matters to be followed as agreed at the Congress in Prague
Seminars for Youth philately as it was in Tampere – thinking where and when. Again Mrs Birthe King is very kindly dealing with the O.C. of LONDON 2020 in order to have a new Youth Seminar there.
FEPA President will send a letter to all FEPA members to prepare report of best practise in their countries and present it during the London 2020.
Seminar about printing techniques at printing Picture Postcards already promised in Prague 2018 can be realised at OSTROPA 2010 in Berlin.
10 – Review of the future FEPA Events with FEPA recognition.
Year 2019
Slovenija 2019, 28th – 31th March; Kamnik
Juvenia 2019 (Spain, France, Cuba), Burgos, Spain, 7th – 11th May
Nordia 2019, Sarpsborg, 23st – 25th August
Atlantic – Alpe Adria, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 1st – 6th October
Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 17th – 20th October; Provisional FEPA Patronage – no further information
Ovebria 2019, Neustadt; Austria, 18th – 20th October
11 – Coordination of the FEPA Flags for the FEPA Exhibitions.
Bojan Bračič: Slovenia 2019, Plovdiv, Verona (Peter Suhadolc)
Birthe King: Nordia
Jose Ramon Moreno: Juvenia, Atlantic-Alpe Adria, Exfilna, FEPA Congress
Ari Muhonen: Nordia
Alfred Kunz: Ӧvebria, Multilaterale
12 – FEPA Congress and Elections of part of the Board at “MonacoPhil 2019”
At the next FEPA Congress part of the FEPA Board be change: President and Secretary can’t be candidates having finished their terms. It is also on election one Director. So, we are looking for the candidates for mentioned positions. FEPA members are welcome to send proposals to the FEPA secretary till the 29th of August (three months prior to the next Congress) at the latest.
All FEPA members will be informed of the details for the elections by e-mail, by the FEPA Website and in the printed magazine “FEPA News”.
13 – Next Year Board Meeting
Will be decided after the election of new FEPA Board members
14 – Any other matters
The Portuguese Philatelic Federation sent comments to the Regulation for Picture Postcards Exhibits.
As regulations was adopted from FIP short time ago, we recommended to wait a little with such comments.
Have been received a kind request for FEPA Recognition of an International Exhibition, from a member of another Continental Federation. According to the FEPA FREGEX, FEPA can give recognition, support or patronage only to its members. FEPA President will send mentioned explanation to the federation non FEPA member that asked for the FEPA Recognition.
Bojan Bračič
FEPA Secretary
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Pedro Vaz Pereira, President of the Portufuese Federation of Philately and Mr. Rui Alves, member of the PFP Board meet the members of the FEPA Boardé Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2019-05-19 13:56:302019-05-19 18:03:26Minutes of the 2019 annual FEPA Board Meeting
Gouda 2019: Dutch National Exhibition with innovations
Dutch National Exhibition 2019 with innovations
Last month the exhibition Gouda 2019 took place in Sports Centre De Mammoet in the Dutch ‘city of cheese’. It was with over 760 frames and over 20 literature exhibits the largest Nation Exhibition in the Netherlands since 2008. However the frames were the same as 11 years ago, the organiser, Stichting Filatelistische Evenementen, realised a number of innovations. Some of them were new in the Netherlands (and improved) and some were even not seen before elsewhere at exhibitions.
Let us take a closer look at the innovations.
Certainly not unique was a real medal for all exhibitors. This was not seen for decades at Regional or National exhibitions in the Netherlands.
Together with the medal the exhibitors got a certificate, which also the logo of the main sponsor on it.
Most innovative were the frame cards and the catalogue listing.
Figure 1
All exhibitors where invited to send a piece out of the collection to the organiser. This was used with the catalogue listing (1), which contained all possible information needed to get good idea about the collection showed. Of course the organiser was dependent on what the exhibitor presented, but by this it became a lively and well to read catalogue with all possible information. Together with 13 articles, it was not less than 224 pages in total.
Figure 2
Normally all frames in the Netherlands have a magnetic number on the frame and not more. In Gouda for the first time ever those numbers were not used at all. They had their own model of frame card (2) – also magnetic – mounted on the frame, but only on the first one. These frame cards had all possible information needed and where complete in order that the public got all necessary information, even without looking in the catalogue. What was very special, and you can still see it by scanning, was the QR-code. When scanning it with a QR-reader on your smart phone, you will see the plan of the exhibit. Of course, the award sticker was glued on the certificate at the end of the exhibition. There was a special and large section of members of the Royal Philatelic Society London. Those frame cards got the Royals logo.
However this should be at every exhibition, the lightning, temperature, width of the lanes and routing was excellent. However spread over three exhibition halls, it was easy to find what was where.
Hans Kraaibeek
HUNFILA 2019: FEPA Exhibition with 13 invited National Federations
The exhibition will be organized by the National Federation of Hungarian Philatelist (MABÉOSZ) on the occasion of the 92nd Stamp Day co-directed by Cultural and Recreation Directorate, Vitéz Szurmay Sándor Budapest Garrison Brigade, HDF under the Sponsorship of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP). The exhibition has also received Recognition from the Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA), moreover Support from the Hungarian Post.
Site and date of the exhibition
Site: Stefánia Palota – Honvéd Kulturális Központ (Stefania Palace)
H-1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 34-36.
Date: 04-06 October 2019
Rank and classes of the exhibition
The HUNFILA 2019 BUDAPEST is a National Stamp Exhibition in I. rank with international participation. Invited National Federations: Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia (Alps-Adria countries), Czech Republik, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain with Hungary total 13 countries, moreover the Hungarian Philatelic Society in Great Britain (HPS) and ARGE Ungarn e.V.
Exhibition Classes:
International Stamp Exhibition Organizing Committee
Magyar Bélyeggyűjtők Országos Szövetsége – MABÉOSZ
(National Federation of Hungarian Philatelists)
H-1064 BUDAPEST VI., Vörösmarty u. 65.
Postal Address: H-1387 BUDAPEST, P.O.Box 4. HUNGARY
Phone: +36-1-3328359
Fax: +36-1-2690620
Minutes of the 2019 annual FEPA Board Meeting
From left to right, José Ramón Moreno, Giancarlo Morolli, Nicos Rangos, Alfred Kunz, Bojan Bračič, Birthe King and Ari Muhonen
Minutes of the annual FEPA Board Meeting
Lisbon March 16th 2019
Attendees: Jose Ramon Moreno, President, Giancarlo Morolli, Vice-President, Bojan Bračič, Secretary, Alfred Kunz, Treasurer, Birthe King, Ari Muhonen and Nicos Rangos, Directors.
Pedro Vaz Pereira welcomed all attendees on behalf of Portuguese Federation of Philately and wished a successful work.
Jose Ramon Moreno welcomed all the present Board members to the last meeting as FEPA President. He pointed out the great collaboration of the members doing a fantastic work and in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere all the time.
1 FEPA Awards. Report from GM
1.1 – Sometimes problems occurred because there are more good candidates for FEPA medal but under regulations medal can receive only one in each category. Mr Morolli will prepare a proposition on how to improve this with some changes of the awards guidelines. The idea is that proposal for one person may be prolonged to next two years.
After a report from Giancarlo Morolli and a brief discussion, because all received candidates were of high quality, the following decisions have been taken:
Certificates as finalists were awarded to (in alphabetical order of the countries):
Carlo Doria (Italy) as project coordinator of La Filatelia tematica racconta la Grande Guerra
Jeffrey Stone – Kaj Hellman (United Kingdom) for Agathon Faberge – Portrait of a Philatelist
Hans Vogels (Poland) for The Polish Post in the Free City Danzig 1920-1939. Part IV
Heinz Wewer (Germany) for Abgereist, ohne Angabe der Adresse
The FEPA Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding activities for the promotion of philately 2018 is awarded to (in alphabetical order of the countries):
– Associazione Italiana Storia Postale (AISP). Italy
– Stavanger Filatelist-Klub (SFK), Norway
– National Club of Collectors of the Registration Labels and Stamps, Poland
– The Philatelic Society of Ljubljana, Slovenia
All books are were donated to the Library of the Portuguese Philatelic Federation.
The FEPA board found out that some bigger federations (unions or associations) didn’t presented candidacies to awarding their clubs and societies.
2 – Review of the FEPA Golden Pin presented to Presidents of our members Federations, Associations or Unions and those to be presented along 2019.
All 16 Presidents of National Philatelic Federations, Unions or Association present at the FEPA Congress 2018 in Prague received their FEPA Golden Pin there. Others are receiving it in different FEPA events of their choice.
The historical Archive of FEPA will be keeping in premises of Royal Philatelic Society London.
3 – Provisional information about the 2018 FEPA Finances.
Treasurer Mr Kunz reported that present situation in FEPA finances is still improving and we hope that such situation will continue. For the FEPA Congress should be prepared report with reasons why the situation is so positive now. Fortunately some members of the FEPA board are making “donations” to the FEPA – not asking for refund of the cost of philatelic trips representing FEPA. The question is what will be with such system in the future.
Alfred Kunz received the congratulations and gratitude of the Board for the accuracy to which he keeps the FEPA accounts.
4 – FEPA Website.
Ari Muhonen reported that everything is settled in everything goes smoothly. Statistics shows that web site has more and more visitors. In 2018 editor Jose Ramon Moreno posted 108 news on it.
5 – FEPA News Magazine.
Jose Ramon Moreno explained procedure how FEPA News Magazine spring up. After the FEPA Congress in November 2019 FEPA News Magazine will get new editor so all of us most thinking about this changes, because we wish the same efficiency for the magazine also in future.
Bojan Bračič offer his help in printing and distribution of the magazine also in future although he will not be member of the FEPA board any more. Bojan Bračič was warmly thanked.
6 – FEPA Picture Postcard Regulations adopted by the FIP
FEPA Regulation for Picture Postcard exhibits have been adopted by FIP as experimental class for the time being. For this reasons we will wait with comments before suggested changes of the regulations. Mrs Birthe King is dealing with the O.C. of LONDON 2020 in order to have a new Seminar there of the Picture Postcard.
7 – Implementation of the FEPA SREV for Literature into the FIP.
Giancarlo Morolli explained benefits and problems at using new FEPA SREV for Literature Class.
Mr. Morolli presented a comprehensive and excellent “Philatelic Literature Report”.
Longer time as 10 years should be the limit for multi-volumes works.
Birthe King suggested that organizer of the exhibit should offer also one frame for display different data and details about exhibit in literature class.
8 – Incorporation to the FEPA Regulations the content of the motion on Modern Philately approved at the Congress in Prague
The FEPA Congress 2018 approved changes in the FEPA Regulations of Modern Philately. The Board has to include these changes in the Website and to inform the FEPA members with the Documents to be sent for the 2019 Congress.
9 – Matters to be followed as agreed at the Congress in Prague
Seminars for Youth philately as it was in Tampere – thinking where and when. Again Mrs Birthe King is very kindly dealing with the O.C. of LONDON 2020 in order to have a new Youth Seminar there.
FEPA President will send a letter to all FEPA members to prepare report of best practise in their countries and present it during the London 2020.
Seminar about printing techniques at printing Picture Postcards already promised in Prague 2018 can be realised at OSTROPA 2010 in Berlin.
10 – Review of the future FEPA Events with FEPA recognition.
Year 2019
Slovenija 2019, 28th – 31th March; Kamnik
Juvenia 2019 (Spain, France, Cuba), Burgos, Spain, 7th – 11th May
Nordia 2019, Sarpsborg, 23st – 25th August
Atlantic – Alpe Adria, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 1st – 6th October
Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 17th – 20th October; Provisional FEPA Patronage – no further information
Ovebria 2019, Neustadt; Austria, 18th – 20th October
Exfilna, (Spain, Czech Republic, Germany) Santander, Spain 5th – 11th November
Multilaterale, Luxembourg 8th – 10th November
ECTP, Verona, Italy 22nd – 24th November
Monacophil 28th – 30th November – with FEPA Congress
Year 2020
London 2020, 2nd – 9th May
Ostropa, Berlin 25th – 29th June
Balkanfila 2020, Bucharest 17th -20th September
Ӧvebria 2020, St. Polten 2nd – 4th October
Year 2021
IBRA, Essen 6th – 9th May
Multilaterala, St. Polten 24th – 26th September
NOTOS 21, Athens 19th – 22nd November; FEPA Patronage
11 – Coordination of the FEPA Flags for the FEPA Exhibitions.
Bojan Bračič: Slovenia 2019, Plovdiv, Verona (Peter Suhadolc)
Birthe King: Nordia
Jose Ramon Moreno: Juvenia, Atlantic-Alpe Adria, Exfilna, FEPA Congress
Ari Muhonen: Nordia
Alfred Kunz: Ӧvebria, Multilaterale
12 – FEPA Congress and Elections of part of the Board at “MonacoPhil 2019”
At the next FEPA Congress part of the FEPA Board be change: President and Secretary can’t be candidates having finished their terms. It is also on election one Director. So, we are looking for the candidates for mentioned positions. FEPA members are welcome to send proposals to the FEPA secretary till the 29th of August (three months prior to the next Congress) at the latest.
All FEPA members will be informed of the details for the elections by e-mail, by the FEPA Website and in the printed magazine “FEPA News”.
13 – Next Year Board Meeting
Will be decided after the election of new FEPA Board members
14 – Any other matters
The Portuguese Philatelic Federation sent comments to the Regulation for Picture Postcards Exhibits.
As regulations was adopted from FIP short time ago, we recommended to wait a little with such comments.
Have been received a kind request for FEPA Recognition of an International Exhibition, from a member of another Continental Federation. According to the FEPA FREGEX, FEPA can give recognition, support or patronage only to its members. FEPA President will send mentioned explanation to the federation non FEPA member that asked for the FEPA Recognition.
Bojan Bračič
FEPA Secretary
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Pedro Vaz Pereira, President of the Portufuese Federation of Philately and Mr. Rui Alves, member of the PFP Board meet the members of the FEPA Board