Michael ADLER, the former president of the BDPh passes away, aged 85, after a perennial suffering, at the 16th of February 2017. He advertised the Federation of German Philately during the last decennium of the twentieth century, national as well as international. During his mandate 1988 to 1991 as vice president and afterwards till 2001 as president the “house of philately and postal history” was built in Bonn and launched 1998. One of his hugest results was the international exhibition IBRA 1999 in Nürnberg with more than 125.000 visitors.
Michael Adler was a member and worked in countless clubs, working groups and federations. In the FEPA, he was vice president 1992 to 1994 and chairman from 1994 to 1995, after 2001 also vice president. In the FIP he was elected as a board member from 1994 till 2002. A special engagement he had in the “Philatelic Association of Bavaria” as well as in the philatelic academy of Bavaria, here he resurrected the organization.
As accurate as his engagement were his distinctions and awards he received. Long service medal from the regional association of Bavaria, Richard-Renner medal for the exemplary work in the German philately, Hessheimer medal from the Austrian Federation (VÖPh), the golden badge of honor from the Austrian federation for the reward about the Austrian philately, Jan Witkowski medal for the reward of the Polish philately, the Cross of Merit on ribbon from the Federal Republic of Germany, medal for service from the FIP, large gold medal from the German Federation (BDPh), FEPA award for outstanding merit in the philately – this are only some of them he got during his philatelic life.
Nearby all this activities Michael Adler found also time for collecting. This passion guarded him until the age of 8. His favorites were: Russia (postal marks from St. Peterburg), Czechoslovakia with k.u.k. pre-philately, Sudeten German region, Bohemia and Moravia, Lithonia, partly also Finland with pre-philately and additional the thematic theme about Rotary.
A short time after his appointment into the Consilium Philatelicum, November 2012, Michael Adler become badly ill. Who has known this most agile philatelist can imagine this big stroke of fate.
We express one’s condolence to his family and will never forget our philatelic paradigm
Michael ADLER verstorben –
Ein großer Verlust für die Philatelie!
Michael ADLER, der frühere Präsident des BDPh verstarb am 16. Februar 2017, nach mehrjährigem Leiden im 85. Lebensjahr. Er hatte im letzten Jahrzehnt des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, den Bund Deutscher Philatelisten national sowie international bekannt gemacht. Während seiner Amtszeit 1988 – 1991 als Vizepräsident und danach bis 2001 als Präsident wurde auch das Haus der Philatelie und Postgeschichte 1998 in Bonn gebaut und in Betrieb genommen. Einer seiner größten philatelistischen Ergebnisse war die internationale Ausstellung IBRA ’99 in Nürnberg, bei der fast 125.000 Besucher gezählt wurden.
Michael ADLER war in unzähligen Vereinen, Arbeitsgemeinschaften und Verbänden tätig. In der FEPA war er von 1992 – 1994 Vizepräsident und von 1994 – 1995 Vorsitzender, ab 2001 wieder Vizepräsident. In der FIP wurde er zum Vorstandsmitglied gewählt und war dort von 1994 – 2002 tätig. Besonders rege war er auch im Bayerischen Philatelistenverband sowie auch in der Philatelistischen Akademie Bayern e.V., die er wieder zum Leben erweckte.
Genau so umfangreich wie sein Engagement waren seine Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen, die ihm zuteilwurden: Verdienstmedaille des LV Bayern, Richard-Renner-Medaille für beispielhaftes Wirken in der deutschen Philatelie, Hessheimer-Medaille des VÖPh, Goldene Ehrennadel des VÖPh für Verdienste um die österreichische Philatelie, Jan Witkowski-Medaille für Verdienste um die polnische Philatelie, Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Medal for Service der FIP, Große Goldmedaille des BDPh, FEPA-Medaille für außergewöhnliche Verdienste um die Philatelie sind nur ein Auszug aus all den Anerkennungen.
Neben all diesen Aktivitäten fand Michael ADLER auch noch Zeit zum Sammeln. Diese Leidenschaft begleitete ihn seit seinem 8. Lebensjahr. Zu seinen Vorlieben gehörten: Russland (Poststempel von St. Petersburg), Tschechoslowakei mit k.u.k. Vorphila, Sudetenland, Böhmen und Mähren, Litauen, zeitweise auch Finnland mit Vorphila und als Draufgabe auch eine thematische Sammlung über „Rotary“.
Kurz nach seiner Berufung ins Consilium Philatelicum im November 2012 erkrankte Michael ADLER schwer. Wer den äußerst agilen Philatelisten näher kannte, kann wohl erahnen, wie schwer ihn dieser Schicksalsschlag traf.
Ein aufrichtiges Beileid an die Angehörigen – wir werden unser philatelistisches Vorbild nie vergessen.
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Michael-Adler.jpg284371José Ramón Morenohttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngJosé Ramón Moreno2017-06-05 15:25:492017-11-02 21:27:35Michael Adler deceased – A huge loss for philately
Jean Voruz, celebrating his victory at the FINLANDIA 2017 Grand Prix
The Jury of FINLANDIA 2017
The beautiful medal of FINLANDIA 2017
The National Commissioners of FINLANDIA 2017
380 persons attended the Award Ceremony “Palmares”
Jean Voruz with his exhibit “Geneva Postal Services 1839–1862” won the FINLANDIA 2017 FEPA Grand Prix Class. The other Grand Prix were the Grand Prix International, for Joseph Hackmey with “Classic Romania” and the Grand Prix National for Erkki Toivakka with “Finland 1856–1875”.
Other Large Gold Medals in the Competition Classes were for:
Gregory Frantz: Steamship Companies and Their Stamps USA TR 95
Jan-Olof Ljungh: From N.D.P. -U.P.U. German items sent to Oversea’s Destinations 1.1.1868 –1.7.1875 Sweden PH 95
Gerald Heschl: Austria – Papal States 1815–1859 Austria PH 95
Adriano Bergamini: The Austrian Post in Hungary 1850–1867 Switzerland PH 95 + SP (Material)
Ramón Cortés De Haro: Madrid 1561–1856 Royal Post And Public Correspondence Spain PH 95 + SP (Material)
Juha Kauppinen: Forwarding Mail from and inside Ethiopia prior to UPU entry 1908 Finland PH 95 + SP (Material)
Michel Meuwis: Teach me the French Literature Belgium TH 95 + SP (Treatment)
Jean Frick: L’acoustique France TH 95 + SP (Knowledge)
Jeanette Banfield: Medicine – Its History and Development United Kingdom OP 95 + SP (Treatment)
Alan Huggins: The Mulready Postal Stationery United Kingdom LI 95
J. L. C. M Tschroots: Luchtvaart en Luchtpost Encyclopedie deel 2 Netherlands LI 95
Edifil, S.A.: Specialized Catalog of Spain stamps. Vols. I to V (1850–2016) Spain LI 95
Gunnar Lithen: Facit Special Classic 2017 Sweden LI 95
Michael Kramarenko: Ukraine. Comprehensive specialized stamp catalogue 1866–2012.
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/finlandia-lordag-170528-pb-palmares-49-grand-prix_0.jpg719992José Ramón Morenohttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngJosé Ramón Moreno2017-05-29 15:37:422017-11-02 21:30:33JEAN VORUZ, WINNER OF THE FINLANDIA 2017 FEPA GRAND PRIX CLASS
Michael Adler deceased – A huge loss for philately
Michael ADLER deceased –
Michael ADLER verstorben –
NORDIA 2017: Another FEPA exciting exhibition is coming !
Learn more about visiting Vejle at: www.visitvejle.com
Nordia Website: www.nordia2017.dk
Jean Voruz, celebrating his victory at the FINLANDIA 2017 Grand Prix
The Jury of FINLANDIA 2017
The beautiful medal of FINLANDIA 2017
The National Commissioners of FINLANDIA 2017
380 persons attended the Award Ceremony “Palmares”
Jean Voruz with his exhibit “Geneva Postal Services 1839–1862” won the FINLANDIA 2017 FEPA Grand Prix Class. The other Grand Prix were the Grand Prix International, for Joseph Hackmey with “Classic Romania” and the Grand Prix National for Erkki Toivakka with “Finland 1856–1875”.
Other Large Gold Medals in the Competition Classes were for:
Gregory Frantz: Steamship Companies and Their Stamps USA TR 95
Jan-Olof Ljungh: From N.D.P. -U.P.U. German items sent to Oversea’s Destinations 1.1.1868 –1.7.1875 Sweden PH 95
Gerald Heschl: Austria – Papal States 1815–1859 Austria PH 95
Adriano Bergamini: The Austrian Post in Hungary 1850–1867 Switzerland PH 95 + SP (Material)
Ramón Cortés De Haro: Madrid 1561–1856 Royal Post And Public Correspondence Spain PH 95 + SP (Material)
Juha Kauppinen: Forwarding Mail from and inside Ethiopia prior to UPU entry 1908 Finland PH 95 + SP (Material)
Michel Meuwis: Teach me the French Literature Belgium TH 95 + SP (Treatment)
Jean Frick: L’acoustique France TH 95 + SP (Knowledge)
Jeanette Banfield: Medicine – Its History and Development United Kingdom OP 95 + SP (Treatment)
Alan Huggins: The Mulready Postal Stationery United Kingdom LI 95
J. L. C. M Tschroots: Luchtvaart en Luchtpost Encyclopedie deel 2 Netherlands LI 95
Edifil, S.A.: Specialized Catalog of Spain stamps. Vols. I to V (1850–2016) Spain LI 95
Gunnar Lithen: Facit Special Classic 2017 Sweden LI 95
Michael Kramarenko: Ukraine. Comprehensive specialized stamp catalogue 1866–2012.
The whole Palmares: https://www.finlandia2017.fi/program/palmares.