Continuing his extraordinary support of Philately, H.M. King Simeon II of Bulgaria validated the commemorative Postal Stationery issued on ocassion of the Exhibition “VELIKO TARNOVO 2015”, during its opening ceremony on November 5th 2015.
The King, who is Honorary President of the Union of Bulgarian Philatelist went to the city of Veliko Tarnovo, 280 Kms North of Sofia to meet and to stay with the Chairman of the Bulgarian Federation, Mr. Spas Panchev and with all the numerous collectors and visitors of the National Bulgarian Exhibition.é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-11-07 12:03:122017-11-07 21:26:45OUTSTANDING SUPPORT TO PHILATELY FROM H.M. KING SIMEON OF BULGARIA
Left Photo: Opening ceremony of National Philatelic Exhibition of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” with international participation on tower of Castle Trakoscan. Right: Grand Prix award ceremony. From left to right: Mr. Dino Muric (president of Club of Young Philatelists “Trakoscan”), Mrs. Stasa Bracic, Mr. Tihomir Bilandzic (president of Croatian Philatelic Federation)
That postage stamps are not just a hobby, but also an object of acquiring knowledge and education, 10th School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” has also proven this year. The Organizer of 10th School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” is Club of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN” with support of Varazdin County, Municipality of Bednja, Castle Trakoscan, City of Lepoglava, Croatian Post, Croatian Philatelic Federation, ZRINSKI d.d. and Croatian Post Mostar, as well as numerous sponsors.
The three-day philatelic event began on Friday, October 9th 2015 on tower of Castle Trakoscan with the opening ceremony of National Philatelic Exhibition of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” with international participation. At the same time, presented was retrospective exhibition of photographs which have shown the work of young philatelists through last nine years. Opening ceremony, in which, except participants from Croatia were also present participants from Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary, was attended by numerous guests from cultural and public life of Varazdin County and beyond. The most emotional part of the ceremony was the part where ‘12 enthusiasts’ (people who contributed the most) received their plaques for their contribution in 10 years of School of Young Philatelists. Most festive part was the part when School of Young Philatelists was named Educational Center of Youth Philately in Croatia. Decision about proclamation was read by president of Croatian Philatelic Federation, Mr. Tihomir Bilandzic. On behalf of ’12 enthusiasts’ former vice president of Croatian Parliament, Mr. Ivan Jarnjak and representative of Croatian Post, Mrs. Stela Prislan-Fujs, Ph.D. have addressed themselves to the crowd. Exhibition was opened by the Deputy Governor of Varazdin County, Mr. Alen Kisic. The ceremony began and ended with sounds of the band “Kavaliri” and “Kaliope”, who wished: “Let the whole world becomes as fairy tale!”
Left Photo: Opening ceremony of X. School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015”. Right: Opening was attended by about 200 children and young people with their mentors
In the gallery of Castle Trakoscan an exhibition in total of 80 frames was opened with exhibits from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia. The Jury examined a total of 42 exhibits and results were as follows: 1 gold medal, 7 gold plated medals, 8 silver medals, 4 silver plated medals, 20 bronze medals and 5 diplomas for participation. Grand Prix was awarded to Philatelic Club of Elementary School Žalec for exhibit “OMG, what a day!”, while Grand Prix National went to Elementary School Benkovo for exhibit “Town Pregrada”. Some special prizes were also awarded, and to the following exhibitors: Ana Smuđ for the exhibit “Animal geography”, Elementary school Belec for exhibit “Red Riding Hood in Zagorje”, Philatelic Club of Elementary School Celje for exhibit “My working day” and Philatelic Club of Elementary School Prebold for exhibit “From morning till night, new adventures”.
Workshop of “Advanced” and “Experts” groups
On Saturday, October 10th, Trakoscan story continued with official opening ceremony of the jubilee of X. School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015”. The opening was attended by about 200 children and young people with their mentors from across the Varazdin County, Krapina-Zagorje County and from Republic of Slovenia. With Mrs. Marija Kolacko – the initiator of School of Young Philatelists, participants and guests were addressed by the Major of Bednja Mr. Mirko Bistrovic, president of the Croatian Philatelic Federation Mr. Tihomir Bilandzic, president of Club of Young Phialtelists Mr. Dino Muric and representative of Croatian Post Mrs. Drazenka Zagorec who pointed out that this year Croatian Post marked this Anniversary by issuing a commemorative postcard that will be in use in regular postal service. Commemorative issues that accompany this year’s event in Trakoscan were also presented: two commemorative envelopes and three postal marks. Special form of post transfer was presented to all participants, post was transferred by carriage on relation Trakoscan – Lepoglava.
Left Photo: Young participant sending his letter from Trakoscan. Right: Special form of post transfer, by carriage
10th School of Young Philatelists was conceived as a philatelic event at national level with international participation. Concept is based on an educational program with a view that children through postage stamps learn about national, historical, cultural, and natural heritage. Children – participants (from 6 till 18 years) in this way explore their homeland and countries of Europe and the world, meet new friends, change their cultural habits, worldviews and system of true values. Participants were divided into 4 groups, depending on the degree of knowledge of philately: Preschool age, Beginners, Advanced and Experts.
Left Photo: Millennium photo by Sime Strikoman. Right: Birthday cake to celebrate the Anniversary of 10th School of Young Philatelists
A numerous accompanying activities were also prepared and presented to participants. On the occasion of ten-year jubilee a Millennium photo by Sime Strikoman was taken. Participants formed a postage stamp sized 25×25 meters, with jubilee number 10 in the middle. Three day event ended on Sunday morning with a roundtable about the future of youth philately in Croatia.
DINO MURIĆé Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-11-04 12:07:562017-11-07 21:34:08Trakoscan, Educational Center of Youth Philately in Croatia
A new Board has been elected at the „Verband Österreichischer Philatelisten-Vereine“, the Austrian Philatelic Federation, for the period October 2015- September 2019
Alfred KUNZ Horst HORIN Friedrich PÖLZ Erich BÖCK Jaromir MATEJKA
Wolfgang Sybille Peter Wolfgang Christoph
President (new): Helmut KOGLER
Vice President: Alfred KUNZ
Treasurer: Horst HORIN
Deputy Treasurer: Friedrich PÖLZ
Secretary (new): Erich BÖCK
Deputy Secretary (new): Jaromir MATEJKA
Exhibition (new): Wolfgang SCHUBERT
Youth: Sybille PUDEK
Finance: Peter RIEDL
Total Philately: Wolfgang WEIGEL
Legal Representative: Christoph WIESINGER
Congratulations and best wishes for success !é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-10-28 12:20:432017-11-07 21:38:06New Federation Board in AUSTRIA. President: Helmut KOGLER
Continuing his extraordinary support of Philately, H.M. King Simeon II of Bulgaria validated the commemorative Postal Stationery issued on ocassion of the Exhibition “VELIKO TARNOVO 2015”, during its opening ceremony on November 5th 2015.
The King, who is Honorary President of the Union of Bulgarian Philatelist went to the city of Veliko Tarnovo, 280 Kms North of Sofia to meet and to stay with the Chairman of the Bulgarian Federation, Mr. Spas Panchev and with all the numerous collectors and visitors of the National Bulgarian Exhibition.
Trakoscan, Educational Center of Youth Philately in Croatia
Education through stamps „Trakoscan story“
Left Photo: Opening ceremony of National Philatelic Exhibition of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” with international participation on tower of Castle Trakoscan. Right: Grand Prix award ceremony. From left to right: Mr. Dino Muric (president of Club of Young Philatelists “Trakoscan”), Mrs. Stasa Bracic, Mr. Tihomir Bilandzic (president of Croatian Philatelic Federation)
That postage stamps are not just a hobby, but also an object of acquiring knowledge and education, 10th School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” has also proven this year. The Organizer of 10th School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” is Club of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN” with support of Varazdin County, Municipality of Bednja, Castle Trakoscan, City of Lepoglava, Croatian Post, Croatian Philatelic Federation, ZRINSKI d.d. and Croatian Post Mostar, as well as numerous sponsors.
The three-day philatelic event began on Friday, October 9th 2015 on tower of Castle Trakoscan with the opening ceremony of National Philatelic Exhibition of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015” with international participation. At the same time, presented was retrospective exhibition of photographs which have shown the work of young philatelists through last nine years. Opening ceremony, in which, except participants from Croatia were also present participants from Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary, was attended by numerous guests from cultural and public life of Varazdin County and beyond. The most emotional part of the ceremony was the part where ‘12 enthusiasts’ (people who contributed the most) received their plaques for their contribution in 10 years of School of Young Philatelists. Most festive part was the part when School of Young Philatelists was named Educational Center of Youth Philately in Croatia. Decision about proclamation was read by president of Croatian Philatelic Federation, Mr. Tihomir Bilandzic. On behalf of ’12 enthusiasts’ former vice president of Croatian Parliament, Mr. Ivan Jarnjak and representative of Croatian Post, Mrs. Stela Prislan-Fujs, Ph.D. have addressed themselves to the crowd. Exhibition was opened by the Deputy Governor of Varazdin County, Mr. Alen Kisic. The ceremony began and ended with sounds of the band “Kavaliri” and “Kaliope”, who wished: “Let the whole world becomes as fairy tale!”
Left Photo: Opening ceremony of X. School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015”. Right: Opening was attended by about 200 children and young people with their mentors
In the gallery of Castle Trakoscan an exhibition in total of 80 frames was opened with exhibits from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia. The Jury examined a total of 42 exhibits and results were as follows: 1 gold medal, 7 gold plated medals, 8 silver medals, 4 silver plated medals, 20 bronze medals and 5 diplomas for participation. Grand Prix was awarded to Philatelic Club of Elementary School Žalec for exhibit “OMG, what a day!”, while Grand Prix National went to Elementary School Benkovo for exhibit “Town Pregrada”. Some special prizes were also awarded, and to the following exhibitors: Ana Smuđ for the exhibit “Animal geography”, Elementary school Belec for exhibit “Red Riding Hood in Zagorje”, Philatelic Club of Elementary School Celje for exhibit “My working day” and Philatelic Club of Elementary School Prebold for exhibit “From morning till night, new adventures”.
Workshop of “Advanced” and “Experts” groups
On Saturday, October 10th, Trakoscan story continued with official opening ceremony of the jubilee of X. School of Young Philatelists “TRAKOSCAN 2015”. The opening was attended by about 200 children and young people with their mentors from across the Varazdin County, Krapina-Zagorje County and from Republic of Slovenia. With Mrs. Marija Kolacko – the initiator of School of Young Philatelists, participants and guests were addressed by the Major of Bednja Mr. Mirko Bistrovic, president of the Croatian Philatelic Federation Mr. Tihomir Bilandzic, president of Club of Young Phialtelists Mr. Dino Muric and representative of Croatian Post Mrs. Drazenka Zagorec who pointed out that this year Croatian Post marked this Anniversary by issuing a commemorative postcard that will be in use in regular postal service. Commemorative issues that accompany this year’s event in Trakoscan were also presented: two commemorative envelopes and three postal marks. Special form of post transfer was presented to all participants, post was transferred by carriage on relation Trakoscan – Lepoglava.
Left Photo: Young participant sending his letter from Trakoscan. Right: Special form of post transfer, by carriage
10th School of Young Philatelists was conceived as a philatelic event at national level with international participation. Concept is based on an educational program with a view that children through postage stamps learn about national, historical, cultural, and natural heritage. Children – participants (from 6 till 18 years) in this way explore their homeland and countries of Europe and the world, meet new friends, change their cultural habits, worldviews and system of true values. Participants were divided into 4 groups, depending on the degree of knowledge of philately: Preschool age, Beginners, Advanced and Experts.
Left Photo: Millennium photo by Sime Strikoman. Right: Birthday cake to celebrate the Anniversary of 10th School of Young Philatelists
A numerous accompanying activities were also prepared and presented to participants. On the occasion of ten-year jubilee a Millennium photo by Sime Strikoman was taken. Participants formed a postage stamp sized 25×25 meters, with jubilee number 10 in the middle. Three day event ended on Sunday morning with a roundtable about the future of youth philately in Croatia.
New Federation Board in AUSTRIA. President: Helmut KOGLER
A new Board has been elected at the „Verband Österreichischer Philatelisten-Vereine“, the Austrian Philatelic Federation, for the period October 2015- September 2019
Alfred KUNZ Horst HORIN Friedrich PÖLZ Erich BÖCK Jaromir MATEJKA
Wolfgang Sybille Peter Wolfgang Christoph
Legal Representative: Christoph WIESINGER
Congratulations and best wishes for success !