Palmares / Official Dinner, Saturday, 14th of November 2015, 21:00 at Amalia Hotel. Price for the dinner: € 35,00 – buffet!– delegates, officials, commissioners and jury will be invited. Other interested in attending the Palmares, please ask for reservation to NOTOS 2015 e-mail:
Newsletter no. 7
31 August 2015
FEPA Consultant visits Athens: FEPA Consultant visits Athens: Alfred Kunz, member of FEPA Board, its current Treasurer, and appointed FEPA Consultant in NOTOS 2015, concluded his three-day visit to Athens (1-3 July). Accompanied by George Sparis, OC President, and by other OC members, he was updated on all aspects of the preparation of the exhibition and inspected the exhibition grounds. He also had the opportunity to stay at the Amalia Hotel Athens, the official hotel of the exhibition. On 2 July, at 7.30 pm, at the Hellenic Philotelic Society premises, the FEPA patronage agreement was signed between the three parties involved; FEPA, the Hellenic Philatelic Federation (the FEPA member) and the Hellenic Philotelic Society (NOTOS 2015 organizers).
Be part of it! There are many ways to be part of NOTOS 2015, even if you have not signed up as an exhibitor:
Be a volunteer and help on Wednesday 11 November during the mounting and on Sunday 15 November during the dismounting of the exhibits.
Be a sponsor through the Hermes Club and support a major philatelic exhibition, which is solely based on the financial resources of a philatelic society.
Be a visitor and come to Athens to enjoy the magic of a historic city, and naturally to the exhibition hall for a wide range of first class exhibits, among which a panorama of the European South.
Philatelic Literature Supplement: A rather useful Philatelic Literature Supplement with bibliographical details on every single handbook, catalogue or periodical that participates in NOTOS 2015 is already uploaded on the exhibition website:
Special Prizes: The OC thanks the national philatelic federations that have already announced their intention to offer a Special Prize to NOTOS 2015. These Special Prizes will be awarded by the International Jury to certain exhibits in appreciation of outstanding philatelic merit or exceptional material.
The situation in Greece: During the past few weeks, we received words of comfort and support on the financial turmoil of Greece from many of our friends from abroad. We appreciate your concern and thank you all very much. We assure everybody that all preparations are right on schedule and that NOTOS 2015 will take place exactly as planned.é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-09-05 12:52:362017-11-08 08:59:56NOTOS 2015 LATEST NEWS: Newsletter from the 31th of Augusté Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-08-25 12:53:322017-11-08 09:02:41JAN BERG FROM SWEDEN, WINNER OF THE GRAND PRIX D’HONNEUR AND JORGEN JORGENSEN FROM DENMARK, WINNER OF THE GRAND PRIX INTERNATIONAL IN “SINGAPORE 2015”
The recently published in digital version Bulletin 1 is plenty of interesting information.
The FEPA Board has unanimously agreed in granting the requested FEPA support to LUBRAPEX 2016.
In 2016 the Portuguese Federation of Philately will commemorate 50 years of LUBRAPEX Exhibitions between Portugal and Brazil. It is extraordinary to see how the FPF, Federação Portuguesa de Filatelia and the FEBRAF, Brasilian Philatelic Federation, have maintained over the decades the spirit born in Rio de Janeiro in1966.
For this outstanding Anniversary will also participate the Federations of Germany and Italy, in the beautiful city of Viana do Castelo, near Porto.
The “Federação Portuguesa de Filatelia” has demonstrated many times its high level of activity and efficiency, being the last, the memorable “PORTUGAL 2010”.
Again, the Federação Portuguesa de Filatelia goes into the international philately with LUBRAPEX 2016 !é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-08-21 12:54:472017-11-08 09:05:02NEW FEPA EXHIBITION IN PORTUGAL: LUBRAPEX 2016 GETS FEPA SUPPORT
NOTOS 2015 LATEST NEWS: Newsletter from the 31th of August
Palmares / Official Dinner, Saturday, 14th of November 2015, 21:00 at Amalia Hotel. Price for the dinner: € 35,00 – buffet!– delegates, officials, commissioners and jury will be invited. Other interested in attending the Palmares, please ask for reservation to NOTOS 2015 e-mail:
Newsletter no. 7
31 August 2015
FEPA Consultant visits Athens: FEPA Consultant visits Athens: Alfred Kunz, member of FEPA Board, its current Treasurer, and appointed FEPA Consultant in NOTOS 2015, concluded his three-day visit to Athens (1-3 July). Accompanied by George Sparis, OC President, and by other OC members, he was updated on all aspects of the preparation of the exhibition and inspected the exhibition grounds. He also had the opportunity to stay at the Amalia Hotel Athens, the official hotel of the exhibition. On 2 July, at 7.30 pm, at the Hellenic Philotelic Society premises, the FEPA patronage agreement was signed between the three parties involved; FEPA, the Hellenic Philatelic Federation (the FEPA member) and the Hellenic Philotelic Society (NOTOS 2015 organizers).
Be part of it! There are many ways to be part of NOTOS 2015, even if you have not signed up as an exhibitor:
Be a volunteer and help on Wednesday 11 November during the mounting and on Sunday 15 November during the dismounting of the exhibits.
Be a sponsor through the Hermes Club and support a major philatelic exhibition, which is solely based on the financial resources of a philatelic society.
Be a visitor and come to Athens to enjoy the magic of a historic city, and naturally to the exhibition hall for a wide range of first class exhibits, among which a panorama of the European South.
Philatelic Literature Supplement: A rather useful Philatelic Literature Supplement with bibliographical details on every single handbook, catalogue or periodical that participates in NOTOS 2015 is already uploaded on the exhibition website:
Special Prizes: The OC thanks the national philatelic federations that have already announced their intention to offer a Special Prize to NOTOS 2015. These Special Prizes will be awarded by the International Jury to certain exhibits in appreciation of outstanding philatelic merit or exceptional material.
The situation in Greece: During the past few weeks, we received words of comfort and support on the financial turmoil of Greece from many of our friends from abroad. We appreciate your concern and thank you all very much. We assure everybody that all preparations are right on schedule and that NOTOS 2015 will take place exactly as planned.
(available in pdf at
The Palmares can be downloaded here.
The recently published in digital version Bulletin 1 is plenty of interesting information.
The FEPA Board has unanimously agreed in granting the requested FEPA support to LUBRAPEX 2016.
In 2016 the Portuguese Federation of Philately will commemorate 50 years of LUBRAPEX Exhibitions between Portugal and Brazil. It is extraordinary to see how the FPF, Federação Portuguesa de Filatelia and the FEBRAF, Brasilian Philatelic Federation, have maintained over the decades the spirit born in Rio de Janeiro in1966.
For this outstanding Anniversary will also participate the Federations of Germany and Italy, in the beautiful city of Viana do Castelo, near Porto.
The “Federação Portuguesa de Filatelia” has demonstrated many times its high level of activity and efficiency, being the last, the memorable “PORTUGAL 2010”.
Again, the Federação Portuguesa de Filatelia goes into the international philately with LUBRAPEX 2016 !