On December 31th 2013 Fernando Aranaz voluntarily ended his time as President of FESOFI, although his last election did not end until 2015.
According to the Statutes of the Spanish Federation, the Vice-President, Miguel Angel García Fernandez becomes President.
Also according the Statutes the Board, at the proposal of the new President, has appointed provisionally Jose Pedro Gómez-Agüero as the new Vice President.
https://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Spanish-Federation_President.png266178José Ramón Morenohttps://fepanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/fepanews_logo-107x138-1.pngJosé Ramón Moreno2014-01-18 18:16:512017-11-14 16:17:28MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA FERNANDEZ, NEW PRESIDENT OF THE SPANISH FEDERATION
From the 5th to the 7th of December was celebrated MonacoPhil 2013. This edition was devoted to Sweden and to the Philatelic Literature.
The Chairman of the FIP Commission for Astrophilately, Igor Rodin, handed over H.S.H. the Prince Albert II a flown Space Mail letter for the Prince’s philatelic collection.
Photos: Sergey Rodin
Patrick Maselis, President of the Club of Monte-Carlo was responsible of the outstanding organisation.
From the 5th to the 7th of December was celebrated MonacoPhil 2013. This edition was devoted to Sweden and to the Philatelic Literature.
Photos: Sergey Rodin
The Chairman of the FIP Commission for Astrophilately, Igor Rodin, handed over H.S.H. the Prince Albert II a flown Space Mail letter for the Prince’s philatelic collection.
Patrick Maselis, President of the Club of Monte-Carlo was responsible of the outstanding organisation.
On December 31th 2013 Fernando Aranaz voluntarily ended his time as President of FESOFI, although his last election did not end until 2015.
According to the Statutes of the Spanish Federation, the Vice-President, Miguel Angel García Fernandez becomes President.
Also according the Statutes the Board, at the proposal of the new President, has appointed provisionally Jose Pedro Gómez-Agüero as the new Vice President.
MonacoPhil 2013
From the 5th to the 7th of December was celebrated MonacoPhil 2013. This edition was devoted to Sweden and to the Philatelic Literature.
The Chairman of the FIP Commission for Astrophilately, Igor Rodin, handed over H.S.H. the Prince Albert II a flown Space Mail letter for the Prince’s philatelic collection.
Photos: Sergey Rodin
Patrick Maselis, President of the Club of Monte-Carlo was responsible of the outstanding organisation.
MonacoPhil 2013
From the 5th to the 7th of December was celebrated MonacoPhil 2013. This edition was devoted to Sweden and to the Philatelic Literature.
Photos: Sergey Rodin
The Chairman of the FIP Commission for Astrophilately, Igor Rodin, handed over H.S.H. the Prince Albert II a flown Space Mail letter for the Prince’s philatelic collection.
Patrick Maselis, President of the Club of Monte-Carlo was responsible of the outstanding organisation.