New Board of the ZSF – Union of Philatelists of Slovakia
The names, represented region and responsibilities are:
Miroslav Ňaršík, president
(*) Ladislav Fekete, vice president (West Slovakia, regional associations agenda)
Miroslav Bachratý (Bratislava region, international cooperation, exhibition agenda)
(*) Josef Rančák (youth philately)
Jozef Vangel (Middle Slovakia, study groups)
Zdeněk Baliga (East Slovakia, publication affairs)
Miloš Teťuľa (philatelist clubs agenda)
(*) Are new elected members
The Board (from left to right): Mr. Fekete, Mr. Rančák, Mr. Teťuľa, Mr. Ňaršík, Mr. Vangel, Mr. Baliga and Mr. Bachratý.
Photo by Frantisek Divok
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