Peter Suhadolc elected President of the European Philatelic Academy (AEP)
At the Annual General Meeting of members of the European Philatelic Academy (Académie Européenne de Philatélie), which took place on Saturday, 27 May, in Essen, Germany, during the IBRA 2023 World Philatelic Exhibition, Peter Suhadolc was elected President. He succeeded Jean Voruz, under whose leadership he was responsible for preparing and publishing the Academy’s internal bulletin Trait d’Union. Jean Voruz presented him with the presidential tie upon his election.
Peter Suhadolc was accepted as a member of the academy in 2004 and, since then, has regularly attended the AEP meetings. Among the Academy’s activities is the annual publication of Opus magazine, for which he contributed an article about the Illyrian provinces some years ago.
[photo credit: Ben Nathaniel]