Presentation of the FEPA Certificate to Mr. Jeffrey Stone
From left to right: Jose Ramon Moreno, FEPA President; Jeffrey Stone, the awardee; Birthe King, FEPA Director and Yvonne Wheatley.
Taken advantage of the presence in Sweden for the Stockholmia 2019 of so many philatelists and following his wishes, Mr. Jeffrey Stone received there his Certificate as finalist to the FEPA Medal 2018 for Exceptional Philatelic Study and Research. Mr. Stone was awarded for the book “Agathon Faberge – Portrait of a Philatelist” that he wrote together with the late Mr. Kaj Hellman.
The cover page of the awarded book “Agathon Faberge – Portrait of a Philatelist”é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2019-06-19 08:27:012019-06-19 10:55:22Presentation of the FEPA Certificate to Mr. Jeffrey Stone