
FIP Maximaphily Commission Newletter March 2023
On 27th March, Pascal Bandry, Chairman of the FIP Maximaphily Commission, distributed the attached 24-page Newsletter focusing to Maximaphily news around the world and the 2021 Best Maximum Card competition. The Newsletter is published right…

At last: It is London time! 19-26 February
Newsletter No. 32 was out today (read it here) and Frank Walton promised that this is going to be the last one. In closing, he says he will be in London tomorrow hoping to see many old and new friends from all over the world very soon.

London 2022 announced a Covid-19 testing facility at the exhibition venue
"The Organising Committee of London 2022 has absolutely no intention of cancelling or postponing London 2022. The exhibition will go ahead from 19 to 26 February 2022." This statement followed by the announcement of the installation of a Covid-19…