
THAILAND 2023 World Stamp Championship winners
The THAILAND 2023 World Stamp Championship Palmares ceremony was held on Saturday evening, 1st December, at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers in Bangkok.
WSC Winner: Peng Hian Tay (Singapore), "Netherlands East Indies 1655-1870".

THAILAND 2023 WSC entry forms new deadline: 30th April
Following our earlier post on 20th February, we report that the deadline for THAILAND 2023 WSC entry forms has been extended until 30th April. In the meantime, the exhibition website is under construction at

THAILAND 2023 WSC entry forms deadline: 31st March
Jenwit Apichainunt, Commissioner General of THAILAND 2023 World Stamp Championship, officially announced the upcoming exhibition by inviting the national philatelic federations to appoint commissioners and return entry forms by 31st March.