
European Academy of Philately (AEP): A brand new website
The European Academy of Philately (AEP) has revitalised, improved, and modernised its bilingual (French, English) website. Data migration is still underway and is expected to be completed soon. Most entries in the Academy, Members, Publications,…

First ChatBot for Philately on!
Philately.Live has announced the first ChatBot for Philately. Droege Computing has announced the first AI-powered assistant!
"Phil", as he is known, has been trained on content derived from the 2,500 Philatelic websites that comprise the current…

FFAP launches revamped website
The French Philatelic Federation (Fédération Française des Associations Philatéliques, FFAP) has unveiled its revamped website, featuring a modern design, easy navigation, and a wealth of useful information; a true gem for philately enthusiasts.
You… is online!
Yesterday, we received the following message from is not another Philatelic web site, it is an AI Powered, next generation tool that will connect all collectors to all Philatelic organizations and resources worldwide.…

YouTube Channels: Now listed on the FEPA website
Get to know and stay tuned with the YouTube Channels on Philately. You will find a list on the FEPA website at Menu -> Resources -> YouTube Channels or at
The list will be continuously updated. Suggestions…

Archive of past Italian national exhibitions and exhibits
A complete archive of past Italian National Exhibitions since 2008 is uploaded on the Italian Federation (FSFI) website at
A very important part of the archive is the accumulation of the pdf files of all exhibits in each…

Latest FEPA Seminars have been uploaded on the website
The development of the FEPA website has become one of the Board's principal priorities. As an ongoing procedure, new pages are added from time to time and older pages are continuously updated in order to maintain a website worth visiting regularly.