The European Parliament Award of the AEP 2018 won by Chris King
The European Parliament Award of the AEP 2018 won by Chris King
Left photo: The member of the European Parliament Tomás Zdechovský (left) presented Chris King the “European Parliament Award” in Prague. Right photo: From left to right: Jean-François Logette (France), Serge Kahn (France), Rainer von Scharpen (Germany), Chris King (UK) and Tomáš Zdechovský (MEP Czech Republic)
Since 2016 the European Academy of Philately has created the European Parliament Award in agreement with this major European institution, which thus recognizes the relevance of the vision, missions and values of the European Academy of Philately.
The awardee must be an eminent European personality who has played a major role in European philately. He receives his award in the presence of a member of the European Parliament.
The awardees were:
2016 Carlo Giovanardi, Senator of the Italian Republic.
2017 Albert II Prince of Monaco
For 2018 the European Academy of Philately thought that Chris King perfectly fulfilled these European values with an outstanding philatelic career.
This is why this award was presented to him by Tomas Zdechovsky, a member of the European Parliament, at a moving reception at the Vinohrady National House in Prague during the PRAGA 2018 philatelic event.
View of attendants at the Award Ceremony held at the Vinohrady National House