‘MDR Sachsen-Anhalt heute’ visits the ‘Christmas bakery‘ in Pretzier
Dittmar Wöhlert from the Deutsche Philatelisten-Jugend e.V. sent us yesterday the following report:
On Saturday, 7 December, a television crew from the MDR programme ‘Sachsen-Anhalt heute’ visited the group lesson of the Pretzier Young…

The Royal Spanish Academy of Philately and Postal History
On Saturday 19 November, the Royal Spanish Academy of Philately and Postal History (Real Academia Hispánica de Filatelia e Historia Postal) held a major session at the National Mint Museum in Madrid. After the opening speech of Jesús Sitjà,…

Turkish Philatelic Academy workshops: A Postal Competition
From Mehmet Akan, President of Turkish Philatelic Academy, we received the following announcement:
The Ottoman Empire lasted over six centuries on three continents and was one of the greatest Empires in World history. Over 3,500 post offices…

Joint session of the French and the Belgian Philatelic Academies
On Saturday 9 April, in Hotel Amigo, Brussels, members of Académie royale de philatélie de Belgique and Académie de philatélie (Paris) met for a joint session.
Keynote speakers:
Jean-François Brun, "La troisième dimension"
Dominique Hardy,…