FEPA Medal for Exceptional Study and Research 2010
Patrick Maselis RDP (editor and co-author, Belgium)
for “Catalogue of MonacoPhil 2009”
Publisher: Club de Montecarlo – le Musée de Timbres et des Monnaies de Monaco
The co-authors of this research: Messrs Stes, Delbeke, Schouberects, Tavano, Huys, Kaiser, Van Pamel and Slabbinck will receive a Diploma.
Patrick Maselis, president of the Club de Monte-Carlo, is the initiator and editor of the outstanding catalogue of MonacoPhil 2009, a superbly presented set of six books covering for the first time important aspects of the Belgian philately with an outstanding depth of research. Such an accumulation of valuable philatelic information in a collective work shall not be easily surpassed in the years to come. The books are presented in a boxed set.