An enquiry last year from the Organising Committee of NOTOS 2021 to the Philatelic and Postal Museum in Athens has produced a wonderful result.
Since the 20 Lepta Large Hermes Head stamp was printed in 1861, the plate has been in a state of disrepair. 29 of the original 150 clichés are missing and the remaining 121 were loose. Thanks to the NOTOS enquiry, permission was granted to try to reconstruct the plate and the task was given to Stephanos Calliga, an expert in this field. He has now succeeded in re-creating an important artefact in Greek philately.
Details of this achievement, and of many other interesting developments, are at the website of the Hellenic Philatelic Society. The link is: Hedley Hedley2020-10-17 21:24:372020-10-17 21:24:37NOTOS 2021 spurs reconstruction of Large Hermes Head plate
First, the Bund Deutscher Philatelisten (BDPh) held a very successful Virtual NAPOSTA exhibition that ran through the month of September. Its main aim was to give exhibitors an opportunity to qualify for IBRA in Essen (now postponed until May 2023) and it was well supported with 64 exhibits entered and a good range of medals awarded. The exhibits can still be viewed on-line at the BDPh website. Go to this address:
Then the German Young Philatelists (DPhJ) held JuPhilA 2020 – including Team Championships, a foundation competition and a regional exhibition – in Mainz from 2-4 October 2020. The Team Championship trophy was won by a team that included participants from Sachsen-Anhalt and the South West. A Press Release was issued afterwards giving full details of the winners – to read it click on the attachment: 2020-10-09_Juphila_E
Coming back to its on-line seminar programme the BDPh has followed up its successful series of on-line seminars earlier this year by adding a second series of Zoom talks between October and December 2020. Once again these are open to all – you only need to register in advance with Eventbrite.
The first two lectures have already taken place but details of the lectures still to come with links to register are at: Hedley Hedley2020-10-17 19:58:352020-10-18 12:20:01German Exhibitions and Seminars come thick and fast
With great sadness we bring the news that Daniela Morolli, wife of FEPA Vice President Giancarlo Morolli and a well-known figure in international philately for many years, died on 16th October 2020 at the age of 75.
On behalf of the whole FEPA family the FEPA Board offers its deepest condolences to Giancarlo and to his family.
Further information is in the attached notice from Giancarlo.
NOTOS 2021 spurs reconstruction of Large Hermes Head plate
An enquiry last year from the Organising Committee of NOTOS 2021 to the Philatelic and Postal Museum in Athens has produced a wonderful result.
Since the 20 Lepta Large Hermes Head stamp was printed in 1861, the plate has been in a state of disrepair. 29 of the original 150 clichés are missing and the remaining 121 were loose. Thanks to the NOTOS enquiry, permission was granted to try to reconstruct the plate and the task was given to Stephanos Calliga, an expert in this field. He has now succeeded in re-creating an important artefact in Greek philately.
Details of this achievement, and of many other interesting developments, are at the website of the Hellenic Philatelic Society. The link is:
German Exhibitions and Seminars come thick and fast
Philatelic life is thriving in Germany.
First, the Bund Deutscher Philatelisten (BDPh) held a very successful Virtual NAPOSTA exhibition that ran through the month of September. Its main aim was to give exhibitors an opportunity to qualify for IBRA in Essen (now postponed until May 2023) and it was well supported with 64 exhibits entered and a good range of medals awarded. The exhibits can still be viewed on-line at the BDPh website. Go to this address:
Then the German Young Philatelists (DPhJ) held JuPhilA 2020 – including Team Championships, a foundation competition and a regional exhibition – in Mainz from 2-4 October 2020. The Team Championship trophy was won by a team that included participants from Sachsen-Anhalt and the South West. A Press Release was issued afterwards giving full details of the winners – to read it click on the attachment: 2020-10-09_Juphila_E
Coming back to its on-line seminar programme the BDPh has followed up its successful series of on-line seminars earlier this year by adding a second series of Zoom talks between October and December 2020. Once again these are open to all – you only need to register in advance with Eventbrite.
The first two lectures have already taken place but details of the lectures still to come with links to register are at:
If you missed any of the earlier seminars they can also be viewed at this link.
Daniela Morolli has passed away
With great sadness we bring the news that Daniela Morolli, wife of FEPA Vice President Giancarlo Morolli and a well-known figure in international philately for many years, died on 16th October 2020 at the age of 75.
On behalf of the whole FEPA family the FEPA Board offers its deepest condolences to Giancarlo and to his family.
Further information is in the attached notice from Giancarlo.
Requiescat in Pace.
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