Chris King, candidate to FIP President at next year elections, has developed a comprehensive Website named “Friends of FIP” which under the title “Reform the FIP”, includes areas as Time for a Change, Where’s the strategy, The Problem, The Congress, Google for FIP, FIP President 2018, FIP is important, Unhappy FIP and The Board, amongst others.
Every section is plenty of extremely interesting information, facts and comments.
The exhibition was very well organized and attractive. In parallel to the stamp exhibition was also shown in a special show witches, ghosts and vampire. A school choir sang besides the responsible songs. At the exhibition also, numerous stamp and picture postcard dealers from near and far, as well as the postal representatives from Austria, Germany and the United Nation.
From left to right: Dr. Anita Kern – designer of the stamp “Tag der Briefmarke”, Mag. Kogler – president of the Austrian federation, Richard Winkler – chairman of the philatelic club Hirtenberg, Mag. Gerlinde Scholler – Austrian Post, Productmanagement, Josef Balber – Deputy, Manfred Reithofer – Austrian Post, sales manager eastern Austria, Dr. Heinz Zimper – head of local government, Mag. Karin Scheele – Deputy, Alfred Kunz – FEPA board member, Karl Bandtner – major of Hirtenberg.
The opening ceremony regarding the 50th anniversary of the philatelic club and the FEPA exhibition was visited by a lot of notables. Nearby the major and his deputy came also some representatives from the Austrian policy, guests from the Austrian Post, the United Nations and of course from the Austrian philatelic board.
An additional highlight in the Austria philately, in thanks of the chairman Richard Winkler and the members of the 1st Triestingtaler Stamp Collectors Club Hirtenberg.
FEPA Board member, Alfred Kunz, handed over FEPA honorary certificate and special price to the organizer Richard Winkler.
ÖVEBRIA 2017 – Hirtenberg
Die Ausstellung war gut organisiert und sehr attraktiv. Parallel dazu wurden auch Hexen, Geister und Vampire in einer Sonderausstellung gezeigt. Ein Schülerchor sang dazu die entsprechenden Lieder. Neben zahlreichen Händlern aus nah und fern waren auch die Österreichische Post, die Deutsche Post und die Postverwaltung der Vereinten Nationen anwesend.
Die Eröffnungsfeier zum 50-jährigen Vereinsjubiläum und der FEPA Ausstellung war von zahlreicher Prominenz besetzt. Neben Bürgermeister und Stellvertreter kamen auch Abgeordnete der österreichischen Politik, die Vertreter der Post und der Uno sowie zahlreichen Mitglieder des österreichischen Verbandes.
Ein weiteres Highlight in der österreichischen Philatelie, dank des Obmannes Richard Winkler und den Mitgliedern des 1. Triestingtaler Briefmarken Sammlerverein Hirtenberg.
With a Palmares dinner attended by over 200 people finished the successful EXFILNA 2017 National Spanish with the participation as invited Federations of France and Hungary, with FEPA Recognition.
Amongst the 172 exhibits displayed over 840 frames, Mr. Alberto de León was the winner of the Exfilna 2017 Grand Prix. Mr. Luis Alemany won the Grand Prix of the Championship Class. Ramon Cortés de Haro won the Prix “José María Ortuondo” as the best Postal History exhibit. María Teresa Miralles received the “Antonio Castellano” Prix as the best Thematic, while the Hungarian Artúr Bánás wan the Prix of the Spanish Olympic Academy as the best Olympic ans Sports exhibit.
Left photo: Mr. Agustin Alberto de León receiving the Grand Prix “EXFILNA 2017” from the Director of Philately of the Spanish Post, Mr. Modesto Fraguas. Right Photo: The Hungarian Commissioner, Mr. Lövei György, receiving, in the name of Mr. Artúr Bánás, the Prix of the Spanish Olympic Academy from its General Secretary, Mr. Pablo Galán.
Left photo: The FEPA President Mr. José Ramón Moreno presented a FEPA Honorary Certificate to Mr. Gaizka Sola, President of the Organizing Committee of EXFILNA 2017. Right photo: Mr. José Ramón Moreno presented a FEPA Honorary plate to Mr. Miguel Ángel García, as President of the Spanish Federation – FESOFI
The Jury . From left: Estanislao Pan, Eduardo Escalada (Expert), Joan Isern, Juan Manuel Cerrato, José Ramón Moreno (Jury Honorary President), Michel Pedrero, France, (Jury Vice-President), Carlos Rodríguez, Gaizka Sola, President of the O.C. , Lövei György, Hungary, (Jury Vice-President), José Pedro Gómez-Agüero , Miguel Angel García , Fernando Aranaz (Jury President), José Antonio Arruego (Consultant), Juan Panés (Jury Secretary), and Arturo Ferrer.
The Commissioners. From left: Gaizka Sola, (President of the O.C), Ángel Iglesias (Asturias), Joan Isern (Catalonia), György Lővei (Hungary), Carlos Rodríguez (Canary Islands), Michel Pedrero (France), José Antonio Arruego (Consultant), Rafael Acuña (Andalucia and Extremadura), Andrés Ordóñez (Center). Not in the Picture Pedro Luis Revilla, Commissioner of Aragon, Rioja, Cantabria and Basque Country) and Felipe Téllez (Other collectibles).é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2017-10-18 21:40:292017-10-30 21:55:20The Spanish Agustin Alberto de León, Grand Prix of the FEPA Exhibition “EXFILNA 2017”
Chris King’s Website: Friends of the FIP
Reform the FIP
Chris King, candidate to FIP President at next year elections, has developed a comprehensive Website named “Friends of FIP” which under the title “Reform the FIP”, includes areas as Time for a Change, Where’s the strategy, The Problem, The Congress, Google for FIP, FIP President 2018, FIP is important, Unhappy FIP and The Board, amongst others.
Every section is plenty of extremely interesting information, facts and comments.
FEPA Exhibition ÖVEBRIA 2017 – Hirtenberg
The exhibition was very well organized and attractive. In parallel to the stamp exhibition was also shown in a special show witches, ghosts and vampire. A school choir sang besides the responsible songs. At the exhibition also, numerous stamp and picture postcard dealers from near and far, as well as the postal representatives from Austria, Germany and the United Nation.
From left to right: Dr. Anita Kern – designer of the stamp “Tag der Briefmarke”, Mag. Kogler – president of the Austrian federation, Richard Winkler – chairman of the philatelic club Hirtenberg, Mag. Gerlinde Scholler – Austrian Post, Productmanagement, Josef Balber – Deputy, Manfred Reithofer – Austrian Post, sales manager eastern Austria, Dr. Heinz Zimper – head of local government, Mag. Karin Scheele – Deputy, Alfred Kunz – FEPA board member, Karl Bandtner – major of Hirtenberg.
The opening ceremony regarding the 50th anniversary of the philatelic club and the FEPA exhibition was visited by a lot of notables. Nearby the major and his deputy came also some representatives from the Austrian policy, guests from the Austrian Post, the United Nations and of course from the Austrian philatelic board.
An additional highlight in the Austria philately, in thanks of the chairman Richard Winkler and the members of the 1st Triestingtaler Stamp Collectors Club Hirtenberg.
FEPA Board member, Alfred Kunz, handed over FEPA honorary certificate and special price to the organizer Richard Winkler.
ÖVEBRIA 2017 – Hirtenberg
Die Ausstellung war gut organisiert und sehr attraktiv. Parallel dazu wurden auch Hexen, Geister und Vampire in einer Sonderausstellung gezeigt. Ein Schülerchor sang dazu die entsprechenden Lieder. Neben zahlreichen Händlern aus nah und fern waren auch die Österreichische Post, die Deutsche Post und die Postverwaltung der Vereinten Nationen anwesend.
Die Eröffnungsfeier zum 50-jährigen Vereinsjubiläum und der FEPA Ausstellung war von zahlreicher Prominenz besetzt. Neben Bürgermeister und Stellvertreter kamen auch Abgeordnete der österreichischen Politik, die Vertreter der Post und der Uno sowie zahlreichen Mitglieder des österreichischen Verbandes.
Ein weiteres Highlight in der österreichischen Philatelie, dank des Obmannes Richard Winkler und den Mitgliedern des 1. Triestingtaler Briefmarken Sammlerverein Hirtenberg.
The Spanish Agustin Alberto de León, Grand Prix of the FEPA Exhibition “EXFILNA 2017”
With a Palmares dinner attended by over 200 people finished the successful EXFILNA 2017 National Spanish with the participation as invited Federations of France and Hungary, with FEPA Recognition.
Amongst the 172 exhibits displayed over 840 frames, Mr. Alberto de León was the winner of the Exfilna 2017 Grand Prix. Mr. Luis Alemany won the Grand Prix of the Championship Class. Ramon Cortés de Haro won the Prix “José María Ortuondo” as the best Postal History exhibit. María Teresa Miralles received the “Antonio Castellano” Prix as the best Thematic, while the Hungarian Artúr Bánás wan the Prix of the Spanish Olympic Academy as the best Olympic ans Sports exhibit.
Left photo: Mr. Agustin Alberto de León receiving the Grand Prix “EXFILNA 2017” from the Director of Philately of the Spanish Post, Mr. Modesto Fraguas. Right Photo: The Hungarian Commissioner, Mr. Lövei György, receiving, in the name of Mr. Artúr Bánás, the Prix of the Spanish Olympic Academy from its General Secretary, Mr. Pablo Galán.
Left photo: The FEPA President Mr. José Ramón Moreno presented a FEPA Honorary Certificate to Mr. Gaizka Sola, President of the Organizing Committee of EXFILNA 2017. Right photo: Mr. José Ramón Moreno presented a FEPA Honorary plate to Mr. Miguel Ángel García, as President of the Spanish Federation – FESOFI
The Jury . From left: Estanislao Pan, Eduardo Escalada (Expert), Joan Isern, Juan Manuel Cerrato, José Ramón Moreno (Jury Honorary President), Michel Pedrero, France, (Jury Vice-President), Carlos Rodríguez, Gaizka Sola, President of the O.C. , Lövei György, Hungary, (Jury Vice-President), José Pedro Gómez-Agüero , Miguel Angel García , Fernando Aranaz (Jury President), José Antonio Arruego (Consultant), Juan Panés (Jury Secretary), and Arturo Ferrer.
The Commissioners. From left: Gaizka Sola, (President of the O.C), Ángel Iglesias (Asturias), Joan Isern (Catalonia), György Lővei (Hungary), Carlos Rodríguez (Canary Islands), Michel Pedrero (France), José Antonio Arruego (Consultant), Rafael Acuña (Andalucia and Extremadura), Andrés Ordóñez (Center). Not in the Picture Pedro Luis Revilla, Commissioner of Aragon, Rioja, Cantabria and Basque Country) and Felipe Téllez (Other collectibles).