Shaking hands: G. Sparis, A. Kunz, P. Leoussis (2.7.2015)
Signing the FEPA patronage agreement: G. Sparis, President Hellenic Philotelic Society (HPS), A. Kunz, FEPA Consultant, P. Leoussis, President Hellenic Philotelic Federation (2.7.2015)
NOTOS 2015
12th – 15th of November 2015
International Philatelic Exhibition held at the
Peristeri Exhibition Centre, Dodekanisou 106, 12135 Peristeri, Greece
The exhibition:
– The exhibition Centre is lying inside of a park with parking places all around
4 halls with about 1.500 m², 2 of them using for the exhibition ð 3.000 m²
o Halls Δ (D) and Γ (C)
– between this 4 halls there is a foyer of about 625 m² used by:
o Hellenic Post
o Buffet / Bar
o Information desk from the OC
– In hall A or B there will be a room for the jury, possible to lock
– No room for the commissioner; if there are meetings necessary, they will be held in the official hotel
– the fourth hall is not occupied till now; possibly there could be another exhibition, not related to philately – that should be positive, because non philatelic visitors come to this place
The exhibition hall is sponsored by the municipality of Peristeri. The frames and the frame handling are sponsored by the Hellenic Post (ELTA).
No dealers! NOTOS OC is not allowed to sell whatever. If dealers want to come they have to go to the Peristeri Municipality or to the managers of the exhibition centre.
Size of the exhibition:
– 1100 frames in competition, 85 frames for the Champion Class and 72 frames out of competition
o about 16% national / 84% international
17% Traditional
45% Postal History
4% Postal Stationary
6% Thematic
8% Maximaphily
5% Youth
5% Open Class
10% all other classes (Aero, Astro, Revenue) and some exhibits being there from the exhibition, one week before
o 1-frame exhibits are included in the different classes
– 125 literature exhibits
OC members at the exhibition centre: Anthony Virvilis, President of the Jury, George Sparis, President of the O.C. and Lorenzo Chazapis, reponsible for hospitality (5.9.2014)
Exhibition classes are together with all the other; there are also some rest areas and a room for the literature (to take them and read)
A Greece restaurant is nearby the exhibition hall (2 min to walk) for the jury and of course for visitors – excellent Greece dishes (fish, pork, chicken, salads and vegetables) to a moderate price.
Commissioners, jurors and other official persons which arrive at the air port “El Venizelos”, will have support. 2 members of the OC and 2 – 4 volunteers will be there to help them in case of custom, transport, orientation, etc. Special papers for customs are prepared and will send to the commissioners.
If commissioners bring the exhibits by car, they have to organize customs by themselves.
If exhibits have to transport to the exhibition hall, cars / taxis will be available to do so. If no major transport is necessary, it could also be the bus or the metro; both of them arrive in a walking distance of less than 2 min.
Tickets between the airport and the hotel (both directions), as well as tickets between the hotel and the exhibition centre, will be provided by the OC.
No per diem for commissioners and jurors, as agreed.
No envelopes for the exhibits – commissioners have to us their own packaging material. Mounting of the exhibits by the OC in presence of the commissioner. After mounting and closing the frames, they will be photographed.
– 100 m far from the bus station coming from the airport
– 150 m far from the Metro Station to the exhibition hall, as well as to the airport
This hotel is lying in the middle of the city Athens, with a look to the houses of parliament and in front of the National Garden.
Walking distance to the Metro station “Syntagma” about 2 min. From this station you can go to:
– exhibition area “Line 2 – Metro red Line” about 13 min to “Anthoupoli” and then walk about 3 min to the exhibition center – Metro available during the day about all 5 min
– airport “Line 3 – Metro blue Line” about 45 min to the air port “El Venizelos” – every 30 min
All official peoples are booked in the “Amalia Hotel”- fee already paid, also visitors, if they want. At the website, there are also some other, possibly cheaper, hotels to book
o AIEP-meeting, Saturday, 14th of November 2015, from 14:00 – 17:00
o FEPA Board meeting, Saturday, 14th of November 2015, from 18:00 – 19:30
o Palmares / Official Dinner, Saturday, 14th of November 2015, 21:00
o FEPA Congress 2015, Sunday, 15th of November 2015, from 09:00 – 13:00
The Amalia Hotel has some possibilities to held meetings and congresses:
– for the meetings a smaller room with beamer, silver screen, flipchart, etc.
– for the congress a room for about 40 – 50 attendees, a podium for 6 peoples with micro, beamer and silver screen.
will be there, where the breakfast / restaurant is normally – place for more than 250 people (price for the dinner: € 25,00 – buffet!) – delegates, officials, commissioners and jury will be invited.
Newsletter no. 6 3 July 2015
Court of Honour:Three world class exhibits have accepted the invitation by the OC and will participate in NOTOS 2015 Court of Honour in November: (a) Joseph Hackmey’s “Classic France”, Grand Prix d’Exposition in Israel 2008, (b) Norbert Frenes’ “Postal history of Greece from 1861 to 1885”, Grand Prix d’Exposition in WIPA 2000, and (c) Stavros Andreadis’, “Kassandra – Large Hermes heads of Greece”, Grand Prix candidate in Portugal 2010.
The exhibits were announced:The lists of the participating exhibits by country, by class and per exhibitor are already uploaded on the exhibition website. 1172 exhibition frames and 125 Philatelic Literature exhibits in total.
The International Jury:Honorary President: José Ramón Moreno (Spain); President: Anthony Virvilis RDP (Greece); Vice President: Mario Mentaschi (Italy); Secretary: Jean Pierre Magne (France); Jurors: Boncho Bonev (Bulgaria), Nicos Rangos (Cyprus), Sherif Samra (Egypt), Eliahu Weber (Israel), Manuel Portocarrero (Portugal), Emanoil Savoiu (Romania), Zoran Stepanovic (Serbia), Peter Suhadolc (Slovenia), Ziya Ağaoğullari (Turkey), Alexandre Galinos (Greece), George Thomareis (Greece); Apprentices: Akis Christou (Cyprus), Alexios Papadopoulos (Greece); Expert Team: Jean François Brun RDP (France), Eduardo Escalada-Goicoechea (Spain), Neoklis Zafeirakopoulos (Greece).
The AIJP Representative:The AIJP, which has granted its patronage to NOTOS 2015, will be represented at the exhibition by one of its Vice-Presidents, Giancarlo Morolli RDP (Italy).
NOTOS 2015 in London:NOTOS 2015 visited London 2015 Europhilex and distributed a promotional leaflet to the exhibition visitors and standholders, at the FEPA stand, courtesy of the European Federation. This year, next to the London exhibition, NOTOS 2015 will be the second biggest philatelic event in Europe.
FEPA News journal:The front cover of FEPA News no. 27, which was just released, is full of Greece and NOTOS 2015, dedicated to the November exhibition and the annual FEPA Congress.é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-07-13 13:08:302017-11-08 09:17:36SIGNATURE OF THE CONTRACT OF FEPA PATRONAGE TO NOTOS 2015
Dear Frank
I was fortunate to be a Commissioner at the LONDON 2015 EUROPHILEX FEPA EXHIBITION, which I will never forget. In spite of the short duration of only four days, it was a great exhibition that all of us enjoyed with many different and interesting shows, duties, and activities. Thank you for the welcome arrangements at the airport and the nice hospitality at the hotel.
The day before the opening ceremony, I joined the volunteers’ team helping all day to mount the exhibits. On the last day I helped to dismount the exhibits. I was impressed by Tony Bosworth’s excellent experience and by the volunteers’ speed in mounting and dismounting the exhibits earlier even faster than expected. Fortunately the “lost” French exhibit, we were looking for, was found and presented very early the following day. The first and second day I enjoyed staffing FEPA’s stand, where I met many philatelic friends and hundreds of visitors. A FEPA research survey was carried out on the third day to find out the preferred way of numbering exhibition pages. The great majority of the exhibitors printed the page number in the bottom right hand corner or on the back. Almost no pages numbers could be seen. The FEPA board will consider what might be the best place.
The innovative aspect of London 2015 Europhilex, the European Championship for Thematic Philately held in Essen, Germany, on 7-9 May 2015, the great Business Design Centre in London, the security measures, the very efficient work in the Bin Room, the many high quality philatelic presentations by the European Philatelic Academy members (AEP) organised by Chris Hitchen and Peter Kelly, the presence of the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS), the many, many interesting philatelic seminars, the excellent and quick work of the Jury, the presence of and co-operation with the RPSL, PTS, AIJP, CSA, the Club of Monte Carlo, the Royal Mail, SPINK, Stanley Gibbons, Christoph Gärtner, Köhler and Corinphila, the over 100 smiling dealers and postal administrations, the 1400 frames of competitive exhibits, and a great number of visitors kept everyone happy up to the last minute. The Palmares reception in the Library at the Guildhall and the RPSL President’s dinner were enjoyed by all of the guests. The show was celebrating the 175th anniversary of the very first issue of the Penny Black but also the 125th anniversary of the London exhibition itself.
Dear Frank
I would like to express my personal warm congratulations and heartfelt thanks to you for your two years long hard voluntary work and the excellent preparation for LONDON 2015.
For the same reasons, I kindly ask you to convey my personal warm congratulations and heartfelt thanks to the Chairman of the Organising Committee Bill Hedley, to the Jury Chairman Francis Kiddle, to the Treasurer Nigel Gooch, and to all other OC members: Mike Smith, Ben Palmer, Martin Sands, Richard Stock, Peter Cockburn, Tony Bosworth, Richard West, Jon Aitchison, Graham Winters, Gavin Hardy, Brian Trotter, Chris King, Deborah Gooch, Werner Müller and Birthe King. All of you must be proud of the positive results of the excellent and successful exhibition LONDON 2015.
Usually, at all major international exhibitions the President and members of the Organising Committee rightly accept our recognition for the great contribution to the success of the exhibition.
However, I noticed that there was another group of highly skilled and experienced philatelists, who worked hard “behind the scenes”. They were the 90 volunteers, who silently, quickly, and efficiently were necessary in enabling LONDON 2015 to be run successfully. From mounting and dismounting the exhibits, to assisting stand-holders, and giving advice to visitors, it would not be possible to hold such an exhibition without their vital contribution.
Richard Stock, responsible for the activities of the volunteers, Tony Bosworth, responsible for the successful Floor Management, and Peter Cockburn, who carefully looked after the Bin Room, together with 90 volunteers must be also thanked and congratulated.
Dear Frank
Thank you again
Now you know how to organise a successful European exhibition without the financial underwriting of a postal administration.
With my friendly regards
Nicos Rangos
Dear Nicos
Thank you for your thoughtful comments – much appreciated.
I will forward it to the team.
Dear Nicos
I have seen your very kind letter to Frank about the show.
It was very good of you to name Tony, Peter and Richard, responsible for the mounting, the bin room, and the volunteers respectively.
No show happens without a large number of volunteers to work on the back office activities. There are also those dealing with the accountancy, the organiser’s office, the shop, and generally sweeping up problems, often without much recognition.
In the UK this is the only way that we can put on an exhibition. The only funds from the Post Office are from their stand fees.
I was pleased to see that you have seen how we do it with your own eyes. The only paid staff were those who put up the frames, and the hire of the hall includes the building of the dealer stands and security. We also paid for a small group to hand out material in the entrance, but that was it. We also get help from volunteers from around the world, including yourself!
The awards ceremony (and the RPSL dinner) also paid for themselves without subsidy, although Birthe managed to get sponsorship for the four seminars (£750 per seminar), and Stanley Gibbons paid £2500 to sponsor the opening ceremony. The frames were each sponsored both by a commercial auctioneer and by individual British philatelic societies.
We also had individual patrons who each put £250 into the event. The Americans ask for much more from a patron, but they have a different tradition.
I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the event, and we look forward to seeing you in Athens in the autumn.
Left to right: Eng. Khaled Negm Minister of Communication, Dr Nabil El Araby Arab League and Dr Sherif Samra President of the Philatelic Society of Egypt.
On 11-14 June 2015 the Philatelic Society of Egypt presented at the premises of the Arab League Building in Cairo, a four days successful show, the Second Continental Philatelic Exhibition to mark the 150th Anniversary of Egypt Post.
Egypt participated with 25 exhibits, Cyprus 6, UK 5, Saudi Arabia 5, Syria 1, Lebanon 1 and Iraq (1).
After the opening ceremony, three lectures were on the list of the 4 days programme. The first lecture “Egypt Post History through 150 years” was presented by the President of the Philatelic Society of Egypt Dr. Sherif Samra.
The second lecture “The Attractive World of Maximum Cards 1872-2014” was presented by Nicos Rangos and the third lecture “Features of Egypt’s History Through Stamps” was presented by Dr. Sherif Kerdany.
All three successful presentations attracted a large number of audiences of all kind of ages.
Left to right: Khaled Moustafa Secretary of the PSE,Raouf Ramsy Ghaly Treasurer of the PSE,Mohamed Yehia Board member,Dr. Sherif El Kerdani Board member, Alaa Masoud President of The Philatelic Society of Alexandria, Osama El Khayat Board member of Syrian Philatelic Society, Ali Labib President of Omlaty, Mariam Bayoumi, Raafat Milad Hannallah, Abdelrahman Yasser, Mohamed Ahmed Omar. In the centre Dr. Eng. Sherif Samra and Nicos Rangos, Amir Elmallah,Essam Saleh and many others participants.é Ramón Morenoé Ramón Moreno2015-06-28 13:12:132017-11-08 17:38:27Great progress of philately in Egypt: The Second Continental Philatelic Exhibition. Cairo 11-14 June 2015
Shaking hands: G. Sparis, A. Kunz, P. Leoussis (2.7.2015)
Signing the FEPA patronage agreement: G. Sparis, President Hellenic Philotelic Society (HPS), A. Kunz, FEPA Consultant, P. Leoussis, President Hellenic Philotelic Federation (2.7.2015)
NOTOS 2015
12th – 15th of November 2015
International Philatelic Exhibition held at the
Peristeri Exhibition Centre, Dodekanisou 106, 12135 Peristeri, Greece
The exhibition:
– The exhibition Centre is lying inside of a park with parking places all around
4 halls with about 1.500 m², 2 of them using for the exhibition ð 3.000 m²
o Halls Δ (D) and Γ (C)
– between this 4 halls there is a foyer of about 625 m² used by:
o Hellenic Post
o Buffet / Bar
o Information desk from the OC
– In hall A or B there will be a room for the jury, possible to lock
– No room for the commissioner; if there are meetings necessary, they will be held in the official hotel
– the fourth hall is not occupied till now; possibly there could be another exhibition, not related to philately – that should be positive, because non philatelic visitors come to this place
The exhibition hall is sponsored by the municipality of Peristeri. The frames and the frame handling are sponsored by the Hellenic Post (ELTA).
No dealers! NOTOS OC is not allowed to sell whatever. If dealers want to come they have to go to the Peristeri Municipality or to the managers of the exhibition centre.
Size of the exhibition:
– 1100 frames in competition, 85 frames for the Champion Class and 72 frames out of competition
o about 16% national / 84% international
o 1-frame exhibits are included in the different classes
– 125 literature exhibits
OC members at the exhibition centre: Anthony Virvilis, President of the Jury, George Sparis, President of the O.C. and Lorenzo Chazapis, reponsible for hospitality (5.9.2014)
Exhibition classes are together with all the other; there are also some rest areas and a room for the literature (to take them and read)
Newsletter no. 6
3 July 2015
Court of Honour: Three world class exhibits have accepted the invitation by the OC and will participate in NOTOS 2015 Court of Honour in November: (a) Joseph Hackmey’s “Classic France”, Grand Prix d’Exposition in Israel 2008, (b) Norbert Frenes’ “Postal history of Greece from 1861 to 1885”, Grand Prix d’Exposition in WIPA 2000, and (c) Stavros Andreadis’, “Kassandra – Large Hermes heads of Greece”, Grand Prix candidate in Portugal 2010.
The exhibits were announced: The lists of the participating exhibits by country, by class and per exhibitor are already uploaded on the exhibition website. 1172 exhibition frames and 125 Philatelic Literature exhibits in total.
The International Jury: Honorary President: José Ramón Moreno (Spain); President: Anthony Virvilis RDP (Greece); Vice President: Mario Mentaschi (Italy); Secretary: Jean Pierre Magne (France); Jurors: Boncho Bonev (Bulgaria), Nicos Rangos (Cyprus), Sherif Samra (Egypt), Eliahu Weber (Israel), Manuel Portocarrero (Portugal), Emanoil Savoiu (Romania), Zoran Stepanovic (Serbia), Peter Suhadolc (Slovenia), Ziya Ağaoğullari (Turkey), Alexandre Galinos (Greece), George Thomareis (Greece); Apprentices: Akis Christou (Cyprus), Alexios Papadopoulos (Greece); Expert Team: Jean François Brun RDP (France), Eduardo Escalada-Goicoechea (Spain), Neoklis Zafeirakopoulos (Greece).
The AIJP Representative: The AIJP, which has granted its patronage to NOTOS 2015, will be represented at the exhibition by one of its Vice-Presidents, Giancarlo Morolli RDP (Italy).
NOTOS 2015 in London: NOTOS 2015 visited London 2015 Europhilex and distributed a promotional leaflet to the exhibition visitors and standholders, at the FEPA stand, courtesy of the European Federation. This year, next to the London exhibition, NOTOS 2015 will be the second biggest philatelic event in Europe.
FEPA News journal: The front cover of FEPA News no. 27, which was just released, is full of Greece and NOTOS 2015, dedicated to the November exhibition and the annual FEPA Congress.
London 2015 Europhilex – a FEPA Exhibition
Letter to Frank Walton from Nicos Rangos
Nicosia 25.5.2015
Dear Frank
I was fortunate to be a Commissioner at the LONDON 2015 EUROPHILEX FEPA EXHIBITION, which I will never forget. In spite of the short duration of only four days, it was a great exhibition that all of us enjoyed with many different and interesting shows, duties, and activities. Thank you for the welcome arrangements at the airport and the nice hospitality at the hotel.
The day before the opening ceremony, I joined the volunteers’ team helping all day to mount the exhibits. On the last day I helped to dismount the exhibits. I was impressed by Tony Bosworth’s excellent experience and by the volunteers’ speed in mounting and dismounting the exhibits earlier even faster than expected. Fortunately the “lost” French exhibit, we were looking for, was found and presented very early the following day. The first and second day I enjoyed staffing FEPA’s stand, where I met many philatelic friends and hundreds of visitors. A FEPA research survey was carried out on the third day to find out the preferred way of numbering exhibition pages. The great majority of the exhibitors printed the page number in the bottom right hand corner or on the back. Almost no pages numbers could be seen. The FEPA board will consider what might be the best place.
The innovative aspect of London 2015 Europhilex, the European Championship for Thematic Philately held in Essen, Germany, on 7-9 May 2015, the great Business Design Centre in London, the security measures, the very efficient work in the Bin Room, the many high quality philatelic presentations by the European Philatelic Academy members (AEP) organised by Chris Hitchen and Peter Kelly, the presence of the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS), the many, many interesting philatelic seminars, the excellent and quick work of the Jury, the presence of and co-operation with the RPSL, PTS, AIJP, CSA, the Club of Monte Carlo, the Royal Mail, SPINK, Stanley Gibbons, Christoph Gärtner, Köhler and Corinphila, the over 100 smiling dealers and postal administrations, the 1400 frames of competitive exhibits, and a great number of visitors kept everyone happy up to the last minute. The Palmares reception in the Library at the Guildhall and the RPSL President’s dinner were enjoyed by all of the guests. The show was celebrating the 175th anniversary of the very first issue of the Penny Black but also the 125th anniversary of the London exhibition itself.
Dear Frank
I would like to express my personal warm congratulations and heartfelt thanks to you for your two years long hard voluntary work and the excellent preparation for LONDON 2015.
For the same reasons, I kindly ask you to convey my personal warm congratulations and heartfelt thanks to the Chairman of the Organising Committee Bill Hedley, to the Jury Chairman Francis Kiddle, to the Treasurer Nigel Gooch, and to all other OC members: Mike Smith, Ben Palmer, Martin Sands, Richard Stock, Peter Cockburn, Tony Bosworth, Richard West, Jon Aitchison, Graham Winters, Gavin Hardy, Brian Trotter, Chris King, Deborah Gooch, Werner Müller and Birthe King. All of you must be proud of the positive results of the excellent and successful exhibition LONDON 2015.
Usually, at all major international exhibitions the President and members of the Organising Committee rightly accept our recognition for the great contribution to the success of the exhibition.
However, I noticed that there was another group of highly skilled and experienced philatelists, who worked hard “behind the scenes”. They were the 90 volunteers, who silently, quickly, and efficiently were necessary in enabling LONDON 2015 to be run successfully. From mounting and dismounting the exhibits, to assisting stand-holders, and giving advice to visitors, it would not be possible to hold such an exhibition without their vital contribution.
Richard Stock, responsible for the activities of the volunteers, Tony Bosworth, responsible for the successful Floor Management, and Peter Cockburn, who carefully looked after the Bin Room, together with 90 volunteers must be also thanked and congratulated.
Dear Frank
Thank you again
Now you know how to organise a successful European exhibition without the financial underwriting of a postal administration.
With my friendly regards
Nicos Rangos
Dear Nicos
Thank you for your thoughtful comments – much appreciated.
I will forward it to the team.
Dear Nicos
I have seen your very kind letter to Frank about the show.
It was very good of you to name Tony, Peter and Richard, responsible for the mounting, the bin room, and the volunteers respectively.
No show happens without a large number of volunteers to work on the back office activities. There are also those dealing with the accountancy, the organiser’s office, the shop, and generally sweeping up problems, often without much recognition.
In the UK this is the only way that we can put on an exhibition. The only funds from the Post Office are from their stand fees.
I was pleased to see that you have seen how we do it with your own eyes. The only paid staff were those who put up the frames, and the hire of the hall includes the building of the dealer stands and security. We also paid for a small group to hand out material in the entrance, but that was it. We also get help from volunteers from around the world, including yourself!
The awards ceremony (and the RPSL dinner) also paid for themselves without subsidy, although Birthe managed to get sponsorship for the four seminars (£750 per seminar), and Stanley Gibbons paid £2500 to sponsor the opening ceremony. The frames were each sponsored both by a commercial auctioneer and by individual British philatelic societies.
We also had individual patrons who each put £250 into the event. The Americans ask for much more from a patron, but they have a different tradition.
I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the event, and we look forward to seeing you in Athens in the autumn.
With best wishes
Chris King
Nicos Rangos
Great progress of philately in Egypt: The Second Continental Philatelic Exhibition. Cairo 11-14 June 2015
CAIRO 11-14 JUNE 2015
Left to right: Eng. Khaled Negm Minister of Communication, Dr Nabil El Araby Arab League and Dr Sherif Samra President of the Philatelic Society of Egypt.
On 11-14 June 2015 the Philatelic Society of Egypt presented at the premises of the Arab League Building in Cairo, a four days successful show, the Second Continental Philatelic Exhibition to mark the 150th Anniversary of Egypt Post.
Egypt participated with 25 exhibits, Cyprus 6, UK 5, Saudi Arabia 5, Syria 1, Lebanon 1 and Iraq (1).
After the opening ceremony, three lectures were on the list of the 4 days programme. The first lecture “Egypt Post History through 150 years” was presented by the President of the Philatelic Society of Egypt Dr. Sherif Samra.
The second lecture “The Attractive World of Maximum Cards 1872-2014” was presented by Nicos Rangos and the third lecture “Features of Egypt’s History Through Stamps” was presented by Dr. Sherif Kerdany.
All three successful presentations attracted a large number of audiences of all kind of ages.
Left to right: Khaled Moustafa Secretary of the PSE,Raouf Ramsy Ghaly Treasurer of the PSE,Mohamed Yehia Board member,Dr. Sherif El Kerdani Board member, Alaa Masoud President of The Philatelic Society of Alexandria, Osama El Khayat Board member of Syrian Philatelic Society, Ali Labib President of Omlaty, Mariam Bayoumi, Raafat Milad Hannallah, Abdelrahman Yasser, Mohamed Ahmed Omar. In the centre Dr. Eng. Sherif Samra and Nicos Rangos, Amir Elmallah,Essam Saleh and many others participants.