The FEPA flag goes to Berlin for the jury seminar
The seminar will be organized by Bund Deutscher Philatelisten (BDPh), and the responsible person is Thomas Hoepfner, who is a BDPh board member. The main part, the training, will be about Postal History and Thematic Philately. Two high profile philatelists have agreed to lead the groups: Dr. Wolf Heß for Postal History and Vojtech Jankovic for Thematic Philately. Both will give keynote presentations.
The Postal History presentation will be on “Treatment and importance”, and one of the main questions that will be answered is the possible influence on other judging criteria. Another aspect will be to examine the reasons why there may be a disconnect between exhibitors and jurors when it comes to rating treatment and importance. In Thematic Philately the title of the presentation will be “How to judge innovation”, and this will be about the term itself and how innovation is part of the composition of an exhibit. In addition to that there will be an analysis how innovation is interwoven with other udging areas such as philatelic material.
To make the training as “real” as possible, there will be exhibits displayed in frames. The judging will be done in small teams, and afterwards the results will be consolidated and analysed. This will be the basis for in-depth discussions, and the target will be to identify critical areas and to find a common understanding regarding a fair and objective judging. Finally, there will be the chance to draw conclusions and – if that makes sense – agree on follow-up actions.
After the seminar, you will be able to read here its main results.