
Carnets de timbres dans l’air du temps
Through a collection of nearly 200 stamp booklets, posters, and original drawings, visitors are invited to wander among the different formats and messages of this object, reflecting the transformations of French society. The exhibition Stamp…

Mon paradis en carte postale
From the FFAP Facebook account today:
En amont du lancement de sa nouvelle exposition « Nouvelles du Paradis. Carte postale de vacances » le Musée de La Poste propose un jeu concours autour de la carte postale. Ce jeu démarre le 15 juin…

Legendary Marianne at the Musée de la Poste, Paris
"Marrianne, les visages de la République" is an exhibition at the Musée de la Poste, scheduled to remain open until September 2023. Marianne is a female figure which dates back into the years of the French Revolution, appears continuously…